
The Way of Grace Advanced Sangha by Miranda Macpherson

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The Way of Grace Advanced Sangha by Miranda Macpherson

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End your struggle to “awaken,” and walk a true spiritual path of surrender — opening you to the abundant flow of Grace already within you.

Discover how to hold life’s challenges with understanding, compassion and forgiveness — approaching everything as a gateway to awakening and personal transformation.

Grace is the ground of your being, the blessings that sustain you, and the presence that transforms your suffering into wisdom.

Grace is also a more spiritually mature way of being in this world, beyond self-centeredness — extending its blessings (through you) to benefit the world.

This living presence, when you know how to open to it, can help you better navigate your everyday stresses and bigger life struggles… and relax your egoic reactions, such as attachment and fear, craving and aversion.

In Grace, you receive the spiritual nourishment, already within you, to help you walk into and through these apparent obstacles — and onto the path with true presence, a full heart and the inherent joy, beauty, peace and majesty of your true nature.

You’re more elegant, refined and responsive in the moment, as the light and love you truly are, is revealed.

You become a portal of Grace for others — by merely being — as your wisdom and love provides a deeper presence that nourishes, inspires and can lead you to your greatest service in the world.

Yet, there’s a palpable difference between consciously seeking these qualities and opening to them as the Grace that already flows through you.

Seeking can cause dissolution and disappointment, as you struggle to get your daily spiritual practice in… and be the “good” person you think you need to be in order to live the awakened life you desire.

Allowing everyday stressors and even serious challenges to give way to the wellspring of Grace that is already within, helps you to better see (and viscerally experience) the moments of awakening available to you in every situation.

Yet, how do you open to Grace?

You simply be present and undefended with what is, and allow your thinking, doing mind to gently ease into your vast heart.

Of course, any true seeker knows that this is not at all simple!

As Rumi wrote: “Give up to Grace — the ocean takes care of each wave until it reaches the shore. You need a lot more help than you know.”

The Power of an Authentic Teacher

In the new Way of Grace Advanced Sangha, renowned spiritual teacher Miranda Macpherson will guide you in discovering how to open to the deeper, wiser and more fulfilling life that is always available to you through the flow of Grace within — even in the midst of uncertainty and serious life challenges.

Grace comes alive as you learn to surrender, when you relax the grip of fear and control — which is not the same as collapsing into self-rejection or being passive.

Miranda will teach a practice called “ego relaxation,” which helps you lovingly recognize and integrate all parts of yourself — even those you’re uncomfortable with and that seem to be obstacles to awakening.

In this 28-part advanced virtual workshop and sangha, you’ll receive a weaving together of all Miranda’s Shift Network virtual trainings along with new practices — many she’s offered only in her in-person workshops.

You’ll discover beautiful devotional mantras (with full-body movements) to explore the deepening they can bring to your path.

You’ll discover different types of prayer for different levels of awakening. You’ll learn prayers for when you’ve fallen out of a state of Grace, to help you to come into Grace, for when you’re in Grace, and that you can offer up to others — an essential part of an integrated spiritual life that can prevent your practice from becoming too self-centered.

This comprehensive training will provide you with the teachings and loving guidance you need to truly deepen your practice. And you’ll be part of a loving spiritual community, a virtual sangha, in which you’ll have the opportunity to share the moments of Grace that unfold.