
Core Technologies

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Core Technologies

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The perfect kit to build your Conscious Community!

Living the Path of Conscious Language™ 3 DVDs
Imagine you have experienced open, honest, direct, heartfelt, outcome-oriented communication and have used conscious creative language all your life.
Imagine you were conceived consciously by your Mother and Father, who planned for you, chose you, prepared for you with their own personal deep sacred focus and commitment. Imagine you were received at birth by many loving attendants and family members. Imagine you remember who you really are… Words are powerful. The full power of our language is released when we speak what we choose to come into reality with feeling and alignment from our Hearts. Pure Speech already resides in our Heart of Hearts. Let your heart speak, choose to make life fun and easy. May your Love & Success increase with each newly chosen word.

The Power of Imagination Activation™ 3 DVDs
Essential for each person committed to transforming life situations into highest choices. Far beyond simply rearranging the “known” options, learn to truly ACTIVATE your heart’s most precious desires (often new to you). How to get present – Current reality’s power – The magic of outcome – Moving from A to B and then beyond – Identifying your action steps from your imagined outcomes – Activating imagination with vividness. You will learn how to identify current reality and the power of NOW, how process toward your goal is consenting to not yet having it, how to switch from avoiding your feelings to activating your Dreams fulfilled, how to eliminate self-sabotage by testing your outcome, and validating techniques for finding your real Heart’s desire.

Outcome Mapping™ DVD
Identifying Current Reality, Revealing Your Vision, Taking Loving Actions, Being Creative, Getting Clear, Planning Your Day, Exploring Ideas, Identifying & Describing Your Outcomes. May this information bless you and provide you with a creative alternative to project and goal planning, finding personal clarity, and manifesting your Heart’s desires now and continuously.

Sacred Body Language Translations™ 12 DVDs
Includes 12 DVDs + Sacred Body Language Translations Workbook PDF on CD (13 Disks total)
In the evolution of consciousness, our bodies are the storing banks of genetic, experiential, and collective (global) memories. Robert demonstrates the ‘other conversation’ going on between and within individuals through physical symbols, archetypal patterns, body sensations and energies in our environment. Anyone committed to conscious communication, success, health, wealth, effective sales / coaching or facilitation will benefit from these high quality, specific body language translations – enriching your ability to express and understand yourself as well as those you are supporting.
Note: Viewing this set of DVDs is a prerequisite for participation in Bio-Optic Holography™ Level 1 Facilitator.

Conscious Prosperity™ 2 DVDs
Imagine every sentient being on our planet experiencing their full knowing of prosperity. Sit as if you just won the lottery. Act as if you just received your Heart’s desire for real, right now.Prosperity is a frequency that already exists, and can be tuned into. Prepare the soil of your abundant garden, know what fruits you are passionate about harvesting, lovingly and faithfully tend your soil. What is your life like now that you are thriving? What is new and different? You may be delighted to realize many of these new and different activities can happen right this instant. Subtle shifts in consciousness can yield profound results! May this information bless you and remind you of your universal supply, your own personal brilliance, and your abilities to manifest your Heart’s desires now and now and now!

My Divine Partner Now™ 2 DVDs
Your twin flame, your Divine compliment already exists – looking for them is missing the mark. We have always been one with our twin love. Being our own Divine Partner attracts our counterpart. Merging with our creator is the first step to realizing our oneness. Behave as though you are already with your twin love and experience your own Divine miracle unfold! May this information bless you and remind you of our oneness, your own personal brilliance, and your ability to be magnetic to your Heart’s twin now!

Bio-Optic Holography™ 11 DVDs – Includes 11 DVDs + PDF file on CD for printing charts and additional support materials (12 Disks total)
Filmed live during Bio-Optic Holography 201 & 301; 14 courageous souls offer their personal life experiences, challenges, and miracles for our learning and understanding as Robert facilitates them through their Bio-Optic Holography™ Readings. History and examples of Iridology through its 3,000+ years of development are explored as Robert guides us through his system and approach to addressing our “whole being” according to what is revealed in the iris and sclera of our eyes. For grads of Sacred Body Language Translations, or those who have viewed our Sacred Body Language Translations DVDs.
Note: Viewing this set of DVDs is a prerequisite for participation in Bio-Optic Holography™ Level 1 Facilitator Training.

Conscious Life Series:

  • Speech The Revealer 2 DVDs
  • The Mirror of Relationships 2 DVDs
  • Sacred Body Language – Our Full Communication Revealed 2 DVDs
  • Moving Upscale & Our Feelings 2 DVDs
  • Resolving Co-dependence into Co-empowerment 2 DVDs
  • The Freedom of Being Fully & Completely Present DVD
  • The Law of Enthusiasm, Playing 125% & the Frequency of Miracles 2 DVDs
  • The Roll, Power & Requirement of Decrees 3 DVDS