
Ultimate AWS Certified Developer Associate 2021 – NEW! By Stephane Maarek

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Ultimate AWS Certified Developer Associate 2021 – NEW! By Stephane Maarek – Instant Download!

Full Practice Exam with Explanations included! PASS the Amazon Web Services Certified Developer Certification DVA-C01.

Ultimate AWS Certified Developer Associate 2021 - NEW! By Stephane Maarek
Ultimate AWS Certified Developer Associate 2021 – NEW! By Stephane Maarek

What you’ll learn

  • Pass the AWS Certified Developer Associate Certification (DVA-C01)
  • Full Practice Exam with Explanations included!
  • All 700+ slides available as downloadable PDF
  • Apply the right AWS services for your future real-world AWS projects
  • Deploy an application using Elastic Beanstalk and AWS CICD tools with full automation
  • Understand Serverless API using AWS Lambda, API Gateway, DynamoDB & Cognito
  • Write infrastructure as code using AWS CloudFormation
  • Implement messaging and integration patterns using AWS SQS, SNS & Kinesis
  • Master the CLI, SDK and IAM security best practices in EC2
  • Monitor, Trace and Audit your microservices using CloudWatch, X-Ray and CloudTrail
  • Secure your entire AWS Cloud using KMS, Encryption SDK, IAM Policies & SSM

Welcome! I’m here to help you prepare and PASS the newest AWS Certified Developer Associate exam.

[April 2021 Update]: Over 100 videos have been refreshed/added to keep up with the AWS UI changes and exam changes

[Dec 2020 Update]: The S3 section has been entirely re-recorded to accommodate for the AWS UI changes

[May 2020 Update]: Over 200 lectures have been added or refreshed, bringing the course to 29 hours of content, and fully up to date.

[July 2019 Update]: Over 30 lectures added and refreshed (~2h of video)! The course is now up to date on the newest exam topics.

[Feb 2019 Update]: Keeping the course updated! Added full section on ECS (1h15m)


The AWS Certified Developer Associate certification is one of the most challenging exams. It’s great at assessing how well you understand not just AWS, but the new cloud paradigms such as Serverless, which makes this certification incredibly valuable to have and pass. Rest assured, I’ve passed it myself with a score of 984 out of 1000. Yes, you read that right, I only made one mistake! Next, I want to help YOU pass the AWS Certified Developer Associate certification with flying colors. No need to know anything about AWS, beginners welcome!

This is going to be a long journey, but passing the AWS Certified Developer exam will be worth it!

This course is different from the other ones you’ll find on Udemy. Dare I say, better (but you’ll judge!)

  • It covers in-depth all the new topics on the AWS Certified Developer Associate DVA-C01 exam
  • It’s packed with practical knowledge on how to use AWS inside and out as a developer
  • It teaches you how to prepare for the AWS exam AND how to prepare for the real world
  • It’s a logical progression of topics, not a laundry list of random services
  • It’s fast-paced and to the point
  • It has professional subtitles
  • All 400+ slides available as downloadable PDF

Concretely, here’s what we’ll learn to pass the AWS Certified Developer Associate exam:

  • The AWS Fundamentals: IAM, EC2, Load Balancing, Auto Scaling, EBS, Route 53, RDS, ElastiCache, S3
  • The AWS CLI: CLI setup, usage on EC2, best practices, SDK, advanced usage
  • Properly deploy an application: AWS Elastic Beanstalk, CICD, CodeCommit, CodePipeline, CodeBuild, CodeDeploy
  • Infrastructure as code with AWS CloudFormation
  • Monitoring, Troubleshooting & Audit: AWS CloudWatch, X-Ray, CloudTrail
  • AWS Integration & Messaging: SQS, SNS, Kinesis
  • AWS Serverless: AWS Lambda, DynamoDB, API Gateway, Cognito, Serverless Application Model (SAM)
  • ECS, ECR & Fargate: Docker in AWS
  • AWS Security best practices: KMS, Encryption SDK, SSM Parameter Store, IAM Policies
  • AWS Other Services Overview: CloudFront, Step Functions, SWF, Redshift
  • Tips to ROCK the exam

This course is full of opportunities to apply your knowledge:

  • There are many hands-on lectures in every section
  • There are quizzes at the end of every section
  • There’s an AWS Certified Developer Associate practice exam at the end of the course
  • We’ll be using the AWS Free Tier most of the time
  • I’ll be showing you how to go beyond the AWS Free Tier (you know… the real world!)


My name is Stephane Maarek, and I’ll be your instructor in this course. I teach about AWS certifications with my focus always on helping my students improve their professional proficiencies in AWS. I am also the author of some of the most highly-rated & best-selling courses on AWS Lambda, AWS CloudFormation & AWS EC2.

Throughout my career in designing and delivering these certifications and courses, I have already taught 1,000,000+ students and gotten 350,000+ reviews!

With AWS becoming much more than a buzzword out there, I’ve decided it’s time for students to properly learn how to be an AWS Developer Associate. So, let’s kick start the course! You are in good hands!


This course also comes with:

Lifetime access to all future updates

A responsive instructor in the Q&A Section

Udemy Certificate of Completion Ready for Download

A 30 Day “No Questions Asked” Money Back Guarantee!

Join me in this course if you want to become an AWS Certified Developer Associate and master the AWS platform!

Who this course is for:

  • Anyone wanting to acquire the knowledge to pass the AWS Certified Developer Associate Certification
  • Developers who want to upskill themselves and understand how to leverage the AWS Cloud for their applications
  • Developers who want to get up to speed with best practices on Serverless and AWS Cloud

Ultimate AWS Certified Developer Associate 2021 – NEW! By Stephane Maarek – What is it included: (Content proof: Watch here!)

01 Course Introduction – AWS Certified Developer Associate

02 Code Slides Download

02 Code _ Slides Download

03 AWS Fundamentals IAM EC2

03 Getting started with AWS

04 AWS Fundamentals ELB ASG


05 EC2 Fundamentals

05 EC2 Storage – EBS EFS

06 AWS Fundamentals RDS Aurora ElastiCache

06 EC2 Instance Storage

07 AWS Fundamentals_ ELB + ASG

07 Route 53

08 AWS Fundamentals_ RDS + Aurora + ElastiCache

08 VPC Fundamentals

09 Amazon S3 Introduction

09 Route 53

10 AWS CLI SDK IAM Roles Policies

10 VPC Fundamentals

11 Advanced S3 Athena

11 Amazon S3 Introduction

12 AWS CLI, SDK, IAM Roles _ Policies

12 CloudFront

13 Advanced S3 _ Athena

13 ECS ECR Fargate – Docker in AWS

14 AWS Elastic Beanstalk

14 CloudFront

15 AWS CICD CodeCommit CodePipeline CodeBuild CodeDeploy

15 ECS, ECR _ Fargate – Docker in AWS

16 AWS CloudFormation

16 AWS Elastic Beanstalk

17 AWS CICD_ CodeCommit, CodePipeline, CodeBuild, CodeDeploy

17 AWS Monitoring Audit CloudWatch X-Ray and CloudTrail

18 AWS CloudFormation

18 AWS Integration Messaging SQS SNS Kinesis

19 AWS Monitoring _ Audit_ CloudWatch, X-Ray and CloudTrail19 AWS Monitoring _ Audit_ CloudWatch, X-Ray and CloudTrail

19 AWS Serverless Lambda

20 AWS Integration _ Messaging_ SQS, SNS _ Kinesis

20 AWS Serverless DynamoDB

21 AWS Serverless API Gateway

21 AWS Serverless_ Lambda

22 AWS Serverless SAM – Serverless Application Model

22 AWS Serverless_ DynamoDB

23 AWS Serverless_ API Gateway

23 Cognito Cognito User Pools Cognito Identity Pools Cognito Sync

24 AWS Serverless_ SAM – Serverless Application Model

24 Other Serverless Step Functions AppSync

25 Advanced Identity

25 Cloud Development Kit (CDK)

26 AWS Security Encryption KMS Encryption SDK SSM Parameter Store IAM STS

26 Cognito_ Cognito User Pools, Cognito Identity Pools _ Cognito Sync

27 AWS Other Services

27 Other Serverless_ Step Functions _ AppSync

28 Advanced Identity

28 AWS Final Cleanup

29 AWS Security _ Encryption_ KMS, Encryption SDK, SSM Parameter Store, IAM _ STS

29 Preparing for the Exam – AWS Certified Developer Associate

30 AWS Other Services

30 Congratulations – AWS Certified Developer Associate

31 AWS Final Cleanup

32 Preparing for the Exam – AWS Certified Developer Associate

33 Congratulations – AWS Certified Developer Associate

Stephane Maarek | AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner,Solutions Architect,Developer
Best Selling Instructor, Kafka Guru, 9x AWS Certified

Stephane Maarek
Stephane Maarek
  • 4.7 Instructor Rating
  • 417,995 Reviews
  • 1,307,745 Students
  • 44 Courses


Stephane is a solutions architect, consultant and software developer that has a particular interest in all things related to Big Data, Cloud & API. He’s also a many-times best seller instructor on Udemy for his courses in Apache Kafka and AWS.

[See FAQ below to see in which order you can take my courses]

Stéphane is recognized as an AWS Hero and is an AWS Certified Solutions Architect Professional & AWS Certified DevOps Professional. He loves to teach people how to use the AWS properly, to get them ready for their AWS certifications, and most importantly for the real world.

He also loves Apache Kafka. He sits on the 2019 Program Committee organizing the Kafka Summit in New York, London and San Francisco. He is also an active member of the Apache Kafka community, authoring blogs on Medium and a guest blog for Confluent.

During his spare time he enjoys cooking, practicing yoga, surfing, watching TV shows, and traveling to awesome destinations!

FAQ: In which order should you learn?…

AWS Cloud: Start with AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate, then move on to AWS Certified Developer Associate and then AWS Certified SysOps Administrator. Afterwards you can either do AWS Certified Solutions Architect Professional or AWS Certified DevOps Professional, or a specialty certification of your choosing. Once ready, you can learn AWS Lambda and AWS CloudFormation in depth, or do the AWS Big Data certification.

Apache Kafka: Start with Apache Kafka for Beginners, then you can learn Connect, Streams and Schema Registry if you’re a developer, and Setup and Monitoring courses if you’re an admin. Both tracks are needed to pass the Confluent Kafka certification.

gRPC: First do the protocol buffers course, then move on to gRPC Java or gRPC Golang course.

In order to share knowledge I am not able to respond to private messages on Udemy. If you’re a student, please ask questions inside the course. Thanks for understanding!