
The Soulmate Secret A 7-week Digital Course to Manifest the Love of Your Life

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The Soulmate Secret A 7-week Digital Course to Manifest the Love of Your Life

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Get The Soulmate Secret A 7-week Digital Course to Manifest the Love of Your Life with bestoftrader.com

My Nationally Acclaimed Soulmate Secret Course Is Now Available in a Digital Format!

Continue reading below to learn all about this self-paced version of the course that you can download instantly and begin listening to today

Discover How to Manifest Your Soulmate and Begin to Experience the Joy of Sharing Simple Pleasures and the Great Adventure of Life Together

Can you imagine how different your life will look and feel when you can live it with your true life partner by your side?


  • You’ll…feel and experience profound love and a deep level of trust that allows life to become easier on every level.
  • As a soulmate couple you are part of a divine dance of being both witnessed and witnessing, celebrating and being celebrated. It’s a deep spiritual connection and unwavering acceptance of each other.
  • Water tastes wetter, air smells fresher, and you experience a heightened level of safety and security when you with your soulmate.
  • Research proves that being part of a happy couple significantly improves your health and longevity
  • And even when life gets challenging, when you are with your beloved by your side holding your hand, together you will navigate whatever life throws your way.
  • Life with your soulmate is deeply healing. They believe in you even, and especially when, you don’t believe in yourself. We can let go of fears, doubts and challenges more quickly because finally we know we are totally loved and accepted.

These are some of the wonderful kinds of realities you can begin to experience in the coming year with your soulmate.

They are the same realities that thousands of people are already enjoying as a result of my Soulmate Secret 7-Week Online Course.

I want you to know that not only is this kind of love possible for you, but manifesting it in your life doesn’t have to be the struggle it may have been in the past.

Desiring and finding your soulmate can be an incredibly joyful experience, free from feelings of hopelessness and despair, and I want to show you how.

And since you’re here right now, it probably means you’re willing to do the work to clear away your blocks so you can finally attract your soulmate, your best friend, your most supportive cheerleader, your spiritual partner, your passionate lover, the one person who will stand beside you through everything… your husband or wife.

You can probably even sense it—that you’re supposed to have this magical kind of love in your life… so why has it been so hard to find?

If you’re at all like the tens of thousands of other people I’ve guided through the The Soulmate Secret Process, then you’re probably already a powerful manifester in one or more other areas of your life. Yet somehow, the kind of deep love you’re looking for still eludes you – which has to be incredibly frustrating, and a bit confusing.

Continuing the search may feel like an empty pursuit, with disappointment as its only destination. You may even be wondering at this point if all the good ones really are already taken… or if maybe you’ve waited too long and missed the boat… or (most frightening of all) if something might actually be “wrong” with you, rendering you incapable of having a happy, committed, loving relationship.

If you’ve not yet been able to manifest your soulmate, then it’s natural to have these feelings of self-doubt.

But what if I told you that once you more clearly understand your actual obstacles to love, it will not only be possible for you to change your far-from-finished love story, but that you’ll likely be able to do so much faster than you imagine possible?

You see, many of the things you’ve felt powerless to change about how love goes for you, are things you do in fact have the power to change. And changing those things will not only be enlightening and inspiring but—dare I say it—even fun!

Starting right now, your search for love can become a deeply satisfying, magical, and even enjoyable process, every step of the way.

And then one day in the not too distant future, you will walk around a corner, or look up from your cellphone, or reach for a perfect avocado at the grocery store . . .

And you will find yourself face to face with the person you are meant to spend the rest of your life with.

It will be that simple.

When you are truly ready to meet your soulmate, the two of you will be powerfully and magnetically drawn together . . . without ever having met.

And your relationship will be everything you’ve ever wanted a relationship to be, and so much more that you never even dreamed was possible.

And you will be together for the rest of your lives.

But before that can happen . . . you truly have to be ready.

Before I met my soulmate at the age of 43, I’d tried everything I could think of to find the love of my life: personal ads, online dating, how-to books, blind dates, and even singles’ bars.

And while I had plenty of relationships over the years—some that were even pretty good—there was never one that I felt in my heart and soul was the true love I was longing for and sensed I was meant to have.

I suspect you know exactly what I’m talking about . . .

You’ve probably been looking for your soulmate
for a long time now with no success

Sure you might have glimmers of hope now and then—times when you’ve met a man you think could be the “one” . . .

Times when you let yourself start to believe that after all the years of waiting and trying, you might finally get to have the happy ending all those fairytales and Hollywood movies have been promising you since you were a little girl.

So you take down the walls you’ve built to protect your feelings, and you allow yourself to hope it might be true . . .

But sooner or later, something happens, and that man turns out not to be your knight in shining armor after all, and you’re forced to go back to wondering if you’re ever going to find him.

In the back of your mind, you probably wonder if there might be something wrong with you, or if maybe you’ve done something terrible at some point in your life and just deserve to be alone.

And then you resign yourself to the possibility that you’re just not destined to have that kind of soulmate love in your life.

You may be afraid that . . .

  • Your past luck in love has left you damaged and with too many “issues”
  • Your health or fitness are negatively affecting your chances of finding love
  • Your age makes it even harder for you to find your soulmate
  • You might not be not “interesting enough” or “good enough” to be worthy of the kind of love you want

But what if I told you that none of those things has the slightest impact on whether you can attract your soulmate into your life?

What if the only reason you haven’t found
your soulmate is because no one taught
you the right way to find him?

And as a result, you’ve probably been going about it all wrong, either by following bad advice, trying too hard, or doing nothing at all.

But let me tell you something. No matter how old you are, how you look, or what you’ve done or haven’t done in your life, you have a perfect soulmate waiting for you out there in the world . . .

And if you haven’t been able to find him on your own by now, maybe it’s time to let me help you!

I’ve actually developed a powerful process you can use to manifest your soulmate and prepare yourself in every way for the incredible relationship you’ll have together.

By combining universal principles with proven techniques, my Soulmate Secret Process will begin to transform your love life as soon as you engage it.

The foundation of this process is what I call . . .

The 3 Keys To Manifesting True Love:
Clarity, Clearing, and Manifestation

Clarity means getting absolutely clear about exactly the kind of person you need in a partner—not simply someone you find attractive and who has a few traits you find desirable, but someone who shares your “core love vibration,” and who will truly fit with who you are now and who you want to be. And if you aren’t clear about the kind of man you truly need—not just want—you’ll probably end up with yet another Mr. Wrong.

This is also how you can banish a difficult “soulmate blocker” from your life, because once you have clarity about what you want, you’ll no longer choose to invest your time, energy, or feelings in men you can now clearly see are not what you want at all.

I’ll show you highly effective techniques for figuring out exactly the type of person who is perfect for you, in all your wonderful complexity!

Clearing means letting go of all the emotional and physical clutter in your home and inside yourself that are very real obstacles to you being open to love—even if you think you’re already open!

One of the most critical steps in preparing for your soulmate involves removing from your mind and your living space anything that is attached in any way to a former partner or that reminds you of him.

This second key is an excellent tool for clearing out a lot of seemingly innocent “soulmate blockers” that are anything but harmless.

This isn’t easy, but I will show you exactly how to determine what can stay and what has to go, and I’ll give you fast and effective methods for letting go of it painlessly and completely so it never gets in your way again.

Manifestation is a process that has to be done in a very specific way in order for it to work. But if you use the manifestation techniques I’ve designed for you, in the exact  way I’ll show you to use them, you’ll actually be able to access the “partnership energy” of the Universe to help you get the things you truly want and need in your life—including your perfect partner.

Plus, when you do this, you’ll banish any subconscious “soulmate blockers” lurking in your emotional space.

In fact, the whole manifestation process is all about fine-tuning your “core love vibration,” because that is the frequency that magnetizes true love into your life.

And once you’ve found each other, you can continue to use these powerful techniques to create the shared life of your dreams!

You and your soulmate are
truly destined to be together

But it won’t happen until you have mastered the 3 Keys and are truly prepared in every way for the passionate and supportive love that awaits you . . . no matter how long it takes.

Now, I think that having to wait another five, ten or twenty years is much too long—especially for something so wonderful that is already destined to be a part of your life!

That’s why I developed this proven process to help you manifest your soulmate right now, so you can start living the life of love you are meant to live, without having to waste even one more year alone.

I’ve taken some powerful ancient manifestation techniques and combined them with modern wisdom and insights, and then I’ve tested and refined these techniques in my own life and the lives of thousands of others around the world.

And now those techniques work quickly and efficiently to help you get prepared on the inside to draw your soulmate to you.

When you are finally ready to live this new life and be truly happy, that’s when you’ll start manifesting that life outwardly around you . . .