
Awai – Copywriting Academy

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Awai – Copywriting Academy



What Every Copywriter Needs to Know About Copy, the Industry, and the Copywriter’s Role in It

You’ll learn:

  • Why the industry needs copywriters, who needs them most, and why it pays so well…
  • How copy is all about persuasion and immediate response…
  • How marketing works and your role as a member of the larger marketing team…
  • The Customer Journey and the Copy-Content Continuum…
  • How Marketing Funnels work in business, and how to build one…
  • Understanding the “language” of direct response…
  • Understanding the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) copywriters need to know…
  • Various ways copywriters help their clients attract customers, make more money, and all the ways you can be paid…
  • What you need to be a successful copywriter — and what you don’t…
  • Traits, habits, and daily routines of successful copywriters…
  • How to start and build your own Swipe File — and why it’s important…


Persuasion: What it Means and Why it’s the Cornerstone of Your Copywriting Success

You’ll learn:

  • What persuasion really means and its crucial role in every piece of copy copywriters write…
  • Understanding, finding, and transmitting “emotionally compelling and persuasive ideas” in copy…
  • The secret of “clarity”…
  • The secret of “specificity”…
  • Understanding the “Rule of One” as a copywriter…
  • The psychology of persuasion and Aristotle’s “Three Appeals”…
  • Ways to inject persuasion into every sales message you write…
  • How to make any writing — copy, content, emails — irresistibly and instantly compelling…
  • Understanding the secret architecture of persuasion…
  • The seven questions readers will have that your copy must answer…
  • The invisible structure behind the world’s most successful sales messages…


Getting to Know Your Prospect — the Most Important Person You’ll Ever Know as a Copywriter

You’ll learn:

  • How to know who your true prospect is…
  • Beyond demographics — why it’s much better to have a real-life image of the person you’re writing to… and who it should be…
  • How to learn how to speak your reader’s language…
  • How to connect the solution you’re offering to the emotion your reader connects to it…
  • The theory of resistance and how to overcome it…
  • How to ensure every piece of copy or content you write is 100% focused on your reader’s wants, needs, and desires…
  • A simple three-step formula for matching your headline to your reader’s emotional desire…
  • How to strike the right balance when writing conversationally…
  • And more…


The Power of Research: Your Key to Big, Emotionally Compelling Ideas and Strong Body Copy

You’ll learn:

  • The best places to find breakthrough “Big Ideas”…
  • Beyond the Google search: How to research like a pro and unearth gems that lead to winning copy every time…
  • How to record and organize the research you find so it can be easily incorporated into your copy…
  • How to use research to find the “controlling ideas” for your promotions…
  • Research you can do that practically lets you “read your reader’s mind”…
  • It’s all about new — how to take old ideas and make them seem fresh and new in the eyes of your reader…
  • How to harness the power of AI — the copywriter’s new and most powerful research tool…
  • And more…


Writing a Sales Letter — Using AWAI’s “Deconstructed Flow” Method

You’ll learn:

  • Headlines that break through the clutter and noise, grab your reader by the lapels, and instantly connect with your reader’s needs, wants, and desires…
  • Leads that make a strong promise while keeping your reader engaged and wanting to read more…
  • Body copy that builds trust by delivering undeniable proof that your product can deliver on its core promise, while “layering in” additional benefits that make your offer even more compelling…
  • Offers and price propositions your reader simply can’t resist…
  • Closes and Calls-to-Action that summarize product benefits, justify pricing, create urgency, give your readers a clear action to take, and make clear the downside of not taking action…
  • Ironclad resistance breakers that address any additional “logical” barriers a reader might have to responding to your offer…
  • Order forms that clearly and concisely summarize your main promise, core product benefits, price, offer… and make it easy for your prospect to buy…


A-Level Editing: Taking Your Copy from Good to Great

You’ll learn:

  • How to train your brain to recognize winning sales copy…
  • Style guides and what to know about writing for different industries…
  • How to use the FK score to make your copy more readable…
  • How to polish copy by putting it through a “Punch List”…
  • Words and phrases that have no place in persuasive copy…
  • How to write concise but powerful transitions that let you move seamlessly from one idea to the next…
  • How to use AWAI’s “peer review” and C.U.B.A. copy processes…
  • And more…


Copy Elements of the Customer Journey: How to Write a Complete Online Acquisition and Sales Campaign

You’ll learn:

  • Space ads for Google and social media designed to generate immediate interest in what you’re selling to the market you’re targeting…
  • SEO content that engages a prospective buyer by offering real and useful solutions based on what they’re searching for…
  • Emails that encourage readers to click to and read your sales letter…
  • Landing pages that offer free reports or other giveaways in exchange for the name and email address of a new potential customer…
  • “Stick” emails that welcome new customers where you can start building long-term relationships…