
Tag Manager Mastery By Jeff Sauer – Data Driven U

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Tag Manager Mastery By Jeff Sauer – Data Driven U – Instant Download!

Tag Manager Mastery By Jeff Sauer - Data Driven U

Master The Complete Fundamentals Of Google Tag Manager And Collect Better Data For Your Website

Want to make your advertising and analytics 10X more effective? Tag Manager Mastery puts you on the fast-track to learning GTM, so you can immediately get more value out of your online marketing efforts. See first hand why 906 members love this program.

The Tag Manager Mastery course is an on-demand, online training program that teaches marketers, advertisers, and website owners how to rapidly build their Google Tag Manager skills.

We’ll start with the basics, and by the end of this training, you’ll understand how to unlock a whole new world of marketing insights.

Discover How To Use Google Tag Manager To…

  • Save time and money tagging your website, while reducing tracking errors
  • Upgrade your analytics using three GTM power tools – tags, triggers and variables
  • Add 70+ advertising and analytics tools to your website using code-free tag templates
  • Enhance your website user experience by adding automatic event tracking to discover better ways to optimize your content marketing efforts
  • Measure the real value of your advertising campaigns using conversion pixel templates
  • Prevent your tracking code from going obsolete every time Google makes a change, by putting your Google tracking code updates on tag-template autopilot
  • Test and debug your tracking in minutes, so you can confidently and quickly install your own tracking without having to wait on web development
  • Simplify your analytics, while getting direct access to better data to make better marketing decisions
  • Implement techniques that will add immediate value to your business, increase the ROI of your marketing efforts, and maximize the earning potential of your organization

Why Are GTM Skills Critical To Digital Marketing?
These days, there are tags (or pixels or scripts or tracking codes) for everything – Google Analytics, Facebook, Twitter, Google Ads, LinkedIn, etc. are all asking you to add code to your website to track advertising performance.

Manually adding new tags to your site is often slow, messy and frustrating.

Getting new tracking tags added on a website usually means waiting on web development to add your code to your site, which can take days, weeks or even years to accomplish! These delays cost money and time.

Manually adding tracking scripts can cause other problems as well. Third-party scripts can drastically slow down your website performance. They can even break your site or cause JavaScript errors. Not only that, but the pixels need to be updated regularly to maintain effectiveness.

There’s an easier way to get the marketing data you need to add value to your organization.

Take Back Control Of Your Tracking And Add More Value To Your Marketing With GTM
Google Tag Manager is a virtually code-less solution for adding tracking tags to your website and mobile apps. This revolutionary platform gives control back to the marketing team, so you can make faster and more informed decisions.

When you know how to use GTM, you don’t have to wait to install new tags. GTM keeps your website loading fast, and safe from corrupt tracking scripts.

And GTM has built-in event triggers that allow you to collect more impactful marketing data. GTM is like the ultimate set of digital marketing power tools.

Build Your Skills Quickly, Without The Mistakes Most Non-Technical Marketers Make
Learning fundamental GTM skills can drastically increase your value as a marketing professional. These skills can also save website owners loads of money.

But the GTM interface is not always intuitive. And using GTM without proper technique can have some unfortunate outcomes… like making your analytics tracking code disappear or accidentally inflating the metrics in your analytics account.

You could try to figure out GTM by sifting through Google’s documentation, or sloshing through endless hours of demo videos. But that can take forever! And both of these approaches will leave you with more questions than answers.

The Best Way To Learn GTM For Beginner And Intermediate Users
Introducing Tag Manager Mastery, an online course pulled straight from the classroom to teach you Google Tag Manager from the ground up.

I’ve figured out a better way for you to learn GTM… By doing it Live!

Instead of trying to teach you GTM through boring definitions and demos, Tag Manager Mastery walks you through a real implementation of GTM on a live website.

The course helps you master the fundamental GTM components that save you time and money by focusing on collecting the actionable data that matters to your business.

In 16 video lessons, you’ll learn how to use GTM with competence and confidence. You’ll be able to break free of tracking code barriers. And you’ll be able to take control of tracking the data you need to be a better marketer.

Tag Manager Mastery puts you on the fast track to using Google Tag Manager effectively.

Is Tag Manager Mastery Course Right For You?
If you’re not using Google Tag Manager (GTM) yet – Or you have some Tag Manager experience, but you’re not entirely confident with the platform – Then this Course is for you!

Tag Manager Mastery Course is the perfect learning opportunity for the following professionals:

  • Marketers who want immediate access to the data they need to do their job more effectively
  • Website owners and analysts who want to be able to track their site performance, without waiting days or weeks for web developers to put tracking tags on their site
  • Google Analytics users who want deeper, more valuable marketing insights that go beyond the “one size fits all” basic installation of GA
  • Consultants and agency teams that want to learn how to automate their tracking of client results
  • PPC marketers that want greater control over their conversion tracking
  • Professionals that want to add high value skills and increase their earning potential
    Tag Manager Mastery Course will help you rapidly progress from a beginner to advanced level of expertise in Google Tag Manager.

Join 906 Members Who Mastered Collecting More Valuable Data Using GTM Inside Tag Manager Mastery

I never figured out GTM until Jeff’s training. Thanks!


These bundles are a really great value – I purchased Google Data Studio, GTM, and Analytics courses 🙂


About Your Instructor

Tag Manager Mastery By Jeff Sauer - Data Driven U


Hi, I’m Jeff Sauer. I have been working in web analytics since 2005, when I became one of the first people to beta test Google Analytics. I was also privileged to be one of the first 50 people to beta test Google Tag Manager.

As a marketer and web analyst, I’ve helped businesses of all sizes upgrade their tracking and analytics using GTM.

Ever since Google Tag Manager launched, I’ve been fascinated by how much easier this platform makes tagging and tracking.

I love helping students learn how to simplify their tracking and gain access to better marketing insights using GTM. The #1 question I receive from my Google Analytics Mastery and Google Ads Mastery Course students is “Jeff, can you PLEASE teach me GTM?”

Now I am proud to bring you my Tag Manager Mastery Course.

This unique course takes you on a journey to learning Google Tag Manager from the ground up. Our hands-on demonstration of GTM allows students to go from beginner to intermediate level GTM users by the end of our coaching program.

A Unique Approach To Advancing Your Google Tag Manager Skills
It all started with a live GTM training session in Minneapolis. During that training session, I only had one day to teach my students Tag Manager, so I packed as much as I could into a day worth of training.

The result was an action-packed training that was so effective, we decided to turn into an online program that you can access 24-7!

Tag Manager Mastery shows you how to build a Google Tag Manager account in real-time. It’s an unfiltered view of how to go from zero tracking to something better, showing you how to automate the tracking process for more complete results.

This is NOT a boring demo.

This course takes you behind the curtain of setting up GTM in real-time. It shows you how a professional analyst works through GTM problems in real-time. You get to see everything; my thought process, my mistakes and my successes.

Tag Manager Mastery Course will teach you how to problem solve and troubleshoot your tracking without getting bogged down by technical platform details.

By the end of this 16 lesson course, you’ll be able to use the tools within GTM (tag templates, triggers, and variables) to save time and improve your marketing effectiveness.

In addition to lessons from my live in-classroom training, Tag Manager Mastery features updated and expanded materials designed to help you master the fundamentals of Tag Manager.

Tag Manager Mastery Course is an on-demand training tool. You can use the training videos while you’re working in your own Tag Manager account, and you’ll have lifetime access to the materials.

What You Can Expect From Tag Manager Mastery

A time saving system for connecting your marketing platforms: Learn how to save time by connecting your website to over 90 marketing systems within GTM.

A guide to improving your measurement: Get on-demand resources that shows you how to put tracking in place that will improve your measurement, adding more value to your marketing insights.

An insider view of GTM: Learn how to approach building a GTM account, and implementing tracking solutions from a professional analyst’s perspective.

A roadmap for simplifying your advanced tracking: Learn how to use the GTM workspace and naming conventions to keep your Tag Manager implementation clean and clear.

Tag Manager Mastery is broken down into 5 sections that feature 16 in-depth lessons and video tutorials about the fundamentals of Google Tag Manager.

This consolidated resource will help you quickly build GTM skills… Skills that will allow you to immediately add more value to your marketing.

Let’s Take A Look Inside The Course

Section 1

Google Tag Manager Decoded: Learn How To Dive Into GTM With Confidence And Purpose

GTM Terminology – Gain a straightforward understanding of GTM most critical components
Getting started in Tag Manager – Creating your brand new account
How and why Tag Manager simplifies digital marketing
Section 2

Working In Tag Manager: Time Saving Solutions That Will Make Tagging And Tracking Easier

Build your account the right way from day 1 – Workspace and workflow
Digital marketing power tools – Tags and triggers
Put your Google code updates on autopilot with the GA tag template
Publishing your first container – The safe way to tag and track
A codeless installation of GTM
How to know that your GTM installation was a success
Section 3

Event Tracking In Google Tag Manager: Using GTM To Add More Value To Your Measurement And Marketing Skills

Gaining buy-in from your company and clients to leverage your new GTM skills
The gateway to on-page data – Event Tracking
Variables and triggers – The keys to automating your tracking
How to install new tracking with confidence – Creating and testing triggers
Section 4

Tagging Your Website: The Secret To Upgrading Your Analytics Effectively And Quickly

Using video tracking to find out what your customers really think of your video content
The secret to automating your event tracking – Dynamic variables
Troubleshooting made easy – Using GTM version control
Discover how much of your content your visitors really read – Scroll tracking
Reduce your bounce rate with user interaction events
Using Real-Time reports to see your immediate results
Section 5

The Data Layer And Beyond: Enter The Analytics Matrix And Remove The Limitations From Your Measurement Capabilities

Tracking the data that will help you get more leads – Lead form tracking
Using outbound link tracking to learn where your customers go when they leave your site
Using PPC tag templates to get better conversion data, without coding
Using download tracking to learn which content your website visitors really want
Removing the barriers to your data tracking skills by accessing the data layer
How to keep advanced tracking simple
Seeing the results of your hard work in Google Analytics



Learn how to turn your website into a tracking-machine that powers your advertising and analytics.

GTM Course includes Four MASTER CLASSES. During two of these trainings, Jeff was joined by world-renowned GTM expert Simo Ahava, who is a leading global authority on Google Tag Manager.

Simo’s GTM seminars typically cost hundreds of dollars to attend… If you can even get tickets to them. Simo does so few trainings these days that his workshops sell out faster than a Bruce Springsteen concert.

During these Master Class recordings, Simo and Jeff will teach you how to go beyond the basics of GTM, and turn your website into a tracking-machine that powers your advertising and analytics.

These Master Classes alone are worth 8X the cost of the Course.

BUT, when you join Tag Manager Mastery, you will get full access to 4+ hours of Simo and Jeff’s unparalleled knowledge… at no extra cost!

Here’s what we you’ll discover during these Master Classes:

  • Advertising Pixel Tracking
  • E-commerce Tracking
  • Event Tracking
  • Data Quality
  • Automated Tracking Opportunities


Get Jeff’s recommended Google Tag Manager tracking set-up for Google Analytics, right inside your GTM account.

The “GTM Done-For-You” container includes all the Google Analytics tracking and event tags we recommend for anyone who uses GTM to send data to GA. This includes the base Google Analytics tag, Google Analytics settings variables, plus event tracking for embedded YouTube videos, scroll tracking, outbound link tracking, and download tracking.

GTM Container
To use the “GTM Done-For-You” container, all you have to do is import the container into your GTM account, update the settings to include your tracking ID (don’t worry, we will provide instructions), and turn it on… Then, Bam! You’ll start collecting this vital marketing data in no time. You can get three hours of tagging and tracking work done in 15 minutes!

In addition to the “GTM Done-For-You” container, I am adding a step-by-step video lesson to GTM Course that teaches you how to use the container. This video lesson will show you:

  • How to import the new container into your GTM account
  • How to change your settings to connect my container to your Google Analytics account
  • How to turn on or off all the tracking tags in the container

After you watch our bonus video you’ll know exactly how to plug my GTM container into your account, input your account IDs, publish it, and presto! You’ll be running many of the tags we built during GTM Course.

Between the “GTM Done-For-You” container and our Bonus Lesson, we have added $400 of value to Tag Manager Mastery at NO ADDITIONAL COST TO YOU!

You will also get access to future bonus Done-For-You Containers that we add in support of major platforms. Including our WordPress container for those of you using the most popular CMS in the world.


Cheatsheets and checklists to help you get your tags set up quickly and correctly.

Having these SOPs at your disposal is your expert playbook for GTM.

Our GTM SOPs are straightforward guides you can rely on to help you get advanced tracking in place the correct way, for every tag you install with GTM.

The Library will include SOPs for:

  • GTM account setup and tracking code implementation
  • Download tracking
  • Scroll Tracking
  • Video Tracking
  • Facebook Tracking

Tag Manager Mastery By Jeff Sauer – Data Driven U, What is it included (Content proofWatch here!)

1. Introduction to our Google Tag Manager Course

2. What you can do with GTM

3. Creating your GTM Account

4. GTM Workspaces and Workflow

5. GTM Tags and Triggers

6. Getting GTM on Your Website

7. Getting Organizational Buy-In for GTM

8. Advanced Google Analytics Tracking with GTM

9. Variables and Triggers

10. Deploying Tags on Your Website

11. Scroll Tracking

12. Lead Form Tracking

13. Outbound Link Tracking and CSS Based Triggering

14. Download Tracking

15. Data Layer

16. Tying Everything Together

17. Resources

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