
The Wholesale Underground by Marvin Leonard

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Did you know you can sell MAJOR BRANDS on Amazon? Would you prefer to go to retail stores like Walmart and Target to buy and resell those products, or would you prefer to go directly to the distributors who sell in retail stores and buy from them directly?

The answer for me is simple. BUY FROM DEALERS!

This Amazon FBA business model is called WHOLESALER! You are simply locating distributors or manufacturers selling brand name products and opening wholesale accounts with them. They will send you inventory lists of hundreds, if not thousands of products for you to choose from. You choose the profitable products and send them to Amazon.

You never see or touch the inventory the way I’m going to teach you. You don’t need any e-commerce experience or experience of any kind to get started. I created this course to literally take you from A to Z and everything in between.

I will show you absolutely everything you need to know to cut your learning curve in half and scale from $ 0 to $ 10,000 in sales and more.

This course contains over 70 videos that delve into all aspects of wholesale. I leave no stone unturned and I keep nothing. You will also receive access to a private Facebook group that is for students only. This will be an amazing resource that will connect like-minded people with similar goals and allow them to grow together.