
2015 Web Copy Intensive By AWAI

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2015 Web Copy Intensive By AWAI – Instant Download!

This February, I’m bringing THE top web experts to Austin …
where we’ll transform a select group of writers into
paid web copywriters in just 72 hours flat — guaranteed.

Will you be one of them?

If you’re ready to ROCK the web copy world in 2015,
your answer should be, “Yes!”

At AWAI’s 2015 Web Intensive, you won’t JUST learn how to write the lucrative web projects companies are desperate for now …

  • You’ll get the rare opportunity to learn the ins and outs of the industry from the most respected web writers and marketers in the business … all in one place …
  • You’ll create a full portfolio then and there … and get your samples professionally critiqued …
  • You’ll create a customized self-marketing plan — including step-by-step instructions on how to land clients …
  • And, you’ll even walk away with a live, paid assignment … and your first paycheck, worth up to $2,000!

So when you get home, you’ll have the complete
framework of a business in place, ready to go.

All you’ll have to do is start writing.

2015 Web Copy Intensive By AWAI

Rebecca Matter
President, AWAI

Dear Writer,

If you’re not 100% committed to freelance writing success in 2015 … this event is not for you.

That’s not meant to sound harsh … I just want to be up-front with you.

See, this year’s Web Copywriting Intensive is going to be unlike any other.

There’s only room for writers dedicated to launching their writing business … getting clients … and generating a handsome income in the coming year.

You’ve seen just a glimpse of what I have in store for you above. The bottom line is this:

I’ve pulled out ALL the stops to create a hands-on learning experience that helps you leap over every single obstacle that could possibly keep you from success.

I’m not just talking about the top-notch education, experience, and skills you need to be a sought-after web copywriter … which you WILL get, in spades, from some of the pioneering copywriters of our industry.

That’s just the first step.

I’m also talking about all the “little things” you need to launch a business too.

I mean …

  • A complete portfolio of web copy projects — samples of your writing that have been reviewed by experts, polished, and that you’re proud to show potential clients …
  • Your freelancer’s website, which is part of your self-marketing plan and a key part of your portfolio, too …
  • The answer to the question, “Am I good enough to really do this?”
  • Even landing a high-profile client (hint: it’s me!) … working with top copywriters and marketers on a live assignment … and getting paid!

I’ve seen all these things trip up copywriters in the past … and I’ve figured out a way to blast through all of them and more.

So if you have the drive to succeed …

And you want to leapfrog over the learning curve and start writing for a living now …

I invite you to come to Austin this coming February with nothing but your dedication and a laptop … work with me and my team for three days … and leave with a complete web copywriting business of your very own.

There’s never been a better time to get dedicated and get going, because a HUGE wave of demand for trained web copywriters is coming in fast.

Let me explain.

Web Copywriting is the Most In-Demand Opportunity For Freelance Writers Since … Well, Ever!
(And, it’s About to Get Even BIGGER.)

Forrester Research predicts marketers will spend $77 billion on digital marketing in 2016.

$77 billion!

Numbers like that should get you pumped!

It means there’ll be so much DEMAND for knowledgeable web writers in the next several years that there’ll be very little competition.

I predict if you get started now … even if you’re a “newbie” web writer today … you’ll be booked solid for weeks at a time.

And the faster you can get trained and launch your business …

The faster you can get paid the handsome fees web copywriters have come to enjoy. I mean $500 … $1,500 … even $3,500 per project! (I’ll tell you more about them in a minute.)

That’s where I come in.

See, every February for the past seven years, I’ve met with a group of excited and committed up-and-coming copywriters …

Put them in a room with the industry’s top web writing and marketing experts …

And taught them the skills they need to do the job better than 99% of the people out there.

And those writers have gone on to be top-notch freelancers, earning high five-figure and even six-figure incomes … quitting their day jobs … and saying Sayonara! to the workaday life for good.

I’m proud to say that I’m currently a full-time, freelance web copywriter. I took the leap and quit my salaried JOB, and now I’m thoroughly enjoying my writer’s life.

And I trace my success directly back to the 2012 Web Intensive.

I was just launching my business, just getting my web copywriting feet wet, when I attended the 2012 Web Intensive. I considered my investment in the Web Intensive to be an investment in my business, in myself … in my future. It did not disappoint.

After participating in the sessions and interacting one-to-one with the expert speakers, I walked away from the Web Intensive knowing without a doubt that web copywriting is how I will make a living doing what I love — writing. I walked away with the confidence to claim my status as a Web Copy Specialist and with the absolute certainty that I could make my dream of the writer’s life a reality.

In fact, with that confidence, I was able to accelerate my business plan. Instead of the year that I conservatively planned for, I completely replaced my JOB salary with copywriting income within six short months. I’m not looking back and not going back … ever.

The 2012 Web Copy Intensive truly launched my freelance web copywriting career. I consider it to be the very foundation of my successful new writer’s life. Thank you, AWAI!

I know, learning everything you need to know to be a web copywriter in just three days sounds like a lofty goal.

But I’m very confident you can do it — because the past seven generations of Web Copywriting Specialists have done it too. (That’s the title earned by every writer that attends Web Intensive. You’ll hear from some of them as we go along.)

This year, I want to challenge you (and myself) to do even better.

I want to send you home with not JUST the skills to write powerful web copy that wows your clients …

But with a complete business framework in place, ready to launch when you decide to pull the trigger.

And I don’t just mean the knowledge to build that framework when you get home. I mean you’ll be ALL SET.

What I’ve found, all too often, is that “life” gets in the way and keeps so many promising writers from the lifestyle and financial freedom they deserve. (You may have experienced this yourself already.)

But not this time.

This year, not even your busy LIFE will have a chance to get in your way.

Because if you’re one of the select writers who joins me in Austin, you’re going to have the rare chance to sit down with the industry’s best … learn the ropes … and do the writing (and business building) right then and there.

  • You’ll get the need-to-know tricks for writing engaging content from Brian Clark … then you’ll turn around and give it a shot on your own article or blog post.
  • Heather Lloyd-Martin will give you the tools you need to make optimizing a web page for “the Google” a snap … then get your hands dirty and work with her to optimize a page of your own.
  • You’ll hear Nick Usborne spill all his advanced secrets for writing stellar web copy … then immediately try your hand at a landing page.
  • And, you’ll also learn Nick’s newest techniques for leveraging the social web, so you’ll get to write purposeful social media posts that both engage and persuade.
  • You’ll discover Jay White’s secret formula for writing emails that “get the click” — then put your hands on the keyboard and create your own.

And every single one of the samples you write will be critiqued by an advanced freelancer, who’ll help you polish it before you leave.

So by the end of the three days, you’ll be a Web Copy Specialist …

And you’ll have the confidence, experience, and samples you need to start finding and accepting clients the moment you get home — and start invoicing for those hefty paychecks!

Let me show you exactly how this is going to work — and how you can truly become a working web copywriter in just three days.

Learn How to Write Every Type of
Web Copy Project — Then Sit Down and Do it!

The experts I’ve assembled are all doing what YOU want to do: they’re professional, independent copywriters and marketers who make a very comfortable living doing what they love on their own terms.

And they’re widely regarded as THE expert in their field — often the person who defined or even created his or her web specialty.

These genius, “A-level” men and women are going to teach you the “up-to-the-minute” best practices for web copy that works today …

I’ve challenged each instructor to bring their BEST stuff …

The freshest formulas …

The most “insanely useful” how-to’s …

And their most in-depth, from-the-trenches experience.

These masters will compress their decades of experience down into the most essential steps … and train YOU to master THEIR craft.

And after they’re done instructing, they’ll get your hands on the keys and train you to write each type of copy live.

Then, you’ll have your piece critiqued (privately) then and there, so you walk away with the best samples possible!

Get Ready to Dive in to the
Six Essential Copy Projects Web Clients Need NOW —

Since I want to get you up, running, and confident by the time you leave Austin, I’ve got all hands on deck to walk you through the six unique types of copy your clients are most likely going to need, including …

(1) Advanced Landing Pages and Website Copy

Your live learning experience will begin with Nick Usborne, who’ll lead you through an advanced session on writing copy for the Web.

(Don’t worry — you’ll have mastered the basics before you come; I’ll show you how in a few minutes!)

Nick is THE pioneer of copywriting for the Internet — seriously! He was one of the first direct-response copywriters to realize writing for an online audience was fundamentally different than writing for print.

He wrote the first book on writing for the Web, Net Words, and he’s been an in-demand freelance writer and consultant for companies like The New York Times, Disney, Yahoo!, and Microsoft for almost 20 years — which is about as long as the Internet has been around.

Nick — AWAI’s 2014 Copywriter of the Year and the author of Web Copywriting 2.0 — is going to give you the inside scoop on his master process for writing highly-effective web copy. You’ll build on your existing knowledge … and add advanced skills to your toolbox, including …

  • How to learn from a page’s “history of behavior” … and tweak it to ensure your visitors take action, every time …
  • How to craft copy that flows from page to page, keeping readers moving forward into your site without thinking (or resisting) …
  • How to write in a way that builds familiarity and social trust … an all-important technique in the age of the social web!
  • Plus, how to leverage email and e-newsletters in your business …
  • And much more!

Nick’s sessions have always been a favorite among attendees … and you’ll be getting a double dose. He’s also an expert in another type of web copy you’ll want to master … where the turnaround is quick, energy is high, and projects are plentiful …

“Nick is a calm, authoritative speaker who has both intelligence and credibility.”

— Sally Eastwood,
Laguna Beach, CA, 2013 Web Intensive Attendee

“Nick’s quiet charm removes the anxiety from such a massive undertaking. (His rants are very amusing too!)”

— Vicki Corriere,
Austin, TX, 2013 Web Intensive Attendee

“[Nick is an] excellent teacher. Really appreciate his kind, thorough teaching style. Very helpful. Thank you.”

— Dr. Ron Jahner,
Chicago, IL, 2013 Web Intensive Attendee

(2) Social Media

Nick wrote AWAI’s How to Make Money as a Social Media Marketing Expert, and he’ll be bringing you the update on what’s working today in the fast-moving world of social media.

Leveraging social media sites like Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, LinkedIn, and Instagram isn’t the same as it was just six months ago.

Nick will get you up-to-date on what’s working now in social media — and show you how using these foot-in-the-door projects can help you land bigger projects with your new clients.

He’ll answer questions like …

  • Does social media really work to increase sales … and my clients’ bottom lines?
  • How can I prove that my social media service is making a difference … with cold, hard facts … so my clients know I’m an irreplaceable part of their increased sales?
  • How can I leverage my knowledge of social media to increase my own freelance business?
  • And much more!

(3) SEO Copywriting

No web copywriting education would be complete without a thorough understanding of Search Engine Optimization (SEO).

And that means bringing in the pioneer of SEO copywriting herself, Heather Lloyd-Martin.

Heather’s been helping companies of all sizes … from Fortune 50 retailers to publishers and search engine companies themselves … create targeted SEO content since 1998.

She even wrote the first book on the subject — and her SEO Copywriting Certification is one of the most comprehensive programs in the industry.

That’s why Heather is the best person to walk you through the basics of SEO, while giving you an exclusive look at some of her secrets for impressing your clients and “The Google.”

SEO copywriters can earn anywhere from $50 to $1,500 per page. And any company with a website needs to optimize each and every page to maximize their visibility and reach to their audience.

That means the demand for a skilled SEO writer is huge! (Trust me, it’s not as hard or as technical as it sounds — and Heather makes it a snap!)

“There are many people who do speaking and training on search marketing, but Heather is one of the best. Her clear speaking style, with an emphasis on both what’s effective and what’s realistic in a business situation, is what differentiates her from the techno-speak that you usually get. Plus, she’s fun, which is even better. Don’t miss your chance to work with her.”

— Mike Moran,
Manager, IBM

(4) Content Marketing

“Content is King” on the Web … and smart marketers across all industries know it.

They’re constantly on the lookout for talented content writers to engage their audience with a never-ending flow of entertaining and informative blogs, articles, social media posts, shareable videos, info-graphics, and more.

Prove to your client that you can write consistently, and they’ll never want to let you go. (And they’ll be happy to pay your $300 per article fee!)

It’s hard to say “content marketing” without mentioning Brian Clark in the same breath.

Brian is the founder of the multimillion-dollar company, Copyblogger Media … and his New Rainmaker platform has taken the content marketing world by storm.

There’s no one more qualified to get you ahead of the learning curve on the evolving world of content marketing … and show you how you can build your entire copywriting business on this profitable medium alone!

“Brian blew my mind.”

— Brandy Booth,
Saginaw, MI, 2014 Web Intensive Attendee

“Amazing. Brilliant. Useful. Inspiring. These ‘keywords’ describe Brian Clark.”

— Rhoann Ponseti,
San Francisco, CA, 2013 Web Intensive Attendee

“Wow — Brian’s presentation had so much meat it will take me months to work down to the bone. So pleased to have heard him and looking forward to getting more out of my career thanks to his material.” — Jen Adams,
Cuenca, Ecuador, AWAI Staff Copywriter

“Great to get his philosophy and perspective. It’s an unbelievable opportunity to see behind the veil of a visionary in the industry. Thank you!”

— Christina Young,
Cincinnati, OH, 2013 Web Intensive Attendee

(5) Emails and Autoresponders

When it comes to learning to write emails that get opened, get read, and “get the click,” there’s no better teacher than Jay White, author of AWAI’s Email Copy Made Easy program.

Jay will bring you his tried-and-true formulas for writing stellar email campaigns … his newest techniques for creating intriguing subject lines … and his emotionally compelling tricks for ultimately engaging prospects.

Once you discover how enjoyable writing quick emails, autoresponders, and lift notes for clients can be … not to mention how profitable … you’ll wish you’d gotten into this ever-in-demand medium sooner!

“[Jay] rocks! Unbelievable enthusiasm that made the concept super easy to embrace and implement.”

— Christina Young,
Cincinnati, OH, 2013 Web Intensive Attendee

“Jay was very good at making autoresponders and email copy sound easy. He communicated advanced marketing concepts and teachings in a way that didn’t feel like ‘hard learning’ on the topic.”

— Jen Adams,
Cuenca, Ecuador, AWAI Staff Copywriter

“I was fascinated by Jay White’s talk — since I love stories, myth, and metaphors, his unique approach really captured my attention. I appreciated his presentation style — it was friendly, engaging, and fun. Keeping the fun in copywriting, especially when anxious about the next steps, is really important.”

— Deb Svanefelt,
Ontario, Canada, 2013 Web Intensive Attendee

(6) Ads That Build Lists

In the age of e-commerce, there is nothing more precious to a company than The List … the list of all the names and contact information of their customers and potential buyers.

These are people who have given them permission to send information and promotions straight to their inbox … so you can continue to build a relationship with them that eventually leads to the sale.

And when you know the secrets to build that list for your client, you hold the keys to the treasure chest!

It all starts with writing a powerful ad that gets a potential customer’s attention … and that’s exactly what Brian Edmondson is going to teach you to do.

Brian is a self-taught expert in business-building systems and growing lists. He’s worked his Internet “magic” for some of the biggest names in our industry, including Early to Rise, Agora, and Tellman Knudson’s Overcome Everything, Inc.

But beyond his impressive accolades, he’s a humble and straight-forward teacher. He makes what can often be a technical, somewhat complicated subject feel like child’s play.

By the end of his presentation, you’ll have a comprehensive understanding of …

  • Writing ads that drive targeted, qualified traffic to your clients’ websites …
  • The ins and outs of list building, which Brian calls the MOST financially valuable skill in online marketing … including Brian’s expert tips for writing effective landing pages, squeeze pages, and website opt-in copy …
  • And … the Truth about online marketing that will make you the most valuable part of your client’s innermost team!

Get Hands-On Training For Each of These Copy Projects … And Instant Expert Feedback, Too!

You’re not just going to get the chance to “sit at the feet” of these web-writing moguls — even though that alone is worth the entry fee (which hundreds before you have happily paid).

You’re going to apply the skills you’ve learned. You’re going to write.

This is a web workshop, after all!

And you won’t be diving into the deep end alone.

Before you come to Austin, you’ll be placed into a group of 10 other writers.

You’ll have the chance to exchange emails and get to know each other before the event, so you head in to the Web Intensive with writing buddies already established and excited to meet you.

Plus, you’ll also be assigned a copy chief — an experienced freelance web writer who will help you along every step of the way.

These advanced writers are AWAI-trained and available to give you guidance on your writing or bounce around ideas with. Plus, they’ll be acting as your “tour guides” during the Web Intensive experience. Pick their brains — they’re all here for you!

I hope you’re starting to see the incredible value of having all of these experienced writers and web legends in one place. (It only happens at Web Intensive!)

And that’s JUST the web writing education!

We haven’t even gotten to the secrets behind skyrocketing the freelance business you’ll be building.

Enter the business-building … profit-maximizing … and client-landing experts Ryan Deiss, Pam Foster, and Joshua Boswell.

Let Ryan Deiss Show You How to Skyrocket
Your Income With His Time-Tested,
Million Dollar Email Marketing Techniques

I’m very excited to announce that Ryan Deiss, the “Digital Marketer” himself, will be on deck, showing you how to create and manage a full email marketing campaign.

You’re going to take all the email writing fundamentals you learn with Jay White — skills that are worth tens of thousands of dollars on their own — and turn them into a full blown service that allows you to up your fees big time (and ensure you never run out of work).

Ryan’s going to reveal some the most powerful email marketing secrets and strategies he’s ever discovered. Combined, this is THE system his company has spent hundreds of thousands of dollars perfecting.

He calls it “The Invisible Sales Machine.”

And during the Web Intensive, you’ll get a personal tour of this system … and all the nitty-gritty details you need to re-create it for your clients (and yourself!).

Trust me, when you present your clients with an email marketing plan designed by one of the foremost web marketers alive, you’ll instantly be their hero.

During Ryan’s session, you’re going to discover …

  • How to craft an automated, evergreen, and sophisticated multi-step email campaign that quite literally makes your clients (or you) sales while you sleep …
  • The 5 phases of this ultimate email “game-plan” and how they fit together …
  • The 7-day sequence that strikes a perfect balance between revenue-generation and relationship-building …
  • Where you should send ALL your clicks in virtually every promotion … and how to leverage this time-tested truth into more writing projects for yourself …
  • The “B x D + C formula” that guarantees higher open rates, more clicks, and increased sales from your email list …
  • Plus, answers to commonly asked questions like “How many times per week should we email our list?” (Ryan will tell you EXACTLY how many!)
  • And, “What should we do with subscribers who haven’t opened or clicked one of our emails in 60 days?” He’ll tell you that, and MUCH more, during this session.

The best part of all of this … besides looking like a Master Copywriter with years of marketing experience under your belt …

Is that every single part of Ryan’s five-phase system requires a lot of written materials.

The emails themselves are just one part. Those emails have to lead to landing pages, which need to be written. Landing pages lead to sales pages, which need to be written. And those sales pages lead to upsells, cross-sells, thank you pages, and … voila! More emails!

And since you’re the one who designed this incredible email campaign for your client, who better to write those pieces of copy than you?

By the end of Ryan’s presentation, you’ll know how to put this entire system in place … and you can charge handsomely for it!

In short, this is a MUST-SEE session, easily worth the cost of admission by itself.

Ryan regularly charges thousands per ticket to present this information live — and you’ll be getting a front row seat at the 2015 Web Intensive!

Even if you’ve heard Ryan speak about email marketing, or you’re familiar with Digital Marketer, he’s got some new tricks up his sleeve that you won’t want to miss.

“Ryan is so full of energy and passion for what he does, I can’t help but be inspired. His vast wealth of marketing experience online makes him an incredible addition to the Web Intensive lineup. (It wouldn’t be complete without Mr. Digital Marketer himself!) He’s a smooth talker, a great teacher, humorous, and a pleasure to listen to.”

— Rae Robinson

Discover How to Get Your Clients to Pay You to
Write Project Proposals With Pam Foster …

Pam made a name for herself as a freelance copywriter in the pet and vet industry — but she’s also an enthusiastic teacher with a knack for helping writers like you make significant progress in their businesses.

She’s known for several of her popular AWAI programs, not the least of which is Site Audits Made Simple: Consult Your Way to Lucrative Web Copywriting Projects.

Before beginning a web project, you’ll typically submit a project proposal … a document that defines what you’ll do and for how much.

The problem with this … according to Pam … is that you don’t get paid for the time it takes you to write the proposal!

But when you do a website audit, you do get paid … and then you get paid to fix any problems you find.

It’s a master trick that can significantly impact your bottom line.

And this year, Pam will …

  • Walk you through exactly how to pitch website audits to future clients (so it’s a no-brainer for them and hundreds of additional dollars for you) …
  • Give you her personal checklist that guides you through the entire auditing process — including common problems to look for while you go …
  • Show you how to turn your audit into individual paying projects …
  • And, she’ll bring her best tips and newest strategies for making your audits easy, pain-free, and profitable!

“Pam’s presentations are authentic. She inspires trust.”

— Elsa Wasserman,
Boston, MA, 2014 Web Intensive Attendee

“Pam is so amazing — she provides structure for my business.”

— Brandy Booth,
Saginaw, MI, 2014 Web Intensive Attendee

“She has so many ideas and systems in place. Invaluable.”

— Dede Sindelar,
Tucson, AZ, 2014 Web Intensive Attendee

“Pam is your star presenter!”

— Kreutzer Garman,
2014 Web Intensive Attendee

You’ll Get the Goods on Landing Clients Fast With Joshua Boswell’s Step-By-Step Self-Marketing Plan

Joshua Boswell isn’t JUST going to be your inspiring and motivating emcee for the event.

Joshua is also an incredibly successful freelance copywriter … and he’s agreed to reveal the step-by-step marketing system he used to earn a six-figure income … and pay off nearly $200,000 of debt … in just 11 months!

This is another MUST-SEE session … since anyone who follows Joshua’s simple yet effective techniques is practically guaranteed success.

In this client-landing crash course, Joshua will hold nothing back:

  • He’ll show you his cream-of-the-crop strategies for approaching a potential client … including what to say … what information to send (and how) … and the number one question to ask that practically seals the deal with your very first conversation.
  • You’ll discover where to find clients … and get the criteria for creating a list of your dream clients (including making sure they are the right fit for you).
  • You’ll learn to price your services appropriately … and talk to clients in such a way that your handsome fee becomes a total no-brainer.
  • Finally, Joshua will walk you through creating a complete self-marketing plan … step-by-step … so when you get home, you’ll have a Joshua-approved, detailed action-plan to implement.
  • And, he’s going to show you how to implement his superstar secrets so effectively that … in just a few months … clients start coming to you.

After Joshua’s session, you’ll be chomping at the bit to get home and put your ready-to-go plan into action … and start landing your first clients within just weeks after returning home!

“Joshua always inspires and motivates me, just when I need it.”

— Janice Sakata-Schultze,
Golden, CO, 2014 Web Intensive Attendee

Plus, near the beginning of the event, you’ll get to sit down with a web-writing expert for a one-on-one meeting.

Sometimes live events can feel a little overwhelming, especially if you’re brand-new. But you’ll feel instantly connected with your group of writing buddies and a brief one-on-one with me or one of my experts.

This time is for you to spend as you please. You can ask any questions you have … get help determining your personal goal-achieving plan … or just solidify what success means to you!

Regardless, you’ll get the information, motivation, and confidence you need to stay on track and create the most success possible … as fast as possible … when you return home.

I’m getting excited just thinking about it.

But here’s the best part …

You don’t have to wait ‘til February to start your Web Intensive experience.

You can start putting the pieces of your web-writing business into place immediately after you register today!

In fact, you could have two significant pieces of your business built before you even start packing your bags for Austin.

Register Now and Your
Web Intensive Experience Will Begin Today

I hope you’re getting excited!

In just a few weeks, you can be the proud owner of your own, ceiling-to-floor web copywriting business — and be well on your way to making 2015 your year of success.

It could be the year you move your job to a part-time basis … or quit entirely.

It could be the year you finally have the freedom — financially and in your schedule — to take an extra long vacation with your loved ones … or travel the world, writing remotely for clients happy to pay you for your new skills.

But I don’t want this excitement and motivation you feel right now to fade over the coming weeks.

That’s why your Web Intensive experience starts right now — here on this page.


The first important decision you need to make about your web copy business is what you want to write about … and who you want to write for.

We call this a “niche” — and specializing in one particular niche is the fastest way to become the go-to writer in your corner of the web copy market … and get paid an expert’s fees to boot.

But … choosing a niche tends to be a very common roadblock for beginning writers. Unfortunately, I’ve seen it hold writers back for years.

That’s not going to happen to you.

I’ve promised you we’re going to bust down every single one of those obstacles. And I’m going to start fulfilling that promise to you — right now.

I’ve asked Pam Foster to give you access to her super popular webinar, “How to Choose Your Writing Niche,” which will be available to you on your Web Intensive Member Page instantly with your registration.

Pre-Event Session #1:
Choose a Profitable Web-Writing Niche
You Love With Pam Foster —
Immediately After You Register

I introduced you to Pam a minute ago.

One of Pam’s specialties is helping writers choose a niche.

Why Niche Yourself?

When you choose a niche — or an area of web writing to specialize in — you automatically give yourself a promotion. Higher fees, an easier time finding clients, and faster turnaround on projects are just a few of the benefits of becoming a Master Copywriter in a niche you’re passionate about!

Pam Foster will help you discover the perfect (and most profitable) niche for you … starting today!

Pam is the author of AWAI’s How to Choose Your Writing Niche: Your Step-By-Step Blueprint For Finding a Niche That’s Right For You based on the blueprint she used to land seven new clients in seven weeks.

And Pam has turned her popular program into a three hour, one-stop-shop webinar experience. All you need to know is what you’re personally passionate about … and Pam will guide you to a niche you love.

By the time your three hours with Pam are up, you will …

  • Confidently select the writing niche that’s perfect for you …
  • Know how to cast the most effective client-catching net, to capture plenty of marketers who value your expertise and are willing to pay you top dollar for it …
  • Use the secret of the “niche inventory,” to develop your very own unique and strong position in the industry (Pam’s secret weapon) …
  • Understand what it takes to make a money-making splash within your niche as quickly as possible …
  • And discover the connections you don’t even realize you already have to “launch with friends.”

This session alone is easily worth a few hundred dollars … but once you see how much easier things become for you once you’ve chosen a niche, you’ll see the value is quite a lot more.

And, when you register for 2015 Web Intensive, you’ll get instant access to it for FREE.

You could have a web-writing niche picked out just three hours from now … and most importantly, you’ll have this significant step out of the way well before you head to the airport in February.

The pre-event activity doesn’t stop there!

Pre-Event Session #2:
Master the Fundamentals of
Effective Web Copy in a Matter of Hours

Earlier I mentioned you’re going to have web-writing basics down pat by the time you get to Austin.

Here’s how:

Once you register for 2015 Web Intensive, you’re going to get instant access to two full-blown sessions with Nick Usborne — nearly six recorded hours of fundamentals essential to your success as a web writer.

In these keystone sessions, you will …

  • Discover the fascinating origins of web writing … and why that history matters so much, your career depends on understanding it.
  • Learn the essential differences between writing for print and writing for the Web. Knowing these key differences will put you head and shoulders above the rest of most copywriters today … and your future clients will pay you handsomely because of it!
  • Discover the number one thing you can use to differentiate both your clients and your copywriting services from the crowd …
  • Learn to write the key types of website copy, including basic information pages (and how you can use these “simple” pages as a keystone in your digital architecture of persuasion) … effective home pages that both orient the reader and compel him to continue deeper into the site … and persuasive landing pages that grab him by the lapels and get him to take action now.
  • Plus, you’ll get 22 of Nick’s best optimization tips you can use to super-charge your websites, emails, and e-newsletters … and blow your conversion rates through the roof.
  • And much more!

In the past, these two sessions have taken a full day of Web Intensive … and the material is so important, it is worth taking a third of the entire event.

But as I’ve mentioned, Nick has much more advanced material that he wants to share with you in Austin … which is why you’ll be getting his primer on web writing with your registration today.

Pre-Event Session #3:
We’ll Walk You Through
Setting Up Your Freelancer’s Website

As a web copywriter, having your own website is an essential part of your business framework … but it’s another one of those ‘little’ obstacles that can hold you back if you let it.

That’s why we’re going to bulldoze straight through it!

Jim Wright, Wealthy Web Writer’s 3-Minute Guru, is going to walk you step-by-step through getting your business online.

Jim will show you how to do all the “technical” things — like purchase a domain name, install WordPress, set up hosting and email, choose a basic design, and set up the five basic pages you’ll need.

You can walk through the process with him live on this down-and-dirty webinar, or you can watch the recording and take it at your own pace.

Either way, you’ll be able to create your own website, ready for content, in under an hour … no matter how “non-technical” you may feel.

At the end of a Saturday afternoon, you’ll have a site that’s ready for the portfolio and content you’ll learn to create in February.

That’s the second significant step toward web writing success … and you haven’t even packed your suitcase!

Now, there are a few other pre-event bonuses and webinars you’ll be invited to attend so you stay motivated and excited over the coming weeks — but I don’t want to give away ALL the surprises! Just be sure to keep an eye on your email inbox for updates.

So … Is AWAI’s 2015 Web Intensive For You?

Let me be clear:

This IS for you if you’re dedicated to being successful in 2015.

If you just discovered web copywriting … and you know this is the opportunity you’ve been waiting for to change your life … this IS for you.

If you’ve been dancing around copywriting for years, but just haven’t made it happen yet … this IS for you.

If you’ve considered yourself a web writer for years, but you’re still missing some key elements or you haven’t found the level of success you desire yet, and you’re determined to make 2015 your year … this IS for you.

This is YOUR chance to master the skills … build a complete web copywriting business from scratch … and start living the writer’s life once and for all.

Your Investment …

Really, when you consider all the work you’re going to be doing up-front, and how desperate companies are right now for professional web copywriters, I’d be surprised if it takes longer than 90 days for you to recoup your investment and become profitable.

How can I be so sure?

First of all, I’m 100% confident in my team’s ability to transform you into a paid web writer in 72 hours flat. I’ve seen it happen hundreds of times before.

Bob Edelstein is just one example.

After winning rave reviews (and a healthy-sized check) for copy he wrote at a Web Copywriting Intensive — he gained the much-needed confidence to shift his freelance business into high gear. Within weeks, he had three more assignments from contacts he made there.

Two years ago, he returned to the Web Intensive to tell us he had failed to meet his goal of replacing his full-time job salary with his web-writing income …

Instead, he had made three times as much money.

Henry Bingaman is another great Web Intensive success story …

Henry was a 23-year-old flight attendant when he came to his very first Web Intensive back in 2009. He was so inspired by what he learned that he quit his flight attendant job when he returned home and started working as a web writer.

“It gave me enormous confidence,” he told me by email later. “I flew one more trip, they called me to fly to Munich, and I realized I could make more money if I stayed home and wrote two emails … So I turned down the trip and quit.”

Today he’s earning a healthy six-figure income — and tells us he’s well on the path to becoming a seven-figure copywriter by the time he’s 30!

And you might know Mindy McHorse’s story by now …

Before sitting down with us at our Web Intensive in February 2010, she was making $24,000 per year as a part-time writer. By the end of that very same year, she reached her goal of breaking the $100K mark … by earning $100,598 as a copywriter. (And she’s broken the six-figure barrier every year since!)

And this year’s event is primed to be the “All-Star” of all Web Intensives.

Second, consider the rates you can charge for the skills you’re going to learn:

  • You can charge upward of $1,500 to write a single page of web copy — and Nick Usborne is going to show you exactly how to do it.
  • Optimize that same page for search engines using Heather Lloyd-Martin’s toolkit, and you can raise your per-page fee by up to 50%!
  • For setting up and managing three Facebook pages … and managing two Twitter accounts … you can rake in a monthly fee of $9,500. And Nick is going to show you how to do that effectively, too.
  • The average autoresponder series can net you $3,000 or more — and Jay White is going to flat-out give you his six-figure, “plug ‘n’ play” formula for this!
  • And how about writing content? Smart marketers know “you get what you pay for” when it comes to engaging content — which is why they’re happy to pay $150 … $300 … even $450 each for fresh, informative content articles. (And Brian Clark is going to show you exactly how to land those lucrative assignments.)
  • That’s not to mention how much you can charge for designing a full customer optimization funnel, using Ryan Deiss’ incredible system. With all the copy projects you’ll create for yourself, you could easily earn upward of $10,000 … for one funnel!

These aren’t “pie in the sky” rates, either. They’re industry standard — and companies expect to pay them.

The third reason I’m so confident is because I’m going to be one of your new clients.

Don’t Let the Up-front Investment Get in Your Way …

This is all about making your future as a working web writer come faster than if you were to do it on your own.

Just imagine trying to get all the skills … the expert feedback … the coaching … the motivation … and all of the essential elements in place to launch your business … all on your own!

The cost would be tens of thousands of dollars (some of our instructors charge upward of $3,000 per month for their coaching time) … and could take months … if not years to complete.

I’m offering you the chance to do it in three days … February 8th – 11th … and for far less of an investment.

Remember my promise to you?

I have pulled out ALL the stops to make you a successful web writer in 2015.

That includes the potential obstacle of up-front costs.

I know most people don’t have five grand just lying around.

That’s why I’m going to do two things for you:

First — if you register right here, right now, I’m going to knock $1,500 off the registration fee.

(And don’t forget, your guaranteed paid assignment brings that investment down even further! Your assignment will be worth a minimum of $300 … several will be worth $600 … and a few will be worth $2,000!)

And, second, you DON’T have to put all of that money down today.

Please, take advantage of one of the convenient payment plans that Member Services has put together for you. (If you don’t see one that works for you, all it takes is a toll-free call to 866-879-2924 and we’ll help you find one that works for your budget.)

In My Opinion, You Can’t Afford
to Delay With an Opportunity Like This …

The coming tsunami of demand is no joke. There will be more demand for web copywriters than ever before.

Right now is the perfect time to get trained and prove to yourself that this is THE opportunity you’ve been waiting for to start living the writer’s life as fast as possible.

So …

You can either spend the next several months getting the training you need … spend weeks trying to figure out your website … picking a niche … and getting your first client …

Or you can dive in and do it ALL in just three days!

It will be intense. And it will take work. But by the time you’re done, you’ll have built a brand-new career for yourself — one that’s already making you money and well on the way to being profitable.

The decision is up to you. No one is going to force you to do this.

But if you’re committed, and you’re willing to put your success in my hands for just three days, I promise you’ll come out the other side a working copywriter.
It’s Decision Time …
In my mind, the only reason you won’t be at 2015 Web Intensive is if you’ve decided that this year just isn’t your year. (Or if you wait too long to register and the event sells out!)

Like I said, only you can make this decision.

But if this IS your year …

If you’ve been waiting for an all-in-one, hands-on experience like this …

One that meets you where you are right now … and transports you in just 72 hours to where you want to be …

And if you’re getting a tiny tingling sensation of excitement in your mind right now …

Then I recommend hitting the “Register Now” button and signing up.

Because you’re ready for the challenge … and I’m ready to make sure you meet it head-on, and REALIZE your dream in the new year.

2015 Web Copy Intensive By AWAI, What is it included (Content proofWatch here!):

  1. step blueprint for building a complete web copywriting business
  2. best of the web intensive
  3. conference materials
  4. content essentials guide
  5. post session-1
  6. post session-2
  7. pre-event bonus
  8. pre-event session- 1 nick usborne – copywriting 2.0 – writing for the web
  9. pre-event session-2 pam foster – pick your niche