
Ross Jeffries – London 2014 Speed Seduction Total Immersion Seminar Footage

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Ross Jeffries – London 2014 Speed Seduction Total Immersion Seminar Footage

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Dear Speed Seduction® Students And Fans,

December 7, 2013 I came one red c&#t-hair from leaving this life.

If you have a look at the picture to the right of this you’ll see a shot of me hooked up to all sorts of wires and tubes at the emergency hospital after I had a wake-up call from Mr. Death.

Yes, that’s right.

A heart attack.

I’m doing fine now (and in fact, got the Director of Patient Services of the hospital into bed 2 weeks later), but it really caused me to re-evaluate my life and where I want it to go.

So it is with a healthy (but heavy) heart that I announce:

My retirement from ever again teaching these 3-day Speed Seduction® seminars, and
Knowing it would be the last one, I put everything I had into the July 11-13 London seminar – the collective skill and knowledge of 24 years of helping tens of thousands of men hit the streets and succeed between the sheets.
Look: before I show you how to instantly (as in, within about 56 f@@king SECONDS from the moment you say “Yes, Ross”) get your hands on  footage from this last-ever seminar and start immersing yourself in less time than it would take you to pour a cup of tea, let me explain why…….