
Udemy – Create Chatbot For Website With React And Node.Js

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Udemy – Create Chatbot For Website With React And Node.Js

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What you’ll learn

  • have an intelligent chatbot build in a website
  • have a demo chatbot that they can tweak and suit to their needs


  • you need a basic knowledge of nodejs, react and GIT
  • IDE for writing code (Visual Studio code or Webstorm or Sublime or any editor you prefer and are used to)


 In this course, you will build a chatbot for a Webpage. We’ll use Node.js and React for programming and GIT for deploying and version control. The bot will be hosted on Heroku, but you can simply hostedanywhere else where they support Node.js. We’ll use DialogFlow to process natural language, that is understand what users want.

In the course, we’ll be building a sample chatbot. Its purpose is only to show you how things work. Our bot on the page will help us sell products. It will give recommendations and measure demand.

In the process of building this chatbot, you’ll learn all that is needed to build a great bot. To get the most out of the course you can work on this sample bot and at the end tweak it to suit your needs.

You need to have at least basic knowledge of Node.js and React to start with this course. For versioning we use GIT, therefore you need to be familiar at least with basic git commands.

To make it easier for you I’ve added git commits with changes to every video that has a change in the code. This way you can compare your code to mine. And you won’t lose time debugging. And remember for any questions I’m available in the Questions and answers. You are not alone.

And remember, I’LL BE THERE FOR YOU.

In the 8th section, I’ll show you a different way of implement handling actions. We’ll be using DialogFlow’s fulfillment. I’ll show you how to call fulfillment only for intents that need extra code to be run. Only for intents that need to get information from a database, or that need to call some other API, or maybe connect to a device.

When we master fulfillment, we’ll deploy to Heroku. In the 9th section we’ll take care of some extra configuration like routing, postbuild scripts for generating frontend, we’ll also go through the code and make sure all is as needed before we deploy.

And finally, in the 10th section, I’ll show you how to connect to DialogFlow straight from FrontEnd. To do that we’ll need to make some changes in the architecture. I’ll tell you the benefits of every decision.

After the course, you’ll have a demo bot that you can tweak and tailor to you needs. And you’ll have the knowledge to upgrade it.

See you in the course!


Who this course is for:

  • everyone who want’s to build a chatbot for the page
  • has at least a basic programming skills (nodejs & react)
  • everyone who is interested in conversational commerce

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