
Jordan Kilburn – Amazon Millionaire Mentorship Program

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Jordan Kilburn – Amazon Millionaire Mentorship Program

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Get Jordan Kilburn – Amazon Millionaire Mentorship Program at bestoftrader.com

Did you know there are FOUR methods to sell on Amazon? Most people only know of one or maybe two. In this course, you will learn ALL four. and from there you’ll be able to decide which is the best fit for you!

This course will cover absolutely EVERYTHING you need to know to get from $0 to $10,000/mo at LEAST. You do not need any experience in eCommerce or Amazon to take this course. If you DO know how to sell on Amazon, there is still a ton of content that will be relevant for you. A lot of tips and tricks that I have picked up as well as tips from other professional sellers! If you only know Private Label, come learn Online Arbitrage. Want to learn how to Wholesale on Amazon? This course is for you!

Things change all the time on Amazon which is why this course will be updated frequently to include any changes to policies or rules. I’ll always be added new tips that I find out over time.

The course includes all 4 ways to sell on Amazon. Every way to sell is different and may appeal to different people. In this course, you’ll learn them all:

Retail Arbitrage:

How to find profitable items from retail locations.

Which locations are best for arbitrage?

What tools you will need.

Staying competitive and winning the Buy Box to increase sales.

Online Arbitrage:

Finding the best deals online using deal sites.

Getting extra money back using cashback rewards and websites.

Increase profit margins by using bundled products.

How to use product lists to get ahead of your competition.

How to automate the entire process of arbitrage.

How to use Tactical Arbitrage and 3rd party prep companies.

How to get UNGATED in restricted categories and Brands (Like Disney, Hasbro, Star Wars, ect.)

Private Label:

How to find products using methods no one else teaches.

The criteria that make a good product to sell.

How to calculate all the costs to ensure high profits.

How to contact and negotiate with manufacturers. [FREE Template]

How to import goods the easiest way using a 3rd party forwarder.

Patent lookup and legal guidelines for private label.

How to get reviews while still following Amazon’s policies.

How to create a product that stands out from your competition.

How to make a listing that no one else can compete with.

Utilizing Pay Per Click (PPC) Advertising to get to the front page.

Registering a trademark for your brand name.

Using Amazon Brand Registry to unlock hidden features only big brands use!

How to Launch your new product using the most cutting edge methods (rarely seen elsewhere)

How to create promotions and coupons to increase interest in your new product.


FREE 450+ company wholesaler list included!

Building a relationship with suppliers so they will offer lower prices.

Attending events and trade shows to build relationships.

Using programs to sort through catalogs for profit products.

(NEW) Scaling:

Outsourcing the entire process to a small team of employees.

How to go about hiring the best employees that will get the job done!

How to train your employees (hint: use this program!)

How to acquire OTHER people’s businesses to really pick up your sales.

Bonus Extras:

Access to all past live streams and LIVE product sourcing.

Getting any negative feedback REMOVED from your account.

Exit strategies (how to sell your business for millions).

Setting up your Tax Free certificate so you don’t pay sales tax!

What my current students are saying about the Mentorship Program:

and SO SO many more.

Class Curriculum

Introduction & Software
  • Start

    Introduction to the Course (1:37)

  • Start

    Acronyms and Definitions

  • Start

    Programs to Use (Free and Paid)

  • Start

    Private Group Access

  • Start

    Setting Up Your Business with the Government (2:47)

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    International Sellers (How to sell from outside the USA) (6:33)

  • Start

    Setting Up Your Seller Account (6:19)

  • Start

    Preparing A Shipment to FBA (7:16)

  • Start

    Save Money on Shipping (Case-Packed & Shipping to One Warehouse) (4:45)

  • Start

    How to Add a Product to FBA Inventory (13:30)

Retail Arbitrage
  • Start

    Introduction to Retail Arbitrage (RA) (0:23)

  • Start

    Locations to Find Great Products to Buy/Sell (7:34)

  • Start

    The Proper Tools Required (8:22)

  • Start

    Beating Everyone Out of the Buy Box (Repricers) (9:37)

Internet Marketing Course

Digital marketing is the component of marketing that utilizes internet and online based digital technologies such as desktop computers,
mobile phones and other digital media and platforms to promote products and services. Its development during the 1990s and 2000s,
changed the way brands and businesses use technology for marketing. As digital platforms became increasingly incorporated into marketing plans and everyday life,
and as people increasingly use digital devices instead of visiting physical shops, digital marketing campaigns have become prevalent,
employing combinations of search engine optimization (SEO), search engine marketing (SEM), content marketing, influencer marketing, content automation,
campaign marketing, data-driven marketing, e-commerce marketing, social media marketing, social media optimization, e-mail direct marketing, display advertising,
e–books, and optical disks and games have become commonplace. Digital marketing extends to non-Internet channels that provide digital media, such as television,
mobile phones (SMS and MMS), callback, and on-hold mobile ring tones. The extension to non-Internet channels differentiates digital marketing from online marketing.