
The Fat Loss Academy by BJ Ward & Natalie Sabin

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A 12-week program for losing 15-30 pounds of fat, getting back on track, and keeping the weight off forever.

Watch Promo Pay What You Can

COVID-19 UPDATE: We want to do our part helping you stay healthy during this difficult and stressful time. So we are offering our course with a “Pay What You Can” model.

Our learning platform doesn’t allow us to input any amount, so we created 3 different options: $50, $75, or $100 and you select what works for you. [Typically this course is $200.]

If for some reason you can’t afford $50, just email us at [email protected] and we will do what we can to help.

We will also be donating 10% of each sale to Give Together Now to help families in need. Since we will be donating to charity, all sales for the course are final and there are no refunds.

We are all in this together and are here to help.

-The Born Fitness Team

“For once I feel like I’m in control of things which is nice. I’m feeling more confident and just all-around better than I did a year ago this time. Plus, I’m down 12 pounds and can really see my body changing.” -Tony

Over the years, we’ve helped thousands of clients transform their bodies and self-confidence.

But, we’ve only had two ways of helping people: we’ve worked intimately with clients in our comprehensive online coaching program, in which every client works directly with a nutrition coach and a fitness expert.

And, we’ve created content — online, in magazines, and in books (the founder of Born Fitness, Adam has published 9 of them!) — to help educate millions of people about health and wellness.

Naturally, there was a gap we needed to fill.

Some people don’t have hundreds of dollars to spend per month on personalized coaching. Others need a little more direction and support than what you can read in an article or book.

As experts in fat loss, we were frustrated by the limited number of options that actually led to dramatic results. There are more than enough “quick fix” suggestions that are either smoke and mirrors or require you to give up everything you love.

So, we reviewed the thousands of clients we worked with, and began analyzing the shared habits and behaviors that led to the biggest changes. This wasn’t about telling you what you wanted to hear.

It was looking at the goals we saw most often — usually losing anywhere from 15 to 30 pounds — and putting together a bulletproof plan and timeline that could deliver on our word.