
Unzuck My Agency By Isaac Ruble

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Unzuck My Agency By Isaac Ruble – Instant Download!

How to Get Thousands of Leads for Local Businesses With YouTube Ads
What we’ve learned managing over $2M spend on YouTube ads

“there’s virtually no competition…it’s CRAZY!”
The first step to solving your problem is admitting you have one…

And if your business relies on the platform you just came from…


Hi there, this training is for you if…

  • You’ve had multiple ad accounts, business managers, or even personal advertising access restricted in the last 12 months
  • Daydreaming about never having to rely on a certain platform again is common
  • ​You understand the risk of your entire business being reliant on a volatile platform that removes vendors without rhyme or reason

“We had around 100 clients the first time it happened…”

My agency was servicing over 100 Clients…

Each client had their own ad account.

Then all the sudden…

I submitted appeals using scripts from “leading experts” in FB compliance…

Took 2 whole weeks before getting this response back…

(I’m paraphrasing of course…)

But the fact is, clients were FLOCKING to kick us to the curb because the lead flow stopped.

Others immediately began disputing payments for honest work we’d already completed…

In retrospect it was almost beautiful to watch a thriving business go down in flames like that…

Sucked that it had to be mine.

We would make new accounts to get their ads live and within 2 days they would get shut down…
Emotions were high when ads would go back up…

Soon met with another expected SLAP from the advertising gods.

More clients leaving.

More refunds, disputes, and cancellations.

It was right before a slow period for our niche so we ended up losing a ton more right after that…

No backups were working…

We even set up fancy remote systems that kept getting banned again and again.
I’d gotten really good at pretending to be happy despite my agency going down the trash…

Especially since this time of the year we’re all at each other families’ houses for the holidays.

But the smile you see plastered across my face circa X-mas day 2019 is real…

Unzuck My Agency By Isaac Ruble

Because this marks the first time I discovered the power of YouTube advertising.

Earlier on I was launching ads for an attorney client and it started pumping out leads for cheaper than what i was getting them for on Facebook.

…and unlike Facebook — I could run ads without so many annoying restrictions and without every single word being put under so much scrutiny

It got even better when I was able to triple and quadruple campaign budgets with hardly any increase in cost per lead.

But the cherry on top was the client saying the lead quality was better than Facebook…

I never looked back.

How could I…?!??

In fact, while the rest of the world was going off the deep end in 2020…

Things began to pick up for me.

Since that first successful campaign I’ve since spent over $2M for myself and clients on YouTube.

While Facebook has my name on every ‘Most Wanted’ list…

Google is crowning me a “premier lead gen” brand and giving me insider access to new betas, and deep competitive/industry insights that only a select handful of advertisers ever see.

Don’t believe me?

Here’s the exact email I received on September 14th at 12:42PM

Unzuck My Agency By Isaac Ruble

What does that mean for you?

It means you can be confident following along as you’re getting Google-approved strategies that work right now to start generating leads for clients on YouTube.

If you’re curious about how I went from…
Then take a look at some of the campaigns that caught Google’s eye…

What does that mean for you? It means you can be confident following along as you're getting Google-approved strategies that work right now to start generating leads for clients on YouTube. If you're curious about how I went from... FROM 'BANNED' 2 PREMIER LEAD GEN BRAND Then take a look at some of the campaigns that caught Google's eye...

Unzuck My Agency By Isaac Ruble

Unzuck My Agency By Isaac Ruble

If all this sounds good so far…but you’re still thinking to yourself 👇🏼

Unzuck My Agency By Isaac Ruble

Well first of all, there’s no one really teaching this stuff (that I’ve ever heard of)

You can scour YouTube or Facebook Groups or even buy some low level trainings…

But I’d urge you to save your time and money because the amount of USEFUL information I’ve found on this online is tiny.

And since I was in the trenches dealing with panic attacks from weekly account shut-downs…I want to help agency owners like you see that it doesn’t have to be this way…

But I’m getting more and more DM’s like this every day…

Unzuck My Agency By Isaac Ruble

Unzuck My Agency By Isaac Ruble

Unzuck My Agency By Isaac Ruble

& I don’t have enough time to keep up everyone AND continue to grow my YouTube Agency…

So even though I ❤️ helping other marketers stick it to the man…

I made this product because I’m sick of responding to questions in my DM’s lol

Besides…what you’re getting when you buy today is MUCH better than a couple messages from me.

Unzuck My Agency By Isaac Ruble

  • How To Navigate The YouTube Ads Manager
  • How to Target Your Ideal Audience no matter what industry you’re in
  • How to scale campaigns without sacrificing ROAS
  • How to use our winning creatives formula that’s generated hundreds of thousands of conversions for my clients
  • The bare minimum equipment you need to film super high quality YouTube ads
  • Learn the few types of Landing pages that work best for Youtube traffic
  • Learn our optimization techniques that prevent overspend and keep you within KPI at all times

Here’s everything you’re going home with today…
How To Navigate The YouTube Ads Manager
How to Target Your Ideal Audience no matter what industry you’re in
How to scale campaigns without sacrificing ROAS
How to use our winning creatives formula that’s generated XYZ dollars
The bare minimum equipment you need to film super high quality YouTube ads
Learn the few types of Landing pages that work best for Youtube traffic
Learn our optimization techniques that prevent overspend and keep you within KPI at all times
PLUS — You’re also getting these bonuses…

BONUS #1: My most proven Cold Email script
Use our proven cold email script to get Local businesses who want your help running their YouTube ads!
BONUS #2: GDN retargeting training
Get the most out of every ad dollar spent and retarget your traffic to the largest display network platform. PS, this has been our secret to getting super cheap conversions at scale.

Unzuck My Agency By Isaac Ruble, what is it included (Content proof: Watch here!):

  • 1. Masterclass
  • 2. Bonus
  • Unzuk my Agency – Content.jpg
Unzuck My Agency By Isaac Ruble