
Multi Profit Site Program By Doug Cunnington

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Multi Profit Site Program By Doug Cunnington – Instant Download!

with Doug Cunnington
Build Your Own Profitable Affiliate Niche Site LIVE From Scratch Over 8 Weeks

If you’ve just come out of the 5 Day Site Build Challenge, you are armed with your big idea for a multi-profit site and you’re feeling excited to get going. This 8 week program is built to make sure you get there!
If you haven’t competed the Five Day Site Build Challenge yet, the mini-course which preceded this program, we’ll be covering what you missed and will ensure you are not left behind.

In This Program…

With Doug by your side you will learn his system for building successful, multi profit sites and follow along as Doug actually builds a new site from scratch with you.
Yes, it’s learning and you will gain valuable skills, but it’s also highly practical implementation and accountability.

“I give you permission to believe in yourselves. The thought of any kind of transformation naturally brings with it some anxiety, it’s going to take work, there’s going to be sacrifice, what if I fail? This is why we commit to this project together as a group and I have a ‘nobody left behind’ policy as previous students will attest.”
“And if you’ve never done anything like this before, that’s ok, none of the guys and gals below had either. Each has been where you are now, have worked through my program and within months were generating passive income from the sites they built.”

Doug Cunnington

Marty – Electrical Engineer
Marty was an electrical engineer with a desire to leave the 9-5 behind. His goal was to generate income replacing wage through his affiliate sites.
He has now done it!

Justin – Sailor in the Navy
Justin is a family man, his goal was to build a site which made $350 per month passive income. He’s now making about $1,300 per month from his sites now.

Ellen – Social Worker and former Travel Blogger
Ellen with a site only 8 months old was already generating $3k a month, using Doug’s Keyword Golden Ratio formula. She reached a peak of $12k per month and still earns a full time income through her site.

Doug’s alumni students above are now enjoying monthly passive income from their niche sites. For some, this has given them extra security in paying the bills or in case they are made redundant or want to quit their 9-5.
For others, their big goal is to escape the rat race and build an income replacing portfolio of sites so they can semi-retire.
Maybe you would love to just be able to work 3 days a week so you can spend more quality time with family and friends, get healthy, travel more and reduce stress.

The 8-Week Multi Site Program Is For You If:

  • You are a budding internet marketing entrepreneur.
  • You have never built a niche site before but have basic web skills.
  • You have built a niche site before but it didn’t take off.
  • You want to grow a side income.
  • You want to build a site that has massive growth potential.
  • You want to have a defensible business, not a micro niche site.
  • You are someone looking for implementation, not just information.
  • You have big aspirations and a little spare time.

Doug Cunnington changed my life forever. Before connecting with him I was flailing, trying to figure out how to be successful and make money online. Now, I run my own business and live the type of life I want to live. Thank you, Doug.
Graham Cooke , Affiliate Site Owner

Working with Doug opened the door to a whole universe for me and made me realize that I could make money at the same time as having a full-time job. Plus, I could actually achieve a lifestyle that I want for myself and my beautiful family if I carry on doing what I’m doing.
Adrian Diaz , Affiliate Site Owner

What’s In The Program?
For the launch of the Multi Profit Site Program, we have on offer three special price bundles:

You will receive:

  • 8 modules with over 5 hours of instruction;
  • Over-the-shoulder training. You will watch over Doug’s shoulder as he builds an affiliate site from scratch inside the course;
  • Over 16 process supporting docs, worksheets, templates to help students implement the material right away;

And you also get…

  • Bonus Module – Outsourcing Content with Scaling in Mind
  • Bonus Module – What to do if you are stuck
  • Bonus Module – A practical guide to email list building
  • Bonus Module – How to sell a site – Two 6 Figure Case Studies

Module Breakdown

  • Module 1: Big Picture Overview
  • Module 2: Choosing a Niche
  • Module 3: Competition Analysis
  • Module 4: Setting Up the Site
  • Module 5: Content (and Launching)
  • Module 6: Monetizing
  • Module 7: Promotion and Link Building
  • Module 8: Scaling
  • Module 9: Outsourcing Content with Scaling in Mind
  • Module 10: What to do if you are stuck incl. process assessment techniques
  • Module 11: A practical guide to email list building
  • Module 12: How to sell a site – Two 6 Figure Case Studies

But what’s the deal with the slash in Amazon affiliate rates in April 2020? Is affiliate marketing still worth investing my time into, you ask?

Multi Profit Site Program By Doug Cunnington

This is a big change and commission fees paid to Associates will certainly be lower. Amazon Affiliate Marketing is still a solid business model for the side hustler and person looking to get started making money online. But it won’t be as lucrative as before April 2020.
Remember that Amazon has the lion share of the online retail market, 38%. Walmart is at #2 with 5% of the market.
In this course, Doug addresses the Amazon Commission rate changes, including working with other affiliate programs, display ads, and direct relationships.
He is a true believer that affiliate marketing is far from dead. One key takeaway from the Amazon news is that you shouldn’t put all your eggs in one basket. The key to being successful in the affiliate space is diversifying your revenue model.
The fact that income is down for most affiliate marketers doesn’t mean it’s a bad time to start. In fact, it means quite the opposite. Why?

Less competition. Some people are choosing to not take action in light of the uncertainty

If you start now, you’ll be ahead of the people that are waiting around. It also means you’re a driven person like me! So if you start building your business now, it will be stronger and more established coming out of this recession;

Some niches are less impacted. If you take a look at the fee rates change, you will notice that not all product categories were affected by it. I have one site that has stable earnings after the commission rate change;

Amazon is still great for doing research and finding out what products are in demand. You’ll know exactly what’s selling;

Amazon has an estimated 100M Prime members in the US and a 38% market share. So the volume of sales that Amazon has still makes its affiliate program one of the best ways to monetize content;

Explore other affiliate programs. Look at the products you sell the most and go to the companies directly. Maybe they have their own affiliate programs and you could set up a relationship with them?

Private labeling your product on Amazon. If you have a niche you know you are selling a lot of products, consider private labeling them yourself. Over time, you might be making the lion’s share of revenue instead of the 2% you are making now due to the current Amazon commission rates.

Speaking of physical products…it’s an option to NOT sell on Amazon too. You could dropship a product that you know sells well, or even start selling directly to your visitors and would-be customers.

Selling a site – Two 6 Figure Case Studies
It’s not easy to get to a six-figure valuation, but if you put in the work, it can happen. Doug has sold 2 of his sites for 6 figures, and in this bonus section he will show you ..
When you should and should NOT think about selling your site

  • How to estimate the value of your site
  • What you should do before you sell your site to prepare months ahead of time
  • What you can do to speed up the selling process
  • Why it’s normally better to sell with a business broker, and when it’s NOT.

What to do if you are stuck 
If you feel you are stuck, this bonus section is right for you. Doug will share the process assessment techniques that will help put your efforts in the right direction:

  • How to assess the current state
  • How to perform gap analysis (qualitative and quantitative assessment)
  • How to improve existing content, publish more content or get more links.

Email list building
This bonus section is a practical guide on building email lists. You will find out:

  • When you should and should NOT build an email list
  • Why some of the experts are WRONG when they tell you to always have an email list
  • How to get people to willingly sign up for your email list with two proven techniques that I’ve used to build email lists of over 10,000 subscribers,
  • Which tools can help you build your list (they are usually free),
  • What to send your subscribers in your autoresponder and
  • How to DRIVE traffic anytime you want with Broadcast emails.

Outsourcing Content With Scaling in Mind
In this section, you will learn..

  • Where to find writers?
  • Why trial gigs are essential?
  • Do you need a Content Manager and Editor – Formatting, drafting, and working in WP?
  • How to organize Content Project Management?

You will also receive a job posting sample and template, screen proposals, style Guideline to set expectations, creative briefs to let the writers focus on writing.

About Doug Cunnington

Multi Profit Site Program By Doug Cunnington

Doug started his digital career after experiencing great success building Amazon Associate niche websites. He made his “side hustle”- building affiliate niche sites – a full-time profitable business after he got laid off in 2015.
He is the owner of one of the most successful affiliate blogs on the web, Niche Site Project that help people create niche sites using project management, and the Doug.Show, where he talks with other successful marketers and experts about making the leap from corporate worker bee to entrepreneur.
His work has been featured all over the web, including CNBC, Ahrefs, Empire Flippers, Niche Pursuits, Side Hustle Nation and more. You might know him as the creator of the Keyword Golden Ratio.

Doug has been a guest or featured in:

Multi Profit Site Program By Doug Cunnington

What Others Are Saying…

” I want to thank you for your training, insights and expertise in affiliate marketing. You are one of the main ones that have gotten me to where I am so far – just $1000-$1500 a month Amazon affiliate marketing so far but growing.
I’ve been sharing your insights and others to those who are starting in the Affiliate marketing world.”

Multi Profit Site Program By Doug Cunnington

“Doug helped me out last year and then we had a nice chat on his podcast about my dropshipping adventures.
I just hit an awesome milestone and wanted to share since he helped me get there. I just passed $1M in revenue in 12 months and it was all organic.
Below is a screen grab from my dashboard, I just wanted to share and say thank you for your help.”

John Murphy,
Dropshipping Site Owner

Santiago used the course to create sites in other geographies, basically using the other Amazon Associates programs across the world.
He is making Euros, and the Euro goes far in his country.

Multi Profit Site Program By Doug Cunnington

Multi Profit Site Program By Doug Cunnington, what is it included (Content proof: Watch here!):

  • 01 Overview – Start Here
  • 02 Choosing a Niche
  • 03 Competition Analysis
  • 04 Setting Up Your Website
  • 05 Conetnt And Launching
  • 06 Monetizing
  • 07 Promotion & Link Building
  • 08 Scaling and Growing
  • 09 Outsourcing Content with Scaling Mind
  • 10 What to Do When You’re stuck
  • 11 Email Marketing Quickstart
  • 12 How to sell a site – Two 6 Figure Case Studies (Coming soon)
  • 12 Selling A Site Over 6 Figure