
Tyler Maynard – Extending AEM Advanced

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Tyler Maynard – Extending AEM Advanced

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Get Tyler Maynard – Extending AEM Advanced at bestoftrader.com


AEM is built on OSGi, Sling, and a Java Content Repository. This course will teach you to harness these technologies to extend AEM.

AEM is built on a handful of very robust technologies. In this course, Extending AEM Advanced, you will learn how to customize AEM by supplementing its code base at the OSGi, Sling, and JCR levels. First, you will learn how to build and deliver OSGi bundles and components. Next, you’ll learn how AEM uses Apache Sling to resolve to resources in the JCR. Finally, you’ll learn multiple paths to migrating content using many of AEM’s APIs. When you’re finished with this course, you will have a foundational knowledge of extending AEM. Software required: Adobe Experience Manager.