
The Email Academy from Mike Shreeve

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The Email Academy from Mike Shreeve

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How I Earn $450/Hour Writing Emails For Clients . . .
. . . and how I earn 3x that much writing emails for myself (more about that further down this letter).

Dear Friend,

Let’s not beat around the bush:
If I could show you how to earn $1000 in one day by writing a few emails for clients from the snuggle comfort of your couch, would you be interested?
How about if I showed you how to land writing contracts with clients who happily pay $4K-$10K per month (per client) just to write emails?
What if I could show you how I write one email for my own business and get sales results like this every single time I hit “send”:
And then write another email the next day for sales like this:
And again:
Etc. etc. repeated over and over again.
And yes, I am screaming that because I need more people to realize what opportunity there is in learning how to type things on a screen, sending it to people via email, and making sales because of it.
Now before we all start seeing dollar signs, let me be perfectly transparent and frank:
Anyone Can Become A Master Email Writer If They’re Willing To Re-Think What “Email” Means

Clients like paying email writers because email is STILL the #1 driver of online sales worldwide. (SOURCE: GetResponse article titled “Why Email Is The Best Marketing Channel”)

In fact, on average, for every $1 that a client invests in email marketing, they will see a return of $44 or more. (SOURCE: Data & Marketing Association Survey) 
Imagine a machine where you could put in $1 and it would kick out $44 over and over and over again. How many times would you keep putting in $1?
That’s why clients love hiring email writers.
But . . .
 . . . there’s a BIG problem right now in the email writing industry. 
You see, when most people think of getting paid to write emails (whether they are writing for clients or writing for themselves) they picture having to write something like this for spammy clients:
I call these “booty call” emails.
It’s the email that someone sends to you when they want something—usually money—and it’s so embarrassingly obvious they just want to sell you something that it’s almost a joke.
Often, you won’t hear from these people for months, then all-of-a-sudden it’s “Oh hey friend, long time no chat, CANYOUBUYMYSTUFFNOW!?!?”
It’s spammy. It’s aggressive. It’s hyped up. It’s awful.
And the worst part about “booty call” emails is they offer ZERO value.
It’s only “give me, give me, give me.”
The good news for people like you and me who hate that kind of email is . . .
 . . . those kinds of emails don’t actually work anymore.  
These days, a good email campaign is what we call in the business:
“Nurture sequencing” emails.
Aka: “Let’s build a long-term relationship by adding value over time.”
The problem right now in the industry is that MOST email writers don’t get this. They are still trying to force “booty call” emails into inboxes . . .
 . . . and it just isn’t working.
That’s why the top 1% of email writers today are completely re-thinking how they approach the inbox.
Every single one of my clients who earn more than $10,000,000 a year from their email lists use this nurture first approach.
Exactly ZERO of them use the “booty call” email.  
What’s more:
I built my own $1,000,000/year company using nothing but:
  •  A little bit o’ traffic from Facebook
  •  A few good offers (like this one)
  •  Value based emails

It’s the same way I built up my Freelancing career, and it’s even how I sell my fiction books.

Traffic + offer + emails = sales.
That’s all it takes for my clients to make money.
It’s all it takes for me to make money.
The key: Don’t be a spammer.
So, if you were worried that the only way to make a living writing emails was to sell your soul for a bag full of doubloons . . . think again.
The ONLY way to make money with email in 2019 is value first.
When you get that right . . .
2 Ways To Make Money Writing Emails

By learning how to write value-based emails, two options open up for you to earn income:

Option #1. You write for clients and they pay you $150 – $500 per email  
Option #2. You write for yourself and the sky is the limit on what you can earn per email  
Let’s discuss option #1 first:

How To Get Paid $150-$500 Per Email 

Writing For Clients

FACT: Every single business on planet earth can make money with email.

Local restaurants can send birthday reminders, coupons, newsletters, contests etc.
Manufacturing plants can send high level, professional B2B emails to account executives and secure multi-year, multi-million dollar deals.
Rock musicians can send tour updates, free music, sell swag and tickets, and even use email to book gigs.
Relationship coaches can send value rich emails to their email list and sell information products and their coaching services.
Facebook ad agencies can send emails to potential clients and secure client retainers worth thousands per month.
A pet food store can send emails on dog training tips while ALSO selling hundreds of thousands of pounds of dog food every year.
And on and on and on.
If a business has something to sell, it can be sold via email.
The problem most companies have is that they either:
A. Don’t know how to use email properly
B. Don’t have anyone in their company who can (or even wants to) write emails
Let’s do a little math to point this out: 
There are 29.7 million small businesses in the United States alone.
Let’s pretend only 25% of them use email (it’s way more than that but let’s just pretend).  
Let’s also pretend that these businesses don’t really know how to use email properly, so they only send two emails per month.
That means, in the United States alone, there is a pressing need for 14,850,000 new emails to be written . . . EVERY. SINGLE. MONTH. 
If the average email writer wrote 3 emails per day, every single day of the week, it would take 150,000 copywriters to fulfill on JUST those twice monthly email writing clients . .