
Copy Accelerator By Stefan Giorgi & Justin Goff

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Copy Accelerator By Stefan Giorgi & Justin Goff – Instant Download!

Justin Goff & Stefan Georgi Want To Make You The Offer Of A Lifetime…
“Give Us Just 2.5 Days, And We’ll
Hand You ALL The Best Secrets Our Copy Accelerator Members Are Using To Bring In 200, 500 And Even 1000 Buyers A Day In The Middle Of A Global Pandemic!”

These are the SAME proven strategies that VShred… Credit Secrets… Biotrust… PaleoHacks… 4Patriots… Natural Health Sherpa… and other juggernauts are using
RIGHT NOW to increase conversions, skyrocket Average Order Values, and acquire MASS Amounts of customers from COLD Traffic!

And we want to teach ALL of them to you during our
first ever LIVE Copy Accelerator Virtual Event…

Join us from the comfort of your home…
Without having to worry about viruses… flights… hotel costs…
jet lag… travel bans… or “getting stuck in quarantine!”

Here’s a small sample of what you can expect from the event…

  • Justin Goff will walk you through PROVEN “Upsell Optimizers” for extracting 20… 30… even 41 MORE dollars from EACH buyer who goes through your funnel (Make these simple tweaks and you’ll be able to easily afford ALL the traffic you can handle)
  • ​​Stefan Georgi will hand you a proven step-by-step playbook for launching and SCALING new offers (Stefan’s offers are currently grossing over $20 Million PER month for him and his clients… and this playbook is a big reason WHY he’s able to pump out such consistent winners)
  • Join our Virtual Cocktail Party… and network with heavy-hitters from VShred, Credit Secrets, Traffic & Funnels, 4Patriots, Natural Health Sherpa, Back To Life, BioTrust, PaleoHacks… and dozens of other direct response GIANTS… generating over 1 BILLION in combined revenue this year!
  • Take part in our Million Dollar MatchMaking Sessions… where we connect business owners with “perfect fit” copywriters and media buyers… who can help add MILLIONS to your bottom line this year… (If you’re a FREELANCER looking for your BIG BREAK, this is how you “cut the line” and get BOOKED SOLID with your DREAM CLIENTS.)
  • Plus… POWERFUL presentations from 8-figure business owners like Emily Lark, TRUE A-List copywriters (David Deutsch, Carline Anglade-Cole, Marcella Allison, Dan Ferrari), world-class traffic experts (Mike Buontempo, Amber Spears) and MORE!

A Special Invitation From Stefan Georgi & Justin Goff:

Copy Accelerator By Stefan Giorgi & Justin Goff

Obviously, it’s been a crazy year…

A challenging year…

Well… for most people, anyway.

Because while it’s true… many businesses are struggling just to stay alive…

There’s A Small Group Of Copywriters And Direct Response Marketers Who Are Absolutely THRIVING…

This group seems to be immune to all the chaos around them.

They never worry about stimulus checks… or unemployment extensions… or PPP loans…

Because they’re too busy SCALING their businesses…

And shattering revenue records month after month.

Inside this group…

You’ll find 20 year-old freelancers like Ed Reay… who already QUADRUPLED his monthly income this year.

You’ll also find first-time offer owners… like Jonathan Boyd and Conor Boyland…

Who are both currently scaling their offers on COLD traffic… in the guitar training and dating niches.

You’ll even find freelancers-TURNED-offer owners like Jeremy Reeves… who recently had his first million dollar month.

And… of course… you’ll find plenty of the “big dogs,” too…

9-figure juggernauts like VShred…

Who often hit million dollar DAYS…

And are on track to do over $200 million this year.

Simply put…

No matter which “lane” you’re currently in…

We can point you to MULTIPLE people inside this group…

Who are in that very same lane… and absolutely KILLING IT.

So… What’s Their Secret?

HOW are the people in this group printing more money than the federal reserve…

While so many of those on the outside… struggle just to keep the lights on?

Well… to give you the answer…

We Have To Take You Back In Time
To February 26th, 2020…

That’s just a few days before all the corona craziness kicked in…

And cities across the world started shutting down.

On that day…

Over 200 of the smartest minds in direct response…

Assembled at the beautiful Venetian Resort in Las Vegas…

For a PRIVATE closed-door MASTERMIND.

It was the second LIVE meeting of our exclusive Copy Accelerator group…

And over two-and-a-half action-packed days…

Justin, Stefan, And A Hand-Selected Group Of
Special Guests Gave Away Our BEST Secrets For Driving Massive Amounts Of Revenue In 2020…




Emotional Storytelling Secrets…



Massive split testing wins…

Increasing AOV…

Skyrocketing Lifetime Customer Value…

Anything you could possibly want to know about converting cold traffic… and scaling your business…

We covered ALL of it.

And what made those 2.5 days TRULY special…

Is that NOTHING we shared was based on any unproven theory.

Instead… like ALL our events…

Every Secret, Tactic, And Strategy Revealed
In That Private Room Was Backed By
REAL, Undeniable Data…

Everything we shared was PROVEN to be effective… at the absolute HIGHEST levels of direct response.

And we truly mean that, because we gave away…

The Exact Strategies Our Copy Accelerator Mastermind Members Are ACTIVELY Using… To Drive
Over $1 Billion In Combined Revenue THIS Year!

And that’s why…

Pretty much every attendee we talked to…

From rockstar copywriters…

To million-dollar-a-month media buyers…

To 7, 8, and 9-figure business owners…

Flat out told us…

“This Was By Far The Best Event
I’ve Ever Been To!”

“There aren’t any other events where you get these types of people that are this successful sharing what’s working right now. It’s a no brainer.”

“We’ve been working with Justin and Stefan for a long time. We get all our copywriters from the event and the group. One little thing you get from one of these events can completely change your business. It’s a lot of fun too.”

– Nick Daniel, CEO of VShred

“One small tip from Justin changed the business forever. It’s unreal the amount of takeaways I’ve gotten so far. My favorite part of the event as a whole is the speakers”

– Katelyn Aseltine, Copywriter for Native Path

“This room is filled with tons of amazing copywriters and meeting people who are looking to hire copywriters. I just started my freelance writing career and walking out of the event I have a bag full of gigs.”

– Michael Rochin, New Copywriter

“I’ve been friends with Stefan and Justin for a long time and their events keep getting better.

The best part of it is the people. The type of deals that get done in this room are crazy. I literally had a conversation with two people that could quite easily be $100,000 a month profit for me. Everyone who is the best at direct response is here. And everyone’s pretty cool so you also get to party and hang out with your friends”

– Ian Stanley, $100-Million Producing Copywriter

“The nuggets you get here are amazing. People here care about hooking you up with a job. If you don’t walk away with a job or a new person in your network, you did something wrong. Find a way to come to one of these events. They set you up for life!”

– Luca Shelesky, Copywriter

“Copy Accelerator is kinda like a family reunion. It’s like coming home and meeting your relatives – even people you don’t know – and you can’t help but love them. They’re so much like you, understand you, and support you. A lot of them are super successful and encouraging and willing to give the guidance to get you to wherever you want to be.”

– Ed Reay, 20 Year Old Copywriter

“I came to learn from the top marketers in the world. I don’t have a lot of experience with cold traffic and they were sharing everything that’s working on cold traffic. And to be in the room with 8 figure and beyond business owners.

I just got done talking to a handful of people looking to hire copywriters. I’m confident I’ll have several great opportunities from just a few 15 minute conversations alone”

– Derek Doepker, Copywriter & Business Owner

“This is the best event money can buy if you’re into copy and conversions. If you don’t want to make money you shouldn’t come to this.”

– AJ Roberts, Marketer & Business Owner

“This is the best event in existence for internet marketers. They gave us 20 different split tests you can do on your funnel on Day 1 of the event. Do yourself a favor and get yourself out of your own way and come to one of these events. It will compound and pay you 10x back in the future”

– Ning Li, Copywriter for Paleo Hacks

“It’s the best way for a freelancer or business owner to get connected with legitimate marketers to make the next step in their business or career. If you’re a freelancer or business owner and you’re not here… you’re making a big mistake.”

– Tanner Henkel, Offer Owner & Copywriter VShred

“The event is so different than any events I’ve been to. And I used to go to a lot of events. It’s a really tight knit group of people all doing really well in all sorts of industries. And one of the coolest things is people share anything and everything. You can ask people any question and they’re so eager to help and you’ll get all the best stuff”

– Joey Percia, Copywriter

“The sessions are super informative. Probably the most valuable event I’ve been at in a number of years.”

– John Santori, Business Owner

“I’ve been in the copy industry for quite some time. I heard if you want to get to the next level this is the place to be. Some of the stuff is so advanced and the material is directly applicable. These guys are so smart they’re ahead of the curve”

– Art McDermott, Business Owner

“I’ve been to other events. They’re usually a big let down. But this event has been amazing. Lots of opportunities for service providers. Lots of great info for business owners. Nothing but great things to say about this event. There’s so many potential clients here that I never would’ve gotten in touch with otherwise”

– Max Fata, Video Marketing Agency Owner

“I came because I’ve gotten to know Justin and Stefan over the last year or two. The presentations and learning are incredible. I’ve got 5 pages of notes to test in our own funnels. Can’t wait to get home and put it all into action!”

– Rob Marsh, The Copywriting Club

“It’s been the wildest 2 days of my life. I wasn’t sure when I came but it’s been beyond amazing. I’ve made so many connections and deals. It’s going to completely change my life.”

– Ryan Connolly, Freelance Copywriter

“My favorite part of the event is meeting a lot of good business people operating at a high level”

– Peter Monsen, Business Owner

“Been a member of Copy Accelerator for a year now. This is the best seminar I’ve ever been to. You’re learning stuff that nobody shares out there and you leave with tons of things you can use to test and scale.”

– Randall Pruitt, 7 Figure Copywriter

Marketers who IMPLEMENTED what they learned at our Vegas event…

Enjoyed some MASSIVE wins…

Which completely transformed their businesses.

Kate Aseltine got her company Native Path a $41 average-order-value boost on their collagen funnel (the biggest win in Copy Accelerator history)…

Dave Sinick implemented the upsell techniques we taught at the last event, and is now scaling his Keto Sweets offer to 1000+ buyers a day…

Michael Rochin was almost dead broke before the last event, and was trying to find work as a PostMates driver – fast forward to now, and he’s freelance copywriting and making $10-$12k a month…
And those are just some of the wins attendees were willing to share publicly.

We also have countless others who are quietly crushing it behind the scenes…

And are getting such incredible results… they don’t want to draw any extra attention from their competitors.

(Including one offer which was created from scratch in April… and is already generating over $1.2 MILLION PER month on COLD traffic.)

So it’s becoming common knowledge within our industry, that…

Every Time You Attend A Copy Accelerator Event,
You Increase Your Income…

That’s why we have so many repeat attendees.

That’s why the MOST successful entrepreneurs in our space clear their busy schedules… so they make it out to our events.

Because the ROI you get from those events is off the charts.

Which is also why…

So many of our Copy Accelerator members have been HOUNDING us…

Asking when we’re putting on our NEXT event.

Honestly… the anticipation was a bit surprising.

Yeah, we know people are consistently blown away by our events…

That part wasn’t a surprise.

But with the current state of the world right now…

We weren’t sure if anyone would actually be willing to GO to an event.

But when we floated the idea to our private mastermind members…

The response was overwhelming.

Like 95% of our members told us they were IN… no questions asked.

One of our members even joked that…

“I don’t care if you held the event at the Wuhan Institute Of Virology. I’m there. Because the value is just too damn good to pass up.”

But while we appreciate the support…

There’s still a lot we had to take into consideration.

Because the LAST thing we’d ever want to do is put any of our members at risk…

Or force them to make a choice between their health and safety… or their business.

And since the virus is still surging in many parts of the United States…

Finding a safe and secure location to host over 200 marketers was going to be extremely difficult.

Plus… these events have to be booked MONTHS in advance…

So with so much uncertainty…

We’d HATE to have our members spend money on flights and hotels…

Just to have some government body swoop in and cancel the event on us at the last minute.

That would be a disaster.


Even if we were able to secure some sort of “protective bubble” like the NBA is doing…

There’s still another problem, too.

Because we wouldn’t want to exclude any of our international members, either.

After all, Copy Accelerator has many members who live in Asia… Australia… and all throughout Europe.

And even if these members WERE willing to take the risk of hopping on a plane right now…

Certain travel restrictions and mandatory quarantines… would have made it IMPOSSIBLE for them.

So this put us in a tricky spot.

Obviously people get a TON of value out of our events.

And We’ve Made So Many Breakthroughs
Since Our Last Event… We Feel OBLIGATED To
Share These New Secrets With Our Members…

But how do we pull off a mastermind event…

Which lives up to our impeccable standards…

WITHOUT putting people’s health at risk…

OR alienating our international members?

That was a tough riddle to crack.

And it took us weeks to figure it out.

But after careful deliberation…

And countless back-and-forth with our rockstar event-planning team…

We came up with a solution.

Something truly special.

And we’re confident you’re gonna be REALLY excited about it.

Because we came up with an innovative plan that will allow you to…

Get The FULL Experience Of Our
World-Class LIVE Copy Accelerator Events…
Without Even Having To Leave Your Home!

And yes… we said the FULL experience.

Because we found a way to take all the cutting-edge conversion secrets we share at our private events…

PLUS… all the unmatched networking opportunities our events offer…

And transfer ALL of it…

Into A One-Of-A-Kind
LIVE Virtual Experience!

Which means you get to harness ALL the same profit-boosting power our events are KNOWN for…

Except this time, you get it…

WITHOUT having to worry about getting coughed or sneezed on…

WITHOUT spending a single dime on flights or hotels…

And WITHOUT dealing with any jet lag… travel bans… or getting stuck in quarantine!

Because You Can Enjoy This Entire Experience…
From The Comfort Of Your Own Home!

So not only do you save the COSTS of traveling…

But you get to save the TIME of traveling, too!

And that’s a HUGE benefit.

Because now… when we deliver TACTICAL conversion-boosting strategies to you…

You (and your team) will be able to implement those strategies IMMEDIATELY…

And you can start making a substantial ROI… WHILE the event is still going on.

Because you won’t have to “wait until you get home” to take action…

You’ll already BE home!

Or at the office…

Or wherever you do your BEST work.

And if you’re a busy freelancer… or a business owner who has a lot to juggle…

Getting to SKIP those “travel days” that tire you out and screw up your productivity can be a huge relief.

But… let us be VERY clear about this.

Just because you’re able to join this event from home…

That DOESN’T mean we’re gonna be sticking you on some lifeless webinar…

Where you’ll start zoning out… and scrolling through Facebook.

Because Our LIVE Copy Accelerator Virtual Event
Is An Immersive, Fully-Interactive Experience!

We’ve invested in extremely high-quality production…

That makes you feel like you’re right there in the room with us.

And for all intents and purposes…

You WILL be right there in the room with us.

Because you’ll have ALL the same opportunities to ask questions… just like you would at usual LIVE events.

The ONLY difference is…

You won’t be sitting in some stuffy conference room… at a crowded table… waiting for a germy mic to get passed around.

Instead you’ll be safe at home… in FULL comfort… wearing whatever the hell you want…

While our moderators make sure your questions get answered.

And let’s be honest…

That sounds nice, doesn’t it?

When we were planning this virtual event…

Justin mentioned how this is a PERFECT scenario for introverts.

It’s a dream-come-true setup for those who don’t like to travel…

But still want to make the BIGGEST possible breakthroughs in their business.

And he’s absolutely right.

It IS a special opportunity to get all the BENEFITS of a world-class live event… without any of the stuff you might not enjoy.

But even though this virtual experience is “unusually” introvert-friendly…

You Won’t Be Missing Out On Any
Social Interaction, Either…

Instead… you’ll have PLENTY of opportunity to network.

Because just like we did at our previous events in Austin and Vegas…

On September 9th… We’re Kicking Off This
Special Virtual Experience With Our Famous
Copy Accelerator Cocktail Party…

If you’ve been following us for any period of time…

You’ve probably seen pictures from the cocktail parties at our LIVE events.



Because those parties have been a HUGE hit.

They’re Quickly Becoming Known As… One Of The BEST Places On Earth… For Marketers To Form Multi-Million Dollar Partnerships…

We couldn’t even TELL you how many lucrative JV opportunities… affiliate relationships… and NEW businesses have been formed at these cocktail parties.

Plus… there have been PLENTY of juicy 5 and 6-figure copywriting contracts handed out here, too.

Because it’s a great way to connect with potential dream clients… and other successful people in your space.

And it’s the PERFECT way to get everyone warmed up for an awesome event.

So we KNEW we had to take our Kickoff Cocktail Party…

And carry it over to our LIVE Copy Accelerator Virtual Experience.

So that’s what we’re doing.

Again… we have to give our world-class event team credit here…

Because with their help…

We Came Up With The Perfect Way To
Recreate The Whole “Bar Experience” From Home!

Now… it’s all carefully planned out…

And we don’t have to get into all the details right now…

But to keep it simple…

We’re setting up a series of Zoom rooms.

And you’ll have the opportunity to go from room to room…

So you can meet different people…

And start building those valuable connections… with high-quality peers… that can REALLY help you level up your business.

It’s an opportunity you don’t usually get… unless you’re willing to fly out to live events.

But as part of our Live Copy Accelerator Virtual Event…

We’re making these incredible networking opportunities available to you… no matter where you actually live.

Plus… we’re even going to have a virtual bartender at the event… making sure the vibe is right… and even showing you some of their favorite recipes.

So you can sit home…

Pour yourself a few drinks…

Let loose…

And have a fun time… while meeting great people.

Just make sure not to have TOO many drinks.

To welcome you to the Copy Accelerator Virtual Experience…

And lay the groundwork for the next two FULL action-packed days.

Now… just in case you somehow ended up on this page without knowing who Justin or Stefan are… let us give you a very brief introduction.

Justin Goff

Copy Accelerator By Stefan Giorgi & Justin Goff

You might know Justin Goff as “that guy in the blue suit with the majestic beard…”

But he ALSO happens to be a pretty damn good marketer, too.

In fact…

Many of the biggest names in our space consider Justin the BEST in the world… at quickly identifying leaks in your funnel…

That prevent you from scaling your offers up to 300… 500… or even 1000+ buyers a day.

(Which Justin has done numerous times… in many different niches… for both his OWN businesses… and his clients businesses.)

Stefan Georgi

Copy Accelerator By Stefan Giorgi & Justin Goff

Fun fact: Stefan Georgi currently holds the Guinness World Record for owning more Porsche hats than any other man alive.

He’s also one of the most accomplished copywriters active today.

At one point, Stefan personally wrote 8 of the top 10 offers… on ALL of Clickbank, the leading marketplace for digital products.

And not only has Stefan generated over 700 MILLION DOLLARS in revenue for himself and his clients…
But his offers are currently grossing over 20 Million A Month right now…

Which puts him on track to hit that BILLION Dollar Mark by the end of THIS year.

Stefan’s written blockbuster winners in pretty much every niche you can think of. So no matter WHAT you sell… he can help you sell a whole lot MORE of it.
Together… Justin and Stefan run Copy Accelerator…

The world’s TOP mastermind for high-level copywriters and marketers who want to launch winning offers that can scale on cold traffic.

With Justin and Stefan leading the charge, the businesses inside Copy Accelerator are on pace to generate well over 1 BILLION in combined revenue this year!

And during their PRIVATE LIVE events, they completely pull back the curtain… and reveal all the TRUE “insider” strategies that are DRIVING all these sales!

Now… if you’ve ever been to one of our events before…

Then you know… we don’t waste any time.

So as soon the agenda is set…

We’re going to dive right into the GOOD stuff.

Because Justin and Stefan are going to give a special presentation on…

“Story Leads That Consistently
Convert Cold Traffic…”

As a smart marketer, you probably already know that the LEAD is the most important part of any sales message.

And it makes total sense.

Because if you can’t get your prospects to read past the first 1-2 pages of your sales letter…

Or watch the first 2 minutes of your sales video…

Then it doesn’t matter how good the REST of that sales message is…

Because nobody will be there to see it.

In fact…

We’ve seen many scenarios…

Where simply changing the lead of a sales message…

Was able to DOUBLE the overall conversion rate.

That’s how important good leads are.

And after writing and studying HUNDREDS of winning sales letters…

We’ve recognized there’s ONE type of lead…

That gets the job done more consistently than anything else.


And if you were to think about a memorable sales letter that pulled you in right from the beginning…

There’s a good chance it had a good STORY driving the ship.

But all stories are NOT created equal.

And there’s a certain TYPE of story…

Which creates those “sticky leads” that makes your sales letter or VSL impossible to ignore.

During this presentation, we’re going to break down WINNING stories for you.

We’re going to show you REAL examples from BLOCKBUSTER offers that are killing it.

And we’re going to show you how you can adapt these PROVEN story models… for YOUR offers…

So you can DOUBLE your conversions…

Start converting cold traffic like crazy…

And bring in hundreds or even thousands of new buyers every day!

It’s safe to say…

This ONE presentation alone can completely transform your business.

And it’s just the beginning of what we have planned for you during this LIVE Copy Accelerator Virtual Event.

Because later in the day, Justin Goff is going to get BACK on stage…

And walk you through…

“Proven Upsell Optimizers That Can Add $20… $30…
Even 41 More Dollars To Your Average Order Value!”

During this presentation…

Justin is going to share the PROVEN framework he uses…

This is a must-see presentation for serious marketers…

And for copywriters who want to start cashing MUCH bigger checks.

Because simply getting your upsells right COMPLETELY changes the economics of your offer…

And can be the difference between SCALING to 1000+ buyers per day…

Or getting stuck in that frustrating 30-50 sale range.

And unlike having to re-write entire front-end sales letters…

“Fixing” your upsells can usually be done in a single day.

So these are QUICK WINS…

And once you understand how to get those wins…

You can start incorporating them throughout ALL your funnels…

And easily add 7-figures to your bottom line.

Then… after Justin’s finished…

Stefan’s going back on stage, too…

To share…

“Shocking Split Test Wins That
Boost Conversions, AOV, And Profit…”

If there’s ONE thing that illustrates what we’re about at Copy Accelerator…

It’s that we ONLY share things that are PROVEN to work.

If you just want people’s opinions and untested theories…

Then our events are probably NOT for you.

But if you want tactics and strategies…

That were battle-tested with REAL traffic…

(Especially COLD traffic)

Then you’re going to LOVE this session.

Because Stefan is going to walk you through SHOCKING split test wins…

From his own offers…

Offers he wrote for clients…

And offers from other members of our Copy Accelerator family… which he helped to improve.

Some of these split tests have delivered 15… 24… even 33% lifts.

And the best part is… they’re STACKABLE.

So these results can really add up.

And by the end of this session, you’ll have PLENTY of stuff you can test…

To deliver serious boosts to your conversion rate… AOV… and profit margins.

It’s going to be a great session.

We’re really excited to share it with you.

And we’re STILL not done.

Because you won’t just be hearing from Justin and Stefan…

We’re ALSO bringing in a special GUEST SPEAKER. His name is…

Dan Ferrari…
And He’s One Of The Best Copywriters
On The Planet!

Copy Accelerator By Stefan Giorgi & Justin Goff

Dan’s an avid surfer who lives in Hawaii…

And he’s known for going from complete obscurity…

To becoming an undeniable A-List Copywriter… in record time.

Dan’s written blockbuster controls for Agora, The Motley Fool, Green Valley Natural Solutions… and many more.

And a MAJOR factor behind Dan’s meteoric rise…
Is that he completely mastered one of the most important aspects of producing winning offers…

“The Big Idea…”

Now… some people have different thoughts about what a “big idea” really means…

But all smart marketers agree…

WITHOUT a big idea… your offer has NO CHANCE of ever taking off and scaling the way you want it to.

And in this special session…

Dan is going to put his unique twist on the concept of “The Big Idea…”

He’s going to show you where most marketers go wrong… when trying to come up with ideas…

(Which is why they can never get their offers to “take off.”)

And… he’s going to hand you a framework for developing TRUE Big Ideas…

So you can create can’t-be-ignored campaigns that CARVE through even the most CROWDED marketplaces.

This is a game-changer.

And we can’t wait to share it with you.

Then at the end… you’ll have the opportunity to ask Dan questions…

Plus… maybe we’ll even run some quick Big Idea Brainstorming…

Where Dan can help you come up with the big idea for YOUR offer.

And since companies like Traffic & Funnels pay Dan Ferrari BIG money for consulting…

Obviously, there is some insane value here.

So if we ended the day after Dan’s session…

You’ll already be blown away.

But we’re NOT ending the day there.

Because we couldn’t possibly close out the first day of the LIVE Copy Accelerator Virtual Experience…

Without running our…

Million Dollar Matchmaking Sessions…

We started running these “Matchmaking Sessions” back in February at our Vegas event…

And it was a HUGE success.

Because we were able to pair up business owners who are looking for copy help…

With writers who would be a PERFECT fit for their business.

And if we were to add up the value of all the copy jobs that came out of that session…

It’s EASILY over a million dollars.

So if you’re a business owner…

Taking part in one of these Matchmaking Sessions is a no-brainer.

Because we’ll help you find TOP LEVEL TALENT who specializes in exactly what you’re looking for.

It doesn’t matter if you’re in health, fitness, finance, biz op, dating, survival, credit repair… or other niches…

Or if you’re looking for help with your ads, VSLs, sales pages, emails, upsells, or webinars…

We can easily connect you with talented writers..

Who have the unique talents to take your business to the next level.

And if you’re a FREELANCER…

Then attending these Matchmaking Sessions is going to be EXTREMELY valuable for you.

Because it’ll give you the chance to “cut the line…”

And connect with high-level business owners who normally wouldn’t respond to your random emails or private messages.

But during the LIVE Copy Accelerator Virtual Event…

You’ll have their FULL attention…

And you’ll be able to book yourself solid with the kind of high-paying clients you DREAM of working with.

It’s NO exaggeration when we say….

Joining in on these sessions can literally shave YEARS off your copywriting growth curve…

And help you double or even TRIPLE the income you make as a copywriter this year.

In fact…

These Matchmaking Sessions can be so valuable…

That even if you IGNORED the rest of the Copy Accelerator Event…

And ONLY showed up for these Million Dollar Matchmaking Sessions…

You could still get an amazing ROI.

Obviously… it would be silly to do that.

But we just want to stress the IMPORTANCE of these high-level connections…

And we’ll do EVERYTHING we can to help you make those connections…

So you can take your business or copywriting career to the NEXT level.

As you can see…

It’s a truly action-packed first day.

And at the end of it…

You’re gonna want to log off…

Make sure you rest up…

And recharge your brain.

This time…

We’re kicking off the day with a VERY special guest.

An Amazing Entrepreneur… Who Turned Her Life’s Challenges… Into An 8-Figure Empire!
Her name is Emily Lark…

Copy Accelerator By Stefan Giorgi & Justin Goff

She’s the founder of Back To Life…

And she has an inspirational story that HAS to be heard.

From suffering with serious back pain after a childhood car accident…

To dealing with a stressful divorce…

To being just weeks away from losing her home…
Emily has risen up above EVERY challenge that life placed in her path.

That’s how she went from operating out of a makeshift yoga studio in a local church…

To becoming “the QUEEN of the back pain niche…”

Who generated over 100,000 buyers in her very first year on Clickbank.

And even though she’s been BANNED by Facebook multiple times in the past…

Nowadays… She Rules Over The Newsfeed
With An Iron Fist…

Because not only did Emily figure out how to create COMPLIANT story-driven sales pages that Facebook LOVES…

But it actually converts even BETTER than her old page…

Which is why Emily’s able to generate 500-1000 NEW customers per day.

You’re in for a real treat here.

Because not only is Emily an amazing entrepreneur… and a BRILLIANT marketer…

She’s also one of the best, most good-natured people we know.

So we’re confident her session is going to be something you remember for a very long time.

And as amazing as Emily is…

She’s just the FIRST Special Guest we have planned on this day.

So we’re just getting started here…

And next up…

We want to help you TRIPLE your conversions.

That’s Why We’re Also Bringing In THREE
Legitimate A-List Copywriters
For A Special “Copy Panel!”

And we’re NOT throwing the term “A-List” around lightly here.

You can ask anyone who really knows direct response…

And they’ll verify…

These three copywriters are among the absolute best in the world.

First up we have…

Marcella Allison

Copy Accelerator By Stefan Giorgi & Justin Goff

Marcella is the founder of the TITANIDES group…

A community built to inspire women entrepreneurs…

And we can’t think of anyone more qualified to lead the charge.

Because Marcella has an incredible track record that spans over 25 years.

She was named the 2018 Copywriter Of The Year by AWAI…
(An award previously won by legends like Clayton Makepeace, Dan Kennedy… and another one of our special “A-List” guests.)

And she’s produced MANY blockbuster campaigns in both the finance and alternative health niches.

Some of these include…

A $5.2 million direct mail control for Bottom Line…

A $3.4 million online campaign for The Motley Fool….

A $5.0 million, 9-year direct mail control Advanced Bionutritionals…

And a multimillion-dollar new product launch for Money Map Press…

Plus… many other winners.

So we’re honored to have Marcella Allison as part of our A-List Copy Panel.

Because we know she’s going to share some GOLD for increasing conversions.

And we’re extremely excited that she’s going to be joined by our next guest…

David Deutsch

Copy Accelerator By Stefan Giorgi & Justin Goff

David Deutsch actually got his start on Madison Avenue…

Under the legendary David Ogilvy…

Where he worked with major clients such as Maxwell House, American Express, and General Foods.

And for the last 4 decades…

David Deutsch has been carving out an amazing legacy of his own.
David has generated hundreds of millions of dollars for his clients over the years…

Cranking out massive winners for companies like Agora and Rodale Publishing.

And not only has David competed with the best writers in the world…

He’s been able to put a consistent BEATING on them.

At one point… David wrote SIX controls for Bottom Line Publishing (formerly known as Boardroom)… which were all running at the same time.

That’s an UNHEARD of accomplishment. Which requires true world-class talent to pull off.

And we can’t wait to see the blockbuster conversion wisdom David is bringing to Copy Accelerator.


We have the great…

Carline Anglade-Cole

Copy Accelerator By Stefan Giorgi & Justin Goff

If you’ve ever seen Carline Anglade-Cole speak…

You’ll know there’s only one word to describe her:


Carline’s a grandmother of three boys…

And while her competition may be wishing that would slow her down…
It definitely hasn’t.

Because ever since she left her 12 year career at Phillips Publishing…

She’s been consistently churning out some of the most creative, high-converting copy in all of direct response.

Carline was awarded the 2015 AWAI Copywriter of the Year…

(Just like her mentor, Clayton Makepeace)

She launched Oprah’s “O” Magazine in the direct mail space…

And she’s also cranked out DOZENS of multi-year controls for big-time publishers such as…

Health Resources… Bottom Line… Vitamin Research Group… Biscayne Labs… Healthy Directions… Activalife… Soundview… and many more!

There’s no other way to say it…

Carline is one of the best of all time.

We’re so proud that she’s joining us for our “A-List Copy Panel.”

And with Carline, David Deutsch, and Marcella Allison all sharing their best stuff…

But guess what?

We’re still not done.

Because once you have an offer with “A-List” sales copy that converts…

You’re gonna want to drive as much TRAFFIC to that offer as you can.

And that’s why we’re also bringing in TWO traffic specialists…

To help you MULTIPLY the amount of sales you make.

The first is…

Amber Spears

Copy Accelerator By Stefan Giorgi & Justin Goff

You might know Amber as the co-founder of the Mimosa Mastermind…

But that doesn’t even scratch the surface of her accomplishments.

In the last two years, Amber has driven over $28.3 million in sales…

And generated over 5 million leads… just from health docuseries launches alone..
But Amber’s ALSO one of the best SUPER-CONNECTORS in our entire space…

And an absolute MASTER at driving affiliate sales.

If You Aren’t Currently Working With Affiliates… You’re Literally Leaving MILLIONS Of Dollars
On The Table…

In fact…

Working with affiliates took Stefan’s old health company from doing $1,000,000.00 in sales in a year…

To doing over $23,000,000.00 in sales… the very NEXT year.

That’s how much of a difference maker it can be.

Need more convincing?

Recently, Copy Accelerator member Jeremy Reeves launched his first successful offer…

And scaled it to over a MILLION DOLLARS per MONTH…

Almost entirely from affiliate traffic!

(If you’ve been getting hammered with a bunch of emails about “pooping…” well you can blame Jeremy for that!)

And like we said…

When it comes to driving affiliate traffic, Amber Spears is one of the very best in the world.

Her clients include juggernauts like Venus Factor, TrueGenics, The Truth About Cancer, Dr. Mark Hyman… and many more.

And during this special session… Amber’s going to show you…

How To Assemble An Army Of Affiliates…
And Drive Massive Amounts Of Product Sales…
Without Having To “Pay Up Front” For Traffic!

This is one of the best ways out there…

To start scaling your offer FAST…

Without putting yourself at the mercy of Facebook.

Plus… it’s an absolute LIFESAVER if you’re working with a limited budget…

Because you don’t need to shell out thousands of dollars per day on ads… in order to drive some SERIOUS sales.

Do NOT miss this session.

OR the next one.

Because… after Amber shows you have to get those traffic flames burning…

We’re bringing in…

Mike Buontempo…

Copy Accelerator By Stefan Giorgi & Justin Goff

… to pour gasoline on the fire.

Mike is one of the BEST paid traffic specialists in the entire game right now.

He runs ads for some of the BIGGEST players out there.

Mike has several clients spending up to $100,000.00 A DAY… profitably.

And he’s been able to scale everything from Free + Shipping offers…
To high-ticket webinar funnels…

While maintaining skyhigh ROIs.

(He has clients consistently getting 429% return)

Basically, any question you have about running ads…

Mike is extremely qualified to answer it.

But the reason we’re specifically bringing him in…
Is To REVEAL His Secrets For
Dominating YouTube Ads!

According to Mike…

YouTube Ads just might be the MOST underutilized opportunity marketers have today.

Because not only is YouTube LESS of a compliance hassle than Facebook…

But YouTube also offers highly-advanced targeting options…

Which allows you to acquire TONS of customers… at great CPAs.
During Mike’s session, he’s gonna share ALL his secrets…

And show you exactly what he’s doing to generate an additional 6-7 figures of revenue PER month for SEVERAL of his clients.

(One of Mike’s clients is bringing in $2.2 Million a month… at ridiculous profit margins.)

This Lineup Of Guest Speakers…

Every single one of them has been selected for a specific reason…

Because they’re the MOST qualified in their area of expertise.

So we KNOW they’re going to deliver the goods…

And help you take your business or copywriting career to the NEXT level.

But we can’t let these speakers have ALL the fun…

So before we wrap up…

Justin and Stefan are going to both take the stage AGAIN…

For TWO more special sessions.


“We’re Going To Walk You Through
Zebra Ads That Jump Off The Page…
And Force Your Prospects To Click!”

We did a session on this during our Vegas event…

And people found it EXTREMELY valuable.

So now… we’re coming back for the SEQUEL.

We have TONS of examples of recent ads that have been CRUSHING it.

And we’re gonna break these ads down for you…

So you can take the same concepts that make them successful…

And use them to sell more of YOUR products.

Then… for our final session…

We’re Going To Walk You Through Some Of The
Biggest Wins Our Copy Accelerator Members
Have Achieved In The Last 6 Months…

This is true “INSIDER” level stuff.

Think about it…

Members pay $35,000.00 a year to be in Copy Accelerator.

They’re spending tens of MILLIONS on traffic and testing…
And driving over 100 MILLION in revenue… every month.

That leads to LOTS of big wins…

Because we save those wins for our PRIVATE events…

And only share them with those on the INSIDE.

But when you attend one of our events… you become part of the family.

And as we walk you through the BIGGEST wins from Copy Accelerator…

You won’t just become “inspired…”

You’ll also find untapped opportunities to increase YOUR revenue.

After that, we’ll “officially” wrap up the event…

And make sure you’re walking away with a CLEAR plan to APPLY what we shared.

But the fun doesn’t stop there…

If you’re heard anything about our events, you know we like to go out with a bang…

So after the event is officially over…

You’ll Be Invited To Our
Virtual “After-Party…”

This is a great opportunity to kick back…

Share our big takeaways from the event…

Continue to make new connections…

And who knows…

We might even have a few little surprises for you too. 🙂

Because we always like to overdeliver.

And THIS event is no exception.

Because we set a personal goal to make this the most IMPACTFUL event we’ve ever put on.

But before we go any further…

There’s one thing we need to be VERY clear on.

Before you get TOO excited about joining us…

There’s something you need to be aware of.

Just Because This Is A Virtual Event…
DOESN’T Mean It’s Open To The Public!


One of the great things about the LIVE Copy Accelerator Virtual Experience…

Is that you’re able to join from the comfort of home…

No matter where in the world you live.

But that doesn’t mean we can just let “anyone” in.

Because even though this event is taking place in a “virtual room…”

It’s Still VERY Important For Us To
Protect The QUALITY Of That Room…

Because we’ll be sharing some extremely valuable trade secrets.

Plus… there’s gonna be a TON of personal interactions…

And we don’t want to ruin the amazing atmosphere we’ve created… by bringing in any jerks or energy vampires.

We want to maintain a WINNING environment…

Where high-quality people all help each other take our businesses to the next level.

That’s what Copy Accelerator is about…

And whether we’re meeting in a physical room… or a virtual room…

Our standards stay the same.

So you can’t just “buy a ticket…”

If You Want To Come To The LIVE
Copy Accelerator Virtual Experience,
You Need To QUALIFY!

Here’s how the process works…

First… you’ll fill out a short application that lets us know you’re serious about attending.

Then once we receive your application…

You’ll schedule a quick call with a member of our team…

We’ll get to know a little bit about you… your business… and what you hope to get out of the event.

It’s nothing invasive.

But it’s a necessary step we have to take…

So we can KEEP the quality of attendees high.

After all, that’s WHY our Copy Accelerator events are widely regarded as the BEST in the business.

It’s because of the PEOPLE involved.

And knowing that you’re surrounded by high-quality people…

Gives you the confidence to share freely about your business…

Honestly… This Might Be The Single
Most Generous Offer We’ve Ever Made!

The value of what you’re getting is EASILY worth 100X what we’re charging for it.

But we’re making this offer…

Because we know…

That with all the chaos going on in the world right now…

Things can seem pretty scary.

And we want to give you ALL the resources we can…

To make sure your business or freelancing career starts paying off for you the way you NEED it to.

We don’t want you to feel like you’re at the mercy of some unpredictable virus.

We don’t want you to be worried about what’s going to happen to the economy…

And how it’s going to affect you… your family… your employees… and everyone else who DEPENDS on you.

We want you to have the confidence and peace of mind…

KNOWING you’ll come through for them.

Because you’re part of a POWERFUL network…

With all the insider secrets… and valuable connections… that allow you to THRIVE in ANY economy.

We Want You To Join The 100s Of Business Owners And Freelancers Inside Copy Accelerator…

Who Are Currently Enjoying
The MOST Profitable Year Of Their Lives!

THAT’S what happens when you put yourself in a WINNING environment.

That’s why we’re opening the doors for you…

And welcoming you into our world.

But as much as we’d like to help you…

You have to be willing to help yourself, too.

We’ll happily show you WHAT to do…

And HOW to do it…

But you gotta be willing to take the necessary action.

And the time to take that action is right NOW.

Because we’re only opening a limited number of guest spots for our LIVE Copy Accelerator Virtual Event.

And just like the rest of our events…

We expect those spots to fill VERY quickly.

That’s not some scarcity play.

That’s just what we know from EXPERIENCE.

So considering the number of people who’ve been asking us when our next event is…

And the fact that this event DOESN’T require any of the usual travel…

We know there’s a LOT of built-up demand here.

So if you hesitate on this one…

There’s a good chance you’ll be locked out and left behind.

And that’s NOT what we want for you.

So let’s get you into one of those guest slots…

BEFORE it’s too late.

Your friends,

Stefan Georgi & Justin Goff

Copy Accelerator By Stefan Giorgi & Justin Goff, what is it included (Content proof: Watch here!):

  • 01-The 9 Most Important Videos (start here)
  • 02-Most Recent Calls
  • 03-Sales Copy
  • 04-Email Copy
  • 05-Conversion Boosters
  • 06-Copywriting Business
  • 07-Open Q&A & Guests
  • 08-Tried & True Facebook Compliance
  • 09-LITE calls
  • 10-Swipes & Other Sales Copy Dissections
  • 11-Austin Live Virtual Event (Sept. 2020)
  • 12-Vegas Live Event (Feb. 2020)
  • 13-Austin Mastermind Event (Sept. 2019)
  • 14-Bonus- Stefan’s Copy System – Vegas Event