
0 To 1.5 Million Followers In 8 Months On Tiktok – Konstantinos Synodinos

Original price was: $149.00.Current price is: $35.00.


0 To 1.5 Million Followers In 8 Months On Tiktok – Konstantinos Synodinos

0 To 1.5 Million Followers In 8 Months On Tiktok Information

You read correctly. Tik Tok is the greatest opportunity in the history of the internet!

No kidding…

Are you ready to grab the opportunity? and get from Zero to Hero in less than a year?

This is a course was created to help people who want to leverage this one in a lifetime opportunity called Tik Tok to change the course of their business, personal brand and become world class figures.

Here’s what you’ll get in 0 To 1.5 Million Followers In 8 Months On Tiktok

Introduction & Expectations

  • Who the f*ck am I and why you did well to buy this?
  • Understanding TikTok and why it’s a golden opportunity
  • Tik Tok is the greatest audition ever

Finding your Identity as a creator on Tik Tok

  • Who are you? It’s time to be yourself
  • Identify your uniqueness & double down
  • Defining your niche and then define your broader niche
  • TikTok Trends
  • Be the trend
  • Who is the brand face?
  • Leave your ego at the door

Understanding the technical aspects of TikTok

  • Type of account
  • How does the algorithm work? Make him a friend
  • Your 1st video! it’s time
  • How to duet and when
  • How to stitch and why
  • Imporant options to tick when you post
  • Celebrate milestones but not alone
  • How to schedule posts on tiktok
  • Research others like a pro

Music on tiktok – What is it’s role and how to use it

  • What you need to know about music
  • Use music as the main theme
  • Saving sounds/ creating Original ones

Monetizing on TikTok – How I made 6 figures in 8 months

  • Make it intentional and unintentional – plan it from the get go but ignore it
  • Brand partnerships – how to get them
  • Affiliate marketing
  • Upgrade your content into something premium
  • How much to charge – calculator
  • Running a Tik Tok agency or becoming an agent

Engagement on tiktok – How to

  • Outreach engagement
  • Interacting with your audience – Don’t be a diva
  • Q&A Function
  • Tiktok lives
  • How to calculate your engagement rate

Content Strategy

  • Create your series or multi-series – You are a TV station
  • Recruiting Content
  • Create nurturing content – That builds trust and authority
  • Answer questions from your audience – Be inclusive
  • Coming up with ideas – My viral framework/ ideas per category
  • Repurposing
  • Camera shy? Do this
  • Frequency of posting
  • Quantity vs Quality?
  • Being Spontaneous
  • Playlists

My success formula

  • The ratio that led to insane growth
  • Decoding my viral videos

Making your content Searchable

  • Owning your keyword
  • Hashtags on tiktok – all you need to know

Understanding numbers & analytics

  • Time to post
  • Understanding your insights


  • Shoot in the app not your phone
  • Research and analyze the viral content
  • Go after 15-18 second videos first
  • Borderline Clickbait
  • Hijacking the Q&A of others
  • New viral trends discovery hack!


  • Don’t mislead or fool people
  • Don’t treat tiktok like youtube
  • Don’t quit!
  • Don’t come here to sell….
  • Don’t use Tiktok for image/ videos
  • Don’t compare

Video creation A to Z

  • Headlines!!! 50% of the success
  • Everything about shooting within TikTok
  • Set up and equipment
  • My tools for Tik Tok
  • My videos don’t perform well, what now?

Running ads on Tik Tok

  • How to run ads on Tik Tok

Closing Rermark

  • You got this

About Author

Konstantinos SynodinosKonstantinos aka ”Simply Digital”

Who am I? Well…I am a misfit like you…How do I know that?

You are reading this right now, which means you are constantly looking for ways to stand out…

You hate BS like me, you don’t like excuses and you know that learning from people who made it, is what smart people do…

My name is Konstantinos Synodinos and I am a Brand and DIgital Marketer for +20 Years, ex P&G & Diageo Regional Marketing Manager, 2 time Winner of the Greek Entrepreneurship award, top 32 entrepreneur by the US Dpt of State in 2016 (GES2016).

CEO & Founder of SimplyDigital.gr and ChampionsID.com.

My latest Marketing experiment was the most exciting one..

This incredible journey on Tik Tok led me to transforming my Digital agency and my business approach.

We transformed from a business that was trying to help small medium businesses in Greece, to an international movement of Simply Hustlers serving now Global businesses and Entrepreneurs all over the world.

More courses from the same author: Konstantinos Synodinos

Salepage: 0 To 1.5 Million Followers In 8 Months On Tiktok – Konstantinos Synodinos


0 To 1.5 Million Followers In 8 Months On Tiktok – Konstantinos Synodinos