
Video Scaling System By Marley Jaxx

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Video Scaling System By Marley Jaxx – Instant Download!

Amazing News!

Video Scaling System has been upgraded, and is now a part of the highly acclaimed VIP Code program!

What does this mean for you?

The VIP Code program not only unlocks the secrets to turning your content into cashflow, but also helps you build an entire evergreen lead generation machine that perpetually fills your pipeline.

With the help of the VIP Code, you can spend 1 day a month on a video marketing strategy that drives leads for life (not to mention scaling to 6-7 figures on YouTube alone).

The Video Scaling System has EVERYTHING inside to help you:

  • Create the BEST video content strategy for maximum impact and profits
  • Batch film 6 months of content in 3 days like a pro (even if you’re not)
  • Edit and publish content that drives traffic and leads to sales
  • ​And so much MORE I can’t even list it all here!

Ever Wonder What It Would Be Like To…

  • Take Back Your
    Time & Relationships
  • Wake Up To The Sound of
    Sales Notifications
  • Share Your Passion
    With the World
  • Sell High Ticket
    WITHOUT High Pressure
  • Make More Impact
    Than Ever Before


Are you tired of wasting time and money throwing content out there and hoping something will stick?

Do you daydream about FINALLY finding a way to get your content in front of the people it will help the most – without wasting time and money?

Hasn’t happened yet, right? What if everything you think about video content and traffic generation is wrong?

If you’ve been following my content, or spent the last 21 days with me in my Infinite Impact Challenge, you know there’s a BETTER way.

The VIDEO SCALING SYSTEM is a step-by-step road map to creating your own video content machine that’s custom calibrated to reach your ideal audience with maximum impact.
Following this system gives you the ability to nurture the people you want to reach and bring them to know, like, and trust you on autopilot in your SLEEP!


Video Scaling System By Marley Jaxx

Do Any Of These Sound Like YOU?

  • I’ve been through the 21-Day Infinite Impact Challenge, and I’m PUMPED to have my content strategy planned out for the next month. It’s just, well, I’m not totally sure what to do next month … and the month after that and … DON’T LEAVE ME MARLEY!
  • I need something to help me kick my business into HIGH gear. I’m on a mission to drive MASSIVE impact and profit through video, and I want to do it in the most time- and resource-effective way possible.
  • I’m new to video marketing strategy, but I know my business needs this. My audience needs this. Heck, I need this. The problem is, I don’t know where or how to start, and I need help nailing down my messaging, building out the strategy, and setting everything up on autopilot.

I see you, friend. If you’re not where you want to be in your business – whether you’ve been at it for 10 years or 10 weeks – I want you to know that it’s not your fault. You just haven’t had the right strategy backing you up.

Think about how far you’ve come since you started. You can achieve your wildest impact-driven and profit-focused dreams. I know, because if I can do it, you can too!

Just a few years ago I was a dental hygienist managing social media accounts on the side. I began using video content for my clients and myself, and the results were amazing! Their number of quality leads exploded, and people were coming up to them on the streets to tell them they had seen them on YouTube.

I knew I had hit on something, and I worked long and hard to perfect a virtually fool-proof video marketing system that gets RESULTS – the kind of results my clients pay $50k every six months for!

And even though I COULD charge hundreds of thousands of dollars for the Video Scaling System – it’s clear to my top clients that it’s worth that much – I’m barely charging a FRACTION of that.


I know how badly your business needs this because I’ve been there, too. I want you to be able to take all these strategies and tactics and apply them to your own business in your own time.

One more thing – this isn’t the “lite” version of Video Scaling System. This is THE WHOLE ENCHILADA. I didn’t leave anything out. Take a look at what’s included.

Here’s What You Get In The Video Scaling System Program
This completely self-directed course will take you from camera-wielding newbie to confident influencer status.

  • The three phases of the Video Scaling System work together to give you all the strategy, skills, and systems you need to knock your video content and marketing out of the park!
  • AND you get all of the resources I use to help my clients refine their content strategy, including workflows for crafting your perfect messaging, templates for YouTube SEO and thumbnails, videos with equipment and tech tutorials… the list goes on and on!

The Video Scaling System

Video Scaling System By Marley Jaxx
Phase 1 – The 4 Pillars of Video Strategy
In Phase 1 you’ll learn the 4 pillars to impact-driven, profit focused video strategy and build a rock solid foundation by dialing in on your messaging and your value ladder. The 4 Pillars of Strategy include:

  • The Irresistible Offer Scaling Formula
  • Messaging for Your Movement
  • Video Scripting System
  • ​Branding Like a Boss

Phase 2 – Lights, Camera, Action
Bring on the glitz and glamor! In Phase 2 you’ll get down to the nitty gritty of filming with trainings that can be applied to ANY business by people with ANY level of experience. The trainings in this section of the course include:

  • My Underground Charisma Formula – This formula is used by celebrities and top influencers to look and sound amazing on camera.
  • Cinematic Secrets Without a Hollywood Budget – Create high-quality, attention grabbing videos without spending tons on fancy video editors.
  • Spielberg Quality Videography – Learn how directors make the magic happen even from their Smartphones.
  • ​Other Filming/Equipment Tutorials – These tech and equipment tutorials help you feel confident and comfortable when filming starts.

Phase 3 – I’d Like To Thank The Academy…
You’ve put in all the hard work on strategy and filming. Now it’s time to take your amazing new content and put it to work!

  • Step Into the Spotlight – Learn how to serve your audience and team through your amazing content. I’m also including everything you need in order to keep that money mindset in check, maintain thought leader status, and lead your movement to new heights.
  • Cast & Crew – Every director needs a good film crew. I’ll teach you how to sustainably build the right production team around you.
  • Cutting Room Floor – Edit your videos in five minutes or less OR learn how to outsource and hire the right people for the job.
  • ​10x Your Content Framework – This is the viral video framework that I use in my business for my very own top tier clients. In this module, I’ll show you how to 10x your content by repurposing and distributing it correctly.
  • ​YouTube Momentum – I’m letting you in on all my secrets when it comes to YouTube tools of the trade, the science of thumbnails, YouTube analytics, monetization, and YouTube description templates. This is all the juicy YouTube SEO and ranking info I know you’re so curious about.

BONUS #1: Lead Magnet Launch System
Capture those email addresses fast with attention-grabbing lead magnets your audience will love. This actionable training shows you exactly how I create lead magnets and set them up in ClickFunnels.

BONUS #2: Converting Funnel Template Vault
No need to build funnels from scratch – just hop into my vault. Our amazing funnel templates have been proven to convert time and time again, and you get access to my BEST ones!

BONUS #3: High Conversion Sales Page Masterclass with Expert Funnel Builder Chris Benetti
Chris is my the ONLY one I trust to touch my funnels. He has built multiple 6 and 7 figure funnels for Clickfunnels, Alex Charfen, Stacey Martino, Rachel Pedersen, and many other household names! In this masterclass I get him to reveal all the funnel psychology secrets to getting your funnels to convert – and its all things that NO OTHER FUNNEL BUILDER is even talking about – so even if you JUST got this, it would be worth the price of admission.

BONUS #4: Full-Throttle Scaling For Pennies
Want to learn how to build your audience for just PENNIES and redeploy all this awesome content into ads? Of course you do! This video training gives you the exact method I use to save time AND MONEY while growing businesses like crazy!

BONUS #5: High Ticket Sales Masterclass with Sales Flow Worksheet
Is it okay if I over deliver… again? THIS is our exact system we use for high ticket sales. I’ve invested over $40,000 in sales coaches, and have a full time sales rep and business development strategist on my team that we have worked TIRELESSLY to put together this system that gets people on the phone and CONVERTING. Not just for us but for our clients. Katlin after just one training session with me got 3 clients paying her $7000 recurring – that’s $21,000 recurring – While she was STILL in her 9-5 job!

BONUS #6: Editing Style Guides And Templates
Editing your videos will be a breeze with my editing style guides and templates. These style guides and templates are an instant uplevel for your videos and create a polished, professional final product.


Video Scaling System By Marley Jaxx

My Clients Pay $100K A Year For My Team
And I To Run This Same System For Them

Video Scaling System By Marley Jaxx

Video Scaling System By Marley Jaxx


Video Scaling System By Marley Jaxx, what is it included (Content proof: Watch here!):

  • 1 Strategy
  • 2 The Irresistible Offer
  • 3 Messaging For Your Movement
  • 4 Video Scripting System
  • 5 Video Scripting System
  • 6 Branding Like A Boss
  • 7 My Underground Charisma Formula
  • 8 Cinematic Secrets Without a Hollywood Budget
  • 9 Spielberg Quality Videography
  • 10 Step Into the Spotlight
  • 11 Cast _ Crew
  • 12 Cutting Room Floor
  • 13 10x Your Content Framework
  • 14 Lead Magnet Launch System
  • 15 Converting Funnel Template Vault
  • 16 YouTube Momentum
  • And more…