
Authority Hacker Pro 2022 By Gael Breton, Mark Webster

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Authority Hacker Pro 2022 By Gael Breton, Mark Webster – Instant Download!

Authority Hacker Pro Is The Most Complete Authority Site Training Program On The Planet
Learn how to grow successful authority sites with us

We Are The Place Where Industry Leaders Chose To Learn From

Authority Hacker Pro 2022 By Gael Breton, Mark Webster

Tim Soulo

Authority Hacker Pro 2022 By Gael Breton, Mark Webster

Tung Tran
Cloud Living

Authority Hacker Pro 2022 By Gael Breton, Mark Webster

Miles Beckler

Authority Hacker Pro 2022 By Gael Breton, Mark Webster
Thomas Smale
FE International

Authority Hacker Pro 2022 By Gael Breton, Mark Webster

Steve Scott
Authority Pub

Authority Hacker Pro 2022 By Gael Breton, Mark Webster

374 Video Lessons

Real Life Case Studies

Copy / Paste Templates

Custom Tools

Detailed SOP’s

Learn & Become A Full-Stack Online Marketer
With Our Growing Library Of 420+ Over The Shoulder Video Blueprints

Authority Hacker Pro 2022 By Gael Breton, Mark Webster

Authority Hacker Pro 2022 By Gael Breton, Mark Webster

Output More Content Than Ever

Authority Hacker Pro 2022 By Gael Breton, Mark Webster

Authority Hacker Pro 2022 By Gael Breton, Mark Webster

Authority Hacker Pro 2022 By Gael Breton, Mark Webster

Authority Hacker Pro 2022 By Gael Breton, Mark Webster

Everyone knows that successful websites must have great content. But how do you scale content production, while also improving quality and cutting costs?
It’s very challenging to do all of that at the same time.
This is why we have put together a collection of advanced blueprints that show you exactly how to setup your content production engine for maximum productivity.
The Keyword Research Blueprint: Inside this blueprint, we will build a framework that will allows you to consistently find new keywords you can rank for with your site. You will also be able to keep a close eye on what’s working in your niche so you never miss a winning trend.
The Building Your Content Team Blueprint: To grow, you need to produce a lot of content and it needs to be super high quality. In this blueprint, we’ll show you our incredibly detailed hiring process and how you can use it to hire a team of A-players to create content for you, without breaking the bank.
The Editorial System Blueprint: In this blueprint, we’ll show you exactly how to structure content into repeatable formats that you can train your staff to execute with minimal input from you. You’ll also build a complete editorial production workflow system.

  • Learn how to find unlimited profitable keyword & content ideas on tap.
  • Build an all star outsourced team with our full hiring & vetting process.
  • Build a content production system that can manage over 50 writers at the same time.
  • Completely systematize your content production engine and explode your traffic.


Josh used the editorial blueprints provided inside Authority Hacker Pro to build a content creation process that allows him to publish 24 high quality articles per week on his site.
This system allowed him to take over his competitors and become the #1 photography education site in the world, in terms of search traffic, in a matter of months.
This allowed him to grow his authority site and build a team of 20+ people. He now has big plans for the future!

Authority Hacker Pro 2022 By Gael Breton, Mark Webster

Acquire More Links For Less

Authority Hacker Pro 2022 By Gael Breton, Mark Webster

Authority Hacker Pro 2022 By Gael Breton, Mark Webster

Authority Hacker Pro 2022 By Gael Breton, Mark Webster

Authority Hacker Pro 2022 By Gael Breton, Mark Webster


When it comes to generating huge organic traffic, if content is king, links are definitely queen.
And getting links that make a difference is harder than ever. You need lots of high quality links. The only way to achieve this without upsetting Google is to build scaleable link building systems and processes.
This is why we built not one but three extremely efficient but most importantly complementary blueprints. These allow you to scale white hat link building while also getting super high DR links from some of the top sites on the internet.
The Shotgun Skyscraper Blueprint: This incredibly in-depth system will walk you through the most efficient white hat link building system ever documented. It will allow you to build a high volume of relevant links without the need for a massive team or a ton of cash.
The Guest Posting Blueprint: Guest posting has a come a long way in the last 8 years. The strategies you need to make it work in 2019 are vastly different. But most people are still using 2012 tactics. That’s why they aren’t getting results. In this blueprint, we show you have to really get results using both Sniper and Shotgun approaches with our latest systems and processes.
The HARO Blueprint: Sign up for the Help A Reporter newsletter. Answer Questions. Get links. Easy, right !?! Well, not quite. As with most things in link building, the devil is in the detail. Our tried and tested system has consistently got us some incredible links. We’re talking DR 90+ here. In this blueprint, we’ll give you that exact system.

  • Never struggle building links to your sites ever again
  • Build variety in your link profile
  • Acquire links from incredibly high authority sites
  • Automate, Outsource & Systematize link acquisition


Sebastian is a historical member of Authority Hacker Pro where he learned the initial version of the Shotgun Skyscraper.
Not only did this link building framework allow him to finally make his own websites take off and earn thousands of dollars of passive income per month.
But he also started an extremely successful link building agency relying entirely on the principles taught inside The Shotgun Skyscraper Blueprint.
Sebastian has now built an entire business that sustains him, his partner and his employees, solely with the knowledge included in the link building blueprints.

Authority Hacker Pro 2022 By Gael Breton, Mark Webster

Authority Hacker Pro 2022 By Gael Breton, Mark Webster

Grow An Engaged Audience

Authority Hacker Pro 2022 By Gael Breton, Mark Webster

Authority Hacker Pro 2022 By Gael Breton, Mark Webster

Authority Hacker Pro 2022 By Gael Breton, Mark Webster

Authority Hacker Pro 2022 By Gael Breton, Mark Webster

SEO is a great start. But the key to growing real authority sites fast something much more valuable in the long run: repeat visitors.
There are more platforms than ever for you to build a following. Learning how to run each of them properly can be daunting. We’ve already figured it out for you. You just have to focus on executing our tactics so you can bring people back your site again and again.
The Giveaway Blueprint: Use this highly repeatable marketing tactic to quickly grow a large follower list on all social platforms and email to build a platform to promote your content from.
The Content Promotion Blueprint: This blueprint will show you exactly how to get eyeballs on your content just after your press the “Publish” button but also how to continuously drive traffic and engagement to older content on autopilot.
The Email Marketing Blueprint: Learn how to build an automated email system that engages and sells to your biggest fans. Whether you have your own products or you just promote affiliate offers, this will take you from zero to hero when it comes to engaging and selling with email.

  • Grow your social followings using incredibly effective giveaway tactics
  • Learn how to use all your channels to drive targeted traffic to your content efficiently
  • Grow and engage readers through email marketing

Kevin was one of the first members of Authority Hacker Pro. He had one passion that he wanted to build his life around: Gardening.
It did happen in one day, not even one year. But looking back now, using the blueprints to kickstart his site. He now works on his site full time while doing something he loves. For him, it was absolutely worth it.
He also grew an incredible following online using some of the blueprints provided in Authority Hacker Pro and is now the face of national ad campaigns.
We could not be prouder of his achievement here at Authority Hacker.

Authority Hacker Pro 2022 By Gael Breton, Mark Webster

Authority Hacker Pro 2022 By Gael Breton, Mark Webster

Convert Followers Into Buyers

Authority Hacker Pro 2022 By Gael Breton, Mark Webster

Authority Hacker Pro 2022 By Gael Breton, Mark Webster

Authority Hacker Pro 2022 By Gael Breton, Mark Webster

Authority Hacker Pro 2022 By Gael Breton, Mark Webster

What’s the point of building a following if all you get is likes and retweets?
Your ability to monetize your audience is the #1 factor YOU have control over that will determine how fast your business grows. If you can grow traffic but get pennies for your visits, it doesn’t matter how much of an SEO or social genius you are, you will always be broke.
So we have prepared monetization formulas you can use to quickly transform traffic into dollars. Simply pick the ones that make the most sense with your business and abilities, and follow it until the first check lands in your mailbox ;).
Building an Info Product Blueprint: This we walk you through the exact process we have used countless times to create high-quality information products on our sites, even if you are not an expert. This structured approach will help you output a truly helpful product that will thrill your new customers.
The Evergreen Funnels Blueprint: Learn how to sell any product on your site incredibly effectively using a mix of evergreen scarcity and powerful sequences and copywriting tactics. This blueprint alone is responsible for millions of dollars of revenue in our business.
The Affiliate Marketing Blueprint: Learn how to use affiliate marketing creatively to promote offers to your audience and maximize the conversion rate by mixing multiple mediums such as emails, ads, social, and blog content.

  • Build products fast to monetize your audiences efficiently.
  • Learn how to sell more products using evergreen scarcity
  • Build advanced affiliate funnels to maximize your audience value without owning products

When Robert joined Authority Hacker, he complained about the price. It seemed really expensive for him but went ahead and joined in 2016 anyway.
His goal was simple: Build enough income to pay the bills.
Long story short, 9 months later, he was already generating a lot more than he needed with the site he learned how to build using The Authority Site System (included in Authority Hacker Pro).
In Robert’s own words: “Becoming an AH Pro member will be one of the best investments I’ll ever make in my entire life”

Expand Your Website Fleet

Authority Hacker Pro 2022 By Gael Breton, Mark Webster







If you don’t have an authority site yet or if you are looking to systemize the growth of your website empire, then you will love The Authority Site System®. Here we take you with us as we start a brand new website to add to our portfolio and show you exactly how we get new sites started.
From niche selection, to initial setup & content to building the first links & getting traffic rolling. This is the most complete course on starting new sites you will find on the market. The entire course is included in Authority Hacker Pro

  • Watch us build a new case study site from start to finish
  • Over 120 step by step over the shoulder videos
  • Done for you new site todo list to keep you focused on taking action
  • Starters exclusive Facebook community

Outsource & Automate Your Entire Operation
Using Our Prebuilt Templates, SOP’s & Hiring Guides

Authority Hacker Pro 2022 By Gael Breton, Mark Webster

Copy & Paste Our Processes

Authority Hacker Pro 2022 By Gael Breton, Mark Webster

Content briefs

Email campaigns

Marketing automation

Outreach & Promotion

Starting any marketing campaign from a blank page can be very overwhelming and we found that the ‘blank page syndrome’ was one of the main reasons people do not implement new marketing processes in their business.
This is why we have put together a library of ‘fill the blank’ templates associated with blueprint lessons.
You can either download them as and implement them instantly to your business as you go through the blueprints videos or you can browse all of them in one convenient place if you want to speed run action taking
With these copy & paste templates, growing your online business is as easy as CTRL + C and CTRL + V!

  • Speed up implementation with done for you customizable templates
  • Increase your success rate from field tested templates
  • Enjoy quick results from all the time you save



Thomas is the CEO of FE International, one of the biggest website brokers in the world.
Thomas has seen very large deals being made between website buyers and website sellers.
And while he did NOT build a site with one of our courses, he did sell many of the sites our students built for large amounts of money over the years.
And in his own words, Authority Hacker sites are superior to most other sites on the market, both due to the detailed processes our members have been following along with the quality of links and content.
We are one of the only courses that is recommended by the people who make money selling your websites so you know we walk the talk.

Outsource & Hire An Elite Team

Authority Hacker Pro 2022 By Gael Breton, Mark Webster

Not only did we prepare copy & paste templates for you to implement the strategies we share quickly & effectively. But we also have, for selected blueprints, prepared job descriptions and standard operating procedures for your staff.
This means that YOU don’t have to do the work.
Simply use our premae job ads & screening process to find the perfect candidate to run the process for you.
Then use the documentation we also prepared for you to train them and show them exactly how to execute the process. This way, you just have to follow the hiring & management process and let others do the grunt work.

  • Speed up implementation with done for you customizable templates
  • Increase your success rate from field tested templates
  • Enjoy quick results from all the time you save


Who Is This Course For?

Website owners
If you are a website owner in a competitive niche, you know links are extremely important to stay ahead of the competition. This course will give you the tools to build better links faster than ever.

In-House SEO’s
If your job is to make SEO happen with just you or other people, you will love the premae workflows and training SOP’s that should make a difference in your link output almost immediately.

Agencies & Freelancers
If you sell link building or outreach as a service, you will get tremendous value from the processes outlined in this course. Expect to be able to increase your prices and profit margins.

Your Handsome Instructors

Authority Hacker Pro 2022 By Gael Breton, Mark Webster

Gael has over 9 years experience in building and growing websites. He has worked with a wide range of clients, from local businesses to fortune 500 company sites.
Since starting out online, he has managed to take multiple blogs from blank WordPress installations to highly successful web properties that attract millions of visitors and generate 7-figures each year.
Along the way, Gael shared his internet marketing knowledge as a speaker at Harvard, Wharton and Oxford university.

Authority Hacker Pro 2022 By Gael Breton, Mark Webster

Mark started his first profitable site in 2008 and is obsessed with building efficient systems. If there is a way to squeeze some extra efficiency out of a site, Mark will find it.
He has been an entrepreneur since the age of 13. Having built multiple businesses, Mark knows how to deliver results. He’ll show you the best way to do that too.
Having worked with Gael since 2010, together they represent the proverbial Ying and Yang of online marketing. If Gael can dream it, Mark can do it.

Over 6000 Existing Customers

Authority Hacker Pro 2022 By Gael Breton, Mark Webster

Authority Hacker Pro 2022 By Gael Breton, Mark Webster

Authority Hacker Pro 2022 By Gael Breton, Mark Webster

Authority Hacker Pro 2022 By Gael Breton, Mark Webster