
Trader Cobb – Bronze Crypto Package

Original price was: $317.00.Current price is: $55.00.

ales Price: $317
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Trader Cobb – Bronze Crypto Package

Sale Page : tradercobb
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Welcome Craig

This IS the member home page fee Bronze Package members.

Your content can be accessed by clicking the appropriate bottons be kn» You may upgrade your chosen content at any point in tune by cl king on the content you «Dish to see.

We hope you enjoy being a port ct the Trwtobb Community:

Chapter 1 – Lingo and Essentials

Chapter 2 – Mastering Price Action

Chapter 3 – Price Action Mastery – Moving Averages and Indicators

Chapter 4 – Baby Bitcoin Breakout and Baby Crypto Cradle

Chapter 5 – Risk and Money Management

Chapter 6 – Positive Trader Mindest

Chart Setup

This presentation is irvroductcry .n nature It provides a hgh level overview of some of the ley matters relevant to tradng the Crypaocurrency markets This presentation provides general mformabon only and does not lake into account yoor objectives, financial situation or needs It is mportant fee you to consider these rratiers before making ary trading or ^vestment decisions

This preservation is  provided for educational purposes only Whitt examples may be taken from live market data they are prodded for ilkntratve and education purposes only insert name here and its representatives are no* stockbrokers, financial nor investment advsers and do not recommend any crypt ©currencies nor any securities of any kind

Trading the crypeocurrcncy markets can be nsky and 4 not suitable for afl investors You should consider whether or not tradng the cryptocurrency markets *s sutable for you.

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