
Liberating the Citizen Trickster in You by Caroline Casey

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Liberating the Citizen Trickster in You by Caroline Casey

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Calling all those dedicated to contributing your considerable gifts to the world… at this Time of Dire Beauty.

We offer you an invitation to joyfully participate in the wild ride unfurling before us, by freeing yourself from outdated habits and cultivating the skills of Trickster ingenuity: metaphoric agility, trustworthy intuition and jauntiness in the face of danger.

If you’ve found yourself perplexed, dismayed, or downright afraid about the road ahead, wondering how you can engage our coming trials in a way that contributes to healing and liberation… you’re not alone!

Indeed, there’s a vast number of spiritual folks, healers, progressives, artists, and cultural-edge-surfers who are looking at our collective quandary and seeking ways to transform what’s blocking a better future ahead. Yet, this can be daunting and overwhelming.

The antidote to this overwhelm is levity, according to visionary activist Caroline Casey, where we’re lifted up by laughter and magic, giving us the strength, nimbleness, and playfulness needed for the road ahead.

These are qualities of what Caroline calls the “Citizen Trickster” — a new twist on an ancient archetype.

Citizen Trickster is the redeemer, the liberator, the keeper of democracy who’s been living within us, awaiting our call. Citizen Trickster comes alive when we’re dedicated to liberating ourselves by liberating the world.

Scheherazade, for example, is the great Trickster Liberator from One Thousand and One Nights. Her name means “City Redeemer.” And her sister’s name, Dunyazade, means “World Redeemer.” Through their power of story, they liberate not only the women and the land, but even the tyrant in the tale who has hardened his heart.

The Trickster connects us with Nature’s evolutionary genius. It quickens within us as we enter the state of wonder, willingness and openness to dance, in the choreography of creation.

As we do, we each become agents of liberation and blessing. We learn to recruit the ingenuity of the bad to serve the good. We navigate the Underworld with pluckiness and courage. We become ever more effective Players on the Team of Creation.

Making Medicine From Poison

“Against all odds” are actually the odds that Trickster likes best — so now is the perfect time to call forth this archetype within each of us.

We each carry a unique and necessary Medicine for our times, which Trickster helps us access. The Trickster shows us, for example, how to reframe trauma into “my dangerous beautiful assignment,” thereby transforming what appears to be poison into a personal healing tonic.

Yet, for the Citizen Trickster inside us to succeed, we need a supportive team to help alert us to serendipitous synchronicities and inspire us in enhanced dreaming together. We need to be part of a pack while supporting each person’s autonomy.

During the 7-step adventure of Liberating the Citizen Trickster in You , you’ll have a global community to support you in becoming your most authentic Self.

We’ll focus on what we want to unlock in the quest for betterment — “tossing keys to the beautiful and rowdy prisoners” (as Hafiz encourages) — by learning to dance with Shadow, turn demons into allies, and brew medicine from poison.

We’ll draw inspiration from folklore, fairy tales, myth, nature and actual reality.

You’ll discover how to transform your anger into desire. Anger gets you aroused, but you can’t stop there, or you’ll be trapped by what Caroline refers to as the linguistic worship of prison. The Trickster uses anger as a guide to the desire that liberates circumstance.

You’ll cultivate an ever-expanding repertoire of beneficial responses which allow you to become allied with Nature’s ingenuity and love against all odds.

This is achieved by shape shifting your reality through the practice of advancing your linguistic, metaphoric and storytelling agility.

You’ll learn to perceive metaphors as the incarnational garb through which power enters the world. When you change your metaphors, you change your story — and literally change the world.

By freeing yourself from outdated thought patterns and animating a more liberated and dynamic YOU… you’ll open to more magic, wisdom and intuition.

Activating the Citizen Trickster in you is ultimately about freedom from the Reality Police and the rut of old certainties. As you free yourself, the world naturally follows.

Magnetizing Magic

A recent study at Cambridge University showed that luck increases when we run on the fuel of curiosity and generosity.

By moving our emotional default setting from fear to “Woof-Woof-Wanna-Play?!” we become irresistibly magnetic to equally playful dance partners of all kinds: romantic partners, accomplices and allies for vitalizing our lives and communities.

Magic is simply a willingness to collaborate with everything… and in forging an alliance with something, we become more like it. To protect water, for instance, we become like water; to protect wolves, we become like wolves.

And by cultivating wonder, we invite in the electric spark of revelation.

Trickster is one of the greatest teachers of the spiritual path AND the path of social influence. With Trickster backing you up, you can defuse conflicts, levitate into laughter and navigate challenging situations with verbal aikido.

Tapping into the creativejoie de vivre of Trickster also makes you a better speaker and a more compelling leader.

So in the name of personal and collective liberation, we invite you to a truly unique online adventure with Caroline Casey, which will deepen your journey, open your mind, and transform you into an effective — albeit unpredictable — agent of evolution.

Caroline will take you into the heart of Trickster as a path and a practice, and invite you to compost self-sabotage into nutrients for a more creative life. She’ll guide you to become more surprising, even to yourself (and your dog!).

And as you’re liberated, you’ll help liberate others. There’s no prison for the unexpected!

The Importance of a Fool-y Liberated Teacher

Whether you’re a spiritual seeker, veteran activist or curious animist, you’ll delight in the ways Caroline illumines the path to your true Self and a more liberated world.

Caroline’s been at the forefront of new-paradigm spirituality and in the trenches of Washington, D.C. politics since she was a wee little girl. She’s deeply informed by astrological wizardry and social-change-savvy.

Her mind weaves a remarkable number of threads per minute into a new tapestry of possibility, all helping you to create a more beautiful life.

Over the course of seven councils, you can expect a wild romp as Caroline shows you how you can animate your Trickster skill set and fill your magic backpack with “reverent unpredictability” through language, metaphor and action.

With Trickster as your ally, you free up the evolutionary life force within you. You dance through the dueling dualisms to find the coherent WHOLE at the heart of any moment. Together, we’ll practice the art of spiraling, so as to not be snookered into polarity.

In this adventurous program of pragmatic mysticism, democratic animism and applied divination, you’ll partner with Trickster energy to transform your life and:

  • Understand why the Trickster is key to your spiritual liberation and the liberation of our world — especially in times that are heavy and hard
  • Receive practices to expand the playfulness of your mind so your words dance off your tongue
  • Find language that liberates your soul from old habits and opens you to a zestier experience of life
  • Become a more effective changemaker in our world by metabolizing the poisons of life and the world with a light heart
  • Cultivate your Utopian imagination to dream the world you want to see into being
  • Discern the difference between the Con Man and the Trickster (the latter liberates us from the former)
  • Notice the mythic forces in play, making you a more savvy agent of influence
  • Activate the detective part of you to descend to the Underworld to restore human affairs in accord with the Harmony of Nature
  • Understand myths as Big Forces with which you can co-operate
  • Discover the liberating power of words
  • Become a more effective and delightful storyteller

The truth is that you do not need more “powers,” but to use those already available to you in your magic backpack — qualities you’ve always had but may not have known — until now!

What You’ll Discover in These 7 Councils

In this adventurous, 7-part course, Caroline will guide you through the fundamental insights, skills and capacities you’ll need to access the Trickster within you for self liberation, reciprocal blessing, and betterment of your family, community and the world.

Each session will build harmoniously upon the next, so you’ll develop a complete understanding of the practices, tools and principles you’ll need to activate Citizen Trickster in yourself and in our world.

This is a course in becoming unpredictable and bringing in the unexpected to liberate everybody from the choreography of what’s been a highly predictable culture.

Council 1: Story Craft
Becoming Trickster Medicine Storytellers

This is one Winter we need not be depressed, if we go deep enough to gather our jaunty, spirited woof. Our willingness to be agents of Citizen Trickster magnetizes help. There’s no need to journey alone, co-operators are standing by! Some are mythological. Some are ancestral, fictional, historic or in fairy tales.

Neptune in Pisces makes available all that has ever moved the human heart to goodness and kinship. We begin calling in the Medicine of Earth’s collective wisdom and setting in motion themes that we’ll carry with us throughout our journey.

In our first Trickster Council, we’ll:

  • Convene our first Coyote Council of Cultural Influence and begin to create a resonant field of reciprocal blessing to support our dream projects, known and unknown
  • Consider our lives as spiritual detective novels in which every quirky affinity is a clue to be honored
  • Explore the Grail Legend, which begins, “The land is ill, due to the abuse of rank and privilege, and that people are living inauthentic lives.” Trickster Medicine is that which restores us to our authentic selves
  • See that myths never end, they get put on “pause,” so we hit “play!”
  • Explore “pragmatic mysticism” to tease from everything we’ve ever loved, studied, done, practical applications to make our own lives tangibly better
  • Begin our experiment in creating a syncretized and customized Trickster, who will accompany us throughout our journey
  • Invite in Scheherazade, quintessential Compassionate Trickster who, through her plucky eloquence, saves not only women and the land, but even the tyrant who has hardened his heart. She holds a Valentine’s bouquet of stories whereby humans can be healed by the earth in order to heal the earth
  • Start our practice of diagnosing the “news” — to understand what mythic forces are in play and become savvy agents of influence. The liberating hyphen reveals to us… dia-gnosis! (dia means “everywhere,” gnosis is “wisdom.” So all dia-gnosis is part of healing because it magnetizes the specific wisdom needed)
  • Commence rewriting the world by writing witty headlines that animate the soul — the desirable vision — for America and the world
  • Big pertinent assignment: discerning the distinction between the Con Man and the Trickster. The former imprisons, the latter liberates