
The Elevate Academy By Gemma Went

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The Elevate Academy By Gemma Went – Instant Download!

The ten essential systems you need to grow and scale your online business in 2022.

Hey online business owner, I see you.

Getting yourself all set up for 2022, thinking about those big, bold, beautiful goals of yours.

You want THIS year to be the year, right?

The one where you breakthrough to that next level of growth.

The one where you elevate both yourself and your business to new heights.

The problem is, growing and scaling to the next level will throw up many knowledge gaps for you.

You don’t know what you don’t know.

So I want to help you with that.

The Elevate Academy is a training portal that includes the ten essential systems you need to grow and scale your online business in 2022.

It fills your knowledge gaps with everything you need, stopping the guesswork and the need to keep investing in course after course next year.

These systems are designed to help you grow and scale, without worrying what to do next.

Simply plug in the system you need, as and when you need it, creating faster results and a feeling of smugness that not only do you have all you need to support you, but you saved a hell of a lot of money.

The Elevate Academy By Gemma Went


The Mindset Growth System: Mindset is everything. It has the power to make or break us.The more we understand what holds us back, the easier it is to achieve our big goals and bring them to life. In this training we help you to identify your sabotages and work on clearing them, rewrite negative beliefs, create a daily mindset ritual that works for you, and so much more.

The Strategy + Planning System: Create a robust strategy for 2022 with my much loved strategy creation system, used on both my own business and my clients. We dive into your ideal clients, your brand, your revenue, your goals – how to achieve them – and kick it all off with my 90 Day Planning process.

The Evergreen Marketing System: Hankering after an evergreen marketing system that works on repeat in a way that feels aligned to YOU? Well, look no further. This is a super smart framework that doesn’t dictate what you should do, instead asks you what feels good. Because when it feels good, you’re more likely to do it.

The Sales System: Get into a comfortable selling mindset, optimise your existing assets, get a range of selling strategies to choose from, understand how to have sales conversations, how to deal with objections, how to follow up AND get you a plethora of templates and scrips. I mean, this is worth the investment alone.

The Launch System: Does launching have you running for the hills? Well this simple system takes you through how to launch and how to create the content needed to connect and convert your audience. With lots of planners, examples and scripts, this will take your launch prowess up a notch or four.

The Automation System: Backend in a bit of bother? Well let’s sort it out with this range of automation options you can plug into your business backend to make things run much, much smoother. It also includes a list of tools we use in our business to make things run like clockwork.

The Finance System: This simple finance system will help you get a grasp of your numbers and manage them in a relatively easy way. It includes the basics, the set-up and the best practice, plus share with you a handy collection of Google Sheets to help you track and plan.

The Outsource System: When you’re ready to outsource, this system has your back my friend. You’ll be taken through my five step system that helps you to understand what to hire for, who to hire, how to manage them and how to grow.

The Customer Experience System: Customer experience is your BEST marketing tool. Get it right and people will flock to you. Get it wrong, and … well … they won’t. In this training I take you through my customer experience system, from brand experience through onboarding, inboarding and offboarding.

The Leverage System: Ready to go from 1:1 to 1:to many? This has you covered with training on how to create a signature framework, the importance of trademarking your IP, group program formats, how to create group programs, how to market them and so much more.


Now, if you’re thinking that you don’t need some of those.


Well, if you plan to grow or scale your business in 2022 and beyond, you definitely do.

And even if you think you have some of those covered, I bet there are a few extra things I could teach you.

The Elevate Academy By Gemma Went, what is it included (Content proof: Watch here!)

  • Welcome
  • The Mindset System
  • The Strategy + Planning System
  • The Evergreen Marketing System
  • The Sales System
  • The Launch System
  • The Automation System
  • The Finance System
  • The Outsource System
  • The Customer Experience System
  • The Leverage System