
Tony Hill – Content Renaissance Course



Recovery Is Much Simpler Than You Think!

Does this sound familiar? You start a new site and you begin publishing content like crazy. You get more traction so you crank it up to 11. But then something happens sooner or later…

Your traffic hits a plateau or starts going DOWN after an update. You hope it’s temporary but it isn’t. Month after month, keeps going down and your revenue is starting to evaporate. You are even starting to wonder if it’s the end of the line for you.

Wasn’t the whole thing “just keep publishing”? The more you publish the more you make, right? Absolutely. But that is only valid if the content you publish is actually ranking and making you money. Otherwise adding more content often makes things worse.

Consider this: If you have a garden and keep planting but ignore the plants that you already have, you won’t have much of a garden to speak of at the end!

You are better served pulling the weeds out and watering the existing plants. So the path to recovery and breakthrough traffic is simpler than you think: Tony recommends spending 75% of your resources on EXISTING content and 25% on NEW content.

There’s 3 reasons why you should do this instead of adding NEW content:

It’s likelier to succeed

Every piece of content you put out there is NEW and you never really know how Google is going to react to it. That is why it often takes a while to even get indexed. However, Google already “KNOWS” your old content so updating it is a much safer bet rather than taking a risk with new content.

Faster to update

Content takes a lot of time to produce and while these steps are manageable when your traffic is increasing, when your traffic and revenue are in decline you cannot afford this luxury. If you do it right, updating content is much faster to update than creating content from scratch.

Faster traffic turnaround

Since your livelihood is at stake, the faster the bleeding stops, the better. The good news is that Google already liked your content, you just need to rekindle the old flame it had for it. So your traffic turnaround will be faster than publishing new content that Google knows nothing about.

What You’ll Learn In Content Renaissance Course?

  • Unfair advantage: How to reverse-engineer why any site is ranking above you
  • Discover the keywords that’s been standing between you and your SEO success.
  • Making your te********y sheet: It’s like Imagine having a magic map for your website’s content
  • Skyrocket your site’s quality, consistency & traffic with your content “North Star”
  • How to entice industry gurus to contribute to your site!
  • This simple tweet can lead to an expert interview.
  • How to make your site irresistible to users AND Google
  • What’s causing sites to plummet left and right and how you can avoid being next
  • Discover a simple strategy that prioritizes pages to be updated for a fast turnaround
  • The simple way to make boring content more digestible and engaging (users & Google love this!)
  • What to put in your content to keep your readers glued to the page (for increased ad revenue)
  • The simple way to attract more clicks even if you are NOT on the top spot
  • Traffic Magnet: 10 ways to make your content helpful in the eyes of Google
  • Step-by-step to a crystal-clear blueprint for crafting SEO-rich content (for writers and editors alike)
  • How to transforms GSC raw data into a powerful action plan for your website.
  • Easily steal featured snippets with this AI prompt
  • Transform your subheadings and watch your page soar to the Top!
  • Look for these 4 things in your competitor’s headlines to beat them
  • The AI prompt that adds missing keywords in the relevant place for you
  • Keyword master: Command Google’s attention with stellar sentence structure
  • Uncover the secrets to crafting Google-friendly sentences and paragraphs
  • Here’s 19 places you can get a goldmine of highly relevant keywords ready for the picking
  • Uncover the hidden treasures lurking in Google’s FREE tools that most SEOs overlook.
  • How to ensure every article gets an expert’s touch.
  • 170 Most common words found across the TOP RANKING articles for the most competitive keywords

Sale Page: Tony Hill – Content Renaissance Course