
Instagram University 3.0 By Niklas Pedde

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Instagram University 3.0 By Niklas Pedde – Instant Download!

How To Build A Following On Instagram And Make Your First $1,000 With It

“Thanks to Niklas and the Instagram University I was able to make over $7,000! The course is easy to understand, simple to follow and Niklas gives you a proven step-by-step system. That’s just awesome!”

What is the Instagram University 3.0?

The Instagram University 3.0 is NOT just another online course that gives you access to a few random video lessons and that you only login once and then forget about.

The Instagram University 3.0 gives you access to an online platform and mobile app with 60+ video lessons in which you‘ll learn the exact strategies that my clients, business partners, students and I used to get millions of followers on Instagram and that we also used to make millions of dollars.

With it, you’ll have access to 3,5+ years of experience, you´ll know exactly how Instagram works, you’ll have a step-by-step blueprint that you can simply follow and use to build your own following on Instagram and you‘ll get access to battle tested and proven strategies that you can use to make your first $1,000 with Instagram.

With the Instagram University 3.0 you’ll:

  • Know exactly how Instagram works…
  • Have a step-by-step blueprint for massive success on Instagram…
  • Get thousands of likes, comments, story views and followers…
  • Get my brand new strategies that work in 2020 and 2021 which will get you 500+ followers per day…
  • Make your first $1,000 with your phone… (this works without having your own product, without having to show your face and with less than 1,000 followers)
  • Get the exact system that I used to generated over $1,000,000 in sales in 45 days with an Instagram account that has less than 15,000 followers…
  • And so much more…

Niklas is a professional and his results are not typical. You may make more, less or the same.





I Figured Out HOW Building a Following On Instagram Works, Moved To Dubai At 18 And Generated Over $1,000,000 In Sales In 45 Days…

Hi, I´m Niklas Pedde.

And for the first-time ever, I´m going to take you behind the scenes and reveal…

…HOW I generated over $1,000,000 in sales in 45 days with an Instagram account that has less than 15,000 followers and how you can use my “IPF Formula” to build a following on Instagram and make your first $1,000 online (even $100,000)…

Look: Everyone who´s making money online is using this formula…

People like Tai Lopez, Grant Cardone and Gary Vaynerchuk use it to make millions of dollars, but don´t talk about it… That´s the bad news!

The good news is that in just a moment I´m going to share with you how you can get the “IPF Formula” and how you can use it to build a following on Instagram and to make your first $1,000 online.

This strategy took me from begin a broke student who played computer games all day long and had no idea what he should do with his life to $100,000+ per month and I also use it to generate over $1,000,000 in sales in 45 days.

And $500,000+ in sales in 35 days!

And yeah, thanks to Instagram and the IPF Formula I now live the life of my dreams in beautiful Dubai, BUT Look… just 3 years ago I had no money in my bank account.

Literally no money.

I sat in front of my computer all day long until late in the night and played computer games and went to school totally tired. I was a shy kid and I didn´t have many friends in school…

The system wasn´t for me and I hated school…!!
I wanted to break out of the system and be my own boss. I didn´t want to work in a boring 9-5 my whole life long and be a slave of the system…

I wanted to make more out of my life!

And you know… at that point in my life I saw all these people from all around the world on Instagram travelling the world, visiting awesome places, driving cool cars and making money…

They really inspired me and I wanted to live the same lifestyle…

I had the dream to one day…:

  • Live where others go for holidays…
  • ​Be FREE and just do what I love…
  • Travel the world…
  • Make money doing what I love…
  • Be able to support my family & friends…
  • Live the life of my dreams.

And after school I also wanted to travel through Australia with a friend…

I wanted to stay in a cool house near the beach so that I can wake up, jump into the water and just feel good.

The problem was I had no money.

As I said… I was a broke student!

That´s why I got a 9-5 job in the summer holidays to make some money…

In that 9-5 I quickly realized…

… that I´m not happy and that working in a 9-5 job will NOT allow me to reach my goals and that I´ll not be able to make my dreams come true.

After just a few days I already felt buried and burned out…

I didn´t want to work in a boring 9-5 job my whole live long.
I wanted to break out of the system and NOT be a slave of it!
One day I came back home and knew that I’ll never come back..!!

I knew that I´ll never again work in a job I hate. I knew that I´ll find a way to break out of the system!

That´s why I started searching for ways how I can make money online. I had to find a way how I can make money doing what I love.

*Thanks to Instagram I now live the life of my dreams! Keep reading and learn how you too can make money with Instagram…

I said to myself: “I´ll find a way how I can make money doing what I love!”, “I´ll make my dreams come true and I´ll fight for a better future.”

I swore to myself… THAT… I´ll search for ways how I can make money doing what I love as long as I find one. I swore to myself that I´ll never give up, that I´ll stay strong and fight through hard times!

I then started analyzing all these people that I saw on Instagram living the life of their dreams.

AND what I figured out is that all these successful people who make money doing what they love…

…have ONE thing in common!!

The ONE Thing They All Have In Common Is That…

They All Have A Following

I figured out that building a following is the key to making money online!

And that’s why I started studying those people. I talked to them and learned everything I could.

All of them told me:

“In today’s world building a following is the key to making money online.”…

I quickly realized that Instagram is the hottest social media platform…

… AND that building a following on it is the fastest and easiest way!

That´s why I learned everything about building a following on Instagram…

I read books, watched YouTube videos and learned through trial and error, because I had the dream to one day live the life of my dreams, be FREE and make money doing what I love.

I then started my first Instagram account and guess what?!

I struggled for a loooong time…

BUT After Over 8 Month, Yes… 8 Long Month
I Finally Got The First 10,000 Followers.
I was so happy, because I worked so hard for that goal for over 8 month and then I finally reached it.

When I reached the 10,000 follower mark I decided, that I´ll focus on making money…
But… NOTHING Worked For Me…
I tried sooo many things.

I tried affiliate marketing, I tried to sell coaching calls, I tried to make money with digital products…

… but nothing really worked for me.

One day I came back from a long school day. Totally tired I opened the door, walked into the kitchen, got myself a water and waited for my mom who was coming down the stairs.

Everything was good until she randomly said: “Niklas, what do you want to do after school? In just a few month you’ll graduate and I want to know what you want to do after it! You can’t stay here at home and just try to make money online! You need to get a real job or go to university!”

From her look I knew that she was dead serious!

I knew that I had to start making money to proof her that this whole Instagram thing works!

I didn´t want to be a slave of the system and work in a boring 9-5 my whole life long!!

*Instagram changed my life and it can change your life too! Keep reading and join the Instagram University 3.0…

I said to myself: “Niklas!! You´ll not give up and be a slave of the system!

You´ll give 100% and fight through hard times and work for a better future!” I decided: From now on you’ll give 100%.

You’ll take action and do whatever it takes! I told myself: “Niklas! From now on you´ll be an Action Taker.

You´ll take action and do whatever it takes to make your dreams come true!

You´ll give 100%.

And that’s what I did!

I refreshed all my knowledge, learned from the best and developed a new strategy.

The “IPF Formula”
Until that point I didn’t make any money. But at the beginning of 2018 I started using that formula .

My Account Started Growing.!! Not just 50 followers per day. The account started growing 200 followers per day then 300, 400 and 500. Yes that´s right my account started growing 500 new followers per day.

I Also Started Making Money.

I started making $100 per day, then $200, then $300 and $500.

Wow that feeling was so good.

One day I woke up and I realized that I made my first $1,000 with Instagram! That day EVERYTHING changed!
Because that’s when I realized that EVERYTHING…

…is possible in todays world and that I’ll be able to make my dreams come true with Instagram!

That’s when I went ALL IN and really started taking action!

And guess what!?
Within 1 month I made $10,971..!!
YES, that´s right…

…with that strategy…
..just with my phone and with the app “Instagram”.

I made over $10,000 in one month at the age of 17…
That feeling was soooo great, because all the hard work finally paid off!

I was so happy, because I had that goal to make $10,000 in ONE month for so long and then I finally reached it!


…with the “IPF Formula” and all the other strategies…

I also got over…:

  • 29,000 likes on one post…
  • 1,300,000 impressions on one post…
  • And over 125,000+ NEW followers in ONE month…

Then in the summer of 2018 I started travelling the world with a good friend of mine…

We travelled through whole Australia, worked on our businesses, made lot´s of money, meet amazing people, saw the most beautiful places of this world, just enjoyed life and had an amazing time!

Then, at the beginning of 2019 I came to Dubai for a new project.

I started it with a business partner and it was an absolute success for both of us!

I Then Moved To Dubai (At 18)…

And Generated Over $1,000,000 In Sales In 45 Days With An Instagram Account…

That Has Less Than 15,000 Followers!

And since then my life has simply been a movie!

  • I got the 2 Comma Club award from Clickfunnels…
  • Generated over $270,000 in sales in one day…
  • Worked with amazing people from all around the world and helped them to monetize their Instagram accounts…
  • ​Moved into a 3 floor Penthouse for 2 month…
  • ​Got invited from 5 star Luxury restaurants, hotels and brands…
  • Made hundreds of thousands of dollars with Instagram…
  • Helped thousands of people succeed on Instagram…
  • Was able to invite my friends to Dubai AND had the most amazing time with them…

And all that thanks to Instagram and the work in put in!

And for all that I’m just beyond grateful, because look…

…just 3 years ago I was a broke student from a small town in Germany who had no idea what he should do with his life.

I was shy, didn’t have many friends and played computer games all day.

You now might be thinking…?! “What, that’s crazy!’

And yes it is… if someone 3 years ago would have told me that I’d one day be living the life that I’m living right now then I would have probably said to him that he’s crazy…

But yeah, that just shows that EVERYTHING is possible in todays world!

Since implementing the “IPF Formula”…
I’ve also had the privilege to do business with and meet some of the biggest celebrities,
business mavericks, and thought leaders in the world…

All of these incredible results happened because I followed the same process you’re going to learn and that you’re going to implement so you can achieve similar results fast!

What you’ll be able to get today is the exact same formula that my clients, business partners, students and I have been quietly using for years to generate millions of dollars!
So if you’re tired of having no money in your bank account…

…not being able to do what you love, not begin free and enjoying life then pay close attention…

…because with the “IPF Formula” and with the Instagram University 3.0 you´ll be able to:

Bold Claim, I Know…

  • Build a huge following on Instagram…
  • Build a highly profitable online business
  • ​Make your first $1,000 online with ease…
  • Make $100,000 in the next 6 month (or more)

So that you can…:

  • Break out of the system and be your own boss…
  • Be financial free…
  • Travel the world and see the most beautiful places…
  • Get your dream car and enjoy life…
  • Support your family and friends…
  • Enjoy life…
  • Be FREE and all day long do what you love…
  • ​And just “Live the life of your dreams”…

Because the “IPF Formula” is misunderstood and ignored by most people and because most people don´t even know that this formula exists, you can use it to quickly gain an unfair advantage that will allow you to build a following on Instagram and make your first $1,000 with it!

*Thanks to Instagram I even meet Tai Lopez backstage in Dubai and recorded a video with him (P.S. You’ll get that video with the Instagram University 3.0 that you’ll learn more about in a second…
Anyways… Rather than me just talking about the results I’ve been able to create, even more importantly, let me show you what this has done for my students and people I work with…
Luca Reuter, founder of the Funnel University said…

“I Made Over $13,000 In Profit…”
“With Niklas’s help and just one of his strategies I made over $13,000 in profit with Instagram which is mind blowing! The formula he gave me was relatively easy to put together and gave me incredible results.”
Or Torben Platzer, founder and CEO of TPA Media who said:

“I Learned A Lot From Him…”
Torben Platzer is a Branding Expert and is the founder of the TPA Media GmbH. Since 2019 he´s an official member of Forbes councils and he used Instagram to generate millions of dollars in sales in just a few years.

That’s the POWER of Instagram…

And the cool thing is that you can use it too!

Anyways… I’m super proud of my clients, students and business partners for taking massive action and getting the results they’ve got this far…

… and it’s only just the beginning for them, and for YOU!

Now, although I can’t promise that you’ll experience the same results as Luca and Torben and my other business partners and students…

Here´s What I Can Promise You…

No matter whether you are just getting started or whether you already have an Instagram account or a business.

With the “IPF Formula” and the strategies from the Instagram University 3.0 you´ll be able to build following on Instagram and you’ll 100% be able to make your first $1,000 with it!

No matter, whether you…:

  • Are a complete beginner…
  • Already have an Instagram account and want to get to the next level…
  • Have your own product or not…
  • Have no technical skills…
  • Don´t know anything about Instagram and Funnels…
  • Only have 15 minutes per day…

With the “IPF Formula” and the Instagram University 3.0 you´ll be able to build a following on Instagram and you’ll make your first $1,000 with it!

Now… because the “IPF Formula” is so powerful and because it helped me, my students, clients and business partners to generate millions of dollars in sales with Instagram I decided that I want to teach you the “IPF Formula”.

I Decided To Put Together My Battle Tested & Proven Instagram Business System…
That EVERYONE Can Use To Make Their First $1,000 Online!
The system that I put together is build in a way so that EVERYONE can use it to make their first $1,000 with Instagram!

Because look… once you make your first $1,000 everything else becomes easy! The first $1,000 are the hardest. And trust me… when you make your first $1,000 with Instagram EVERYTHING will change! Because you’ll then realize that everything is possible in todays world! And that’s when you’ll really start taking action and make your dreams and goals come true!

Right now I spend 3 hours and 23 minutes per day on average on Instagram… and that’s a long time, but I don’t use that time to consume content!

I don’t waste it ❌ I use it to manage different accounts for my clients, for my business partners and for myself!

Every post that I publish makes me thousands of dollars 💵 and thanks for Instagram I am now able to live the life of my dreams! I wake up whenever I want, I don’t have to worry about money, I can support my family and friends, I can eat out in the best restaurants, travel the world, drive cool cars and live a life of freedom!

All thanks to Instagram! Instagram changed my life and it can change yours too!


I’ve turned the guesswork of starting and growing a business on Instagram into a science. With the Instagram University 3.0 you’ll get practical step-by-step instructions that are proven to work and you’ll be able to track your progress using reliable metrics.

To make sure that everyone who joins the Instagram University 3.0 get’s results I developed an easy step-by-step blueprint which is literally so easy to replicate, that even my Grandma could use it to build a following on instagram and to make money with it.

I´ve been on Instagram for over 3,5 years, worked with influencers, business owners and celebrities from all aroudn the world and I´ve used the strategies that you´ll learn inside the Instagram University 3.0 to grow millions of followers and to make millions of dollars.

See what others are saying…

“With the strategies that Niklas teaches inside the Instagram University and with his help I went from ZERO to $45,000+ in less than 2 months…”
– Lenny Banks

“I went from zero to $124,726 in ONE MONTH and to 140,000+ followers in less than 6 months! Niklas is an Instagram genius.”
– Matt Par

“With Niklas mentorship and with his strategies I was able to make over $50,000 at the age of 17 with Instagram. Niklas changed my life!”
– Valentino

Instagram University 3.0 By Niklas Pedde, what is it included (Content proofWatch here!)

  • Welcome
  • The Toolbox
  • Instagram 101
  • The Golden Blueprint
  • Instagram Secrets
  • Branding Secrets
  • Instagram Blackbox
  • Bonus Material