
Write More Personality-er Workshop By Justin Blackman

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Write More Personality-er Workshop By Justin Blackman – Instant Download!

Write More Personality-er Workshop By Justin Blackman

57 Ways to add punch, power & pop into your everyday writing. Learn how to write with your style in just 90 minutes



“Style Is The Stuff You Get Wrong” -Neil Gaiman
The thing is, there’s a right way to get stuff wrong. But if we all follow the same rules, nobody will ever notice us.

In this easy-to-binge, easy-to-implement, easy-to-love workshop, we’ll get nerdy on the formulas that make writing fun. (No experience necessary.)

I’ll dissect the science to the silly and translate styles of the wild, so you can see interesting ways to make your copy more poppy—complete with real-world examples of great (and not great) writing in action.

For permission to write the way you want to, and to become the highlight of someone’s inbox, smoosh this button with your poking device.

It’s the right way to get things wrong.

How it works
This delightful chocolate factory of sweet, sweet writerly magic is broken down into itty-bitty delectably smart bites. Its quick n’ easy content will have you writing better in minutes. And your readers will notice a change right away.

Here’s what you get:

  • Writing Basics: Fun punctuation, unforgettable rules, and freaky facts about layout
  • Pop-py Seeds: Sprinkle these techniques onto your copy to make it pop like grandma’s knees
  • Power Moves: Weird ways to make your readers take action (Science!)
  • Punch-ups: Over-the-shoulder edits that take your words from blah to booyah
  • Checklists & Transition Lines: Print these out for one last look before you publish

… Plus an insult generator (😯), real-time edits, and permission to let go of some long-held writing beliefs implanted by your 5th grade English teacher.

Everybody writes. This workshop makes it more fun. And it makes whatever you send more enjoyable to read.

The Workshop:

  • Welcome video

Section 1: White Belt Basics

Laying the groundwork

  • Introduction: Keys to Great Content
  • Module 1.1: Foundation & Punctuation
  • Module 1.2: Weasel Words & Bullets
  • Module 1.3: 7 Wonky Things & Power Moves
  • Module 1.4: Editing & Funny Rules

Section 2: Yellow Belt Techniques

Slightly more advanced writing techniques

  • Module 2.1: All The Feels (And Where To Have Them)
  • Module 2.2: Artists, Thieves & Ferris Bueller
  • Module 2.3: Sweeps, UNs & INGs
  • Your Insult Generator (Link & Demo)

Section 3: Black Belt Punch-Ups

More of the good stuff

  • Module 3.1: Pro Gamer Moves
  • Module 3.2: Comedy Techniques For Commoners
  • Module 3.3: And Now You Write

Punch-ups, Breakdowns & Bonus Calls

Video walkthroughs and over-the-shoulder writing examples, plus bonus calls

  • Joey K. Punch-Up: Fitness Promo
  • Crystal H. Punch-up: Copy Services
  • Belinda W. Punch-up: Funny Blogs
  • Belinda W. Punch-up 2
  • My Launch Email Breakdown
  • Peter Tingle Email pt. 1 (The Ugly First Draft)
  • Peter Tingle Email pt. 2 (Big Changes)
  • Peter Tingle Email pt. 3 (The Punch-Up)
  • Peter Tingle Email Pt. 4 (Final Tweaks)
  • Bonus Call #1: Guest Funny Writer – Nick Gaudio
  • Bonus Call #2: Real World Examples & Punch-ups
  • Bonus Call #3: Comics, Beer & Branding


PDFs, checklists, and all the good stuff from the videos

  • The Printable Personalty-er Punch List
  • Write More Personality-er Presentation
  • Personality-er Transition Lines
  • Ablaut Reduplication & Adjective Order

Beta Videos

Straight walkthrough of the slides

  • Write more personality-er video 1
  • Write more personality-er video 2

Write More Personality-er Workshop By Justin Blackman

New workshop. Who dis?

Fun fact – there are 27 people in the U.S. named Justin Blackman, but I’m the one who matters right now. (#SorryOtherJustins)

I’m the guy who wrote 100 headlines every day for 100 days during The Headline Project. I’m also the guy who writes Brand Ventriloquist® voice guides for A-List clients like, Amy Porterfield, Stu McLaren, Danny Iny, Melyssa Griffin, Ashlyn Carter, Belinda Weaver, Bobby Klinck, and dozens of others. (I can drop more names if you want, but then I just have to pick ’em up again and my back hurts.)

I’ve personally created killer copy for more than 429 people (and counting).

Along this ridiculous journey, I picked a quirk or three… and possibly schizophrenia. Yet, I also discovered some amayonaissing techniques.

And I watched how others stood out by either breaking or finding loop holes in traditional grammar rules.

As a card carrying word nerd, I’ve read damn near everything there is about persuasion, conversion, comedy, and creativity. And when I see a funny line or tweet, I don’t just laugh or blow air hard through my nostrils at it… I break down WHY it was funny. Then I analyze the style and stash it in my brain for later use. And I find new things to add almost every dang day.

I go deeper on this shizz than anyone ever should.

Because of this nasty lil’ habit, I found the logic and patterns hiding behind techniques that make words compelling.

This workshop is all those delectable and super juicy bits, rolled up into a smorgasbord of well-researched, tested, and proven writery shenanigans.

This may sound super nerdy and strange (and it is) but this sciency approach is the source of my super power.

Popeye had spinach. I have em dashes.

Mom said not to listen to strangers. So meet meet these smart people and hear what they have to say.

Write More Personality-er Workshop By Justin Blackman Write More Personality-er Workshop By Justin Blackman Write More Personality-er Workshop By Justin Blackman
If you want the freedom to write like you, and want your writing to be the highlight of someone’s day, Justin’s course is all that with sugar on top!
Don’t spend hours debating, jump in and get going to be even more amazing than you already are.-Sharon Steele
Exactly what I needed to have more confidence in my own copy.
This course adds a science—and a system—to some of the silly, silent or unspoken ways that I’ve seen personality show up in writing over the last few years.It’s exactly what I needed to have more confidence in my own copy. 

-Brandon Burton

There are SO many nuggets in here.
I just binge-watched this course (short videos, no fluff, bulk entertainment value, doesn’t judge your comfy couch pants)… And there are SO many nuggets in here. Some of them validate stuff I already do (but the win there is I now have the language to talk about it), and others (um, bullet order? HELLO, NEW KNOWLEDGE NUGGET!) are fresh, delicious gold.-Kirsty Fanton

So, why should you even care about this?
Because putting your personality on paper makes people like you.

And we buy from people we like.

Being able to write well is a super power—and opportunities to shine are everywhere. Could be an email, be a website, or even Tinder profile. This course shows you the best ways how, where, and when to stand out and get noticed.

I’ve learned from lots of great writers over the years. Hop on the fun bus to discover it all in less than two hours.