
30 Day Course Creator By Paul Xavier

Original price was: $698.00.Current price is: $15.00.

File size: 51.96 GB
Media Type: Online Course
Delivery Time: 1-12 hours.
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30 Day Course Creator By Paul Xavier – Instant Download!

30 Course Creator By Paul Xavier 

“By implementing Paul’s course creation strategies we were able to make $700,000+ with our first course in just the first year” – Darryl & Andrej

30 Course Creator By Paul Xavier 

“I’m in other courses on how to create, market & sell online courses and nothing has been more valuable than the feedback I get from Paul & Anthony.” – Robbie H

30 Course Creator By Paul Xavier  

“With the Facebook ad strategies alone I was able to help a real estate investing coach scale to $100k per month in course sales!” – Blake I.

Summary Of The

30 Day Course Creator Process

30 Course Creator By Paul Xavier

  • Day 1 | Laying The Foundation For Your 6-7 Figure Course
  • Day 2 | Mindset Of A 7 Figure Course Creator
  • Day 3 | Identifying & Mapping Out Your Course
  • Day 4| Setting Up Your Pre-Sale Course Sales Funnel
  • Day 5| Writing Your Value Video
  • Day 6| How To Write Insanely Profitable Ads
  • Day 7| Shooting Your Value Video + Ads
  • Day 8| Editing Your Value Video
  • Day 9| Organic Pre-Launch
  • Day 10| Quick-Start Facebook & Instagram Ad Campaign
  • Day 11| Analyzing Facebook Ad Campaigns
  • Day 12| Quick-Start YouTube Ad Campaign
  • Day 13 | Analyzing YouTube ad campaigns
  • Day 14 | Course scriptwriting system
  • Day 15 | Shooting your course tutorials
  • Day 16 | Editing your course content
  • Day 17 | Kajabi course creation and management
  • Day 18 | Creating & managing your student community
  • Day 19 | Pivoting to an evergreen course
  • Day 20 | Ultimate guide to sales pages & copywriting for online courses
  • Day 21 | Ultimate Guide to Email Automations For Online Courses
  • Day 22 | Ultimate Guide to Facebook Ads for Online Courses
  • Day 23 | Ultimate Guide to YouTube Ads for Online Courses
  • Day 24 | How to start & grow a YouTube channel
  • Day 25 | How to build the best courses & create raving fans
  • Day 26 | Upsell Sequences
  • Day 27 | Strategic Partnerships & Affiliate Revenue
  • Day 28 | Hiring on a team
  • Day 29 | Systematizing your course business
  • Day 30 | Using Your Course Profits to Build Wealth

30 Course Creator By Paul Xavier


This program gives you an in-depth look at how we come up with course ideas, do market research, differentiate our courses from the competition, map out courses, setup our proven sales funnel templates, run highly profitable Facebook, Instagram & Youtube ad campaigns, create the course content, host our courses and scale them to 5, 6 or 7 figure in just 30 days.

30 Course Creator By Paul Xavier

Pilots use checklists because they cannot risk leaving anything to chance. When it comes to building your profitable online course, we do the same by providing you with a comprehensive 30-day course creation action checklist that will ensure you do everything necessary to build a profitable course

As we like to say, ACTIONS produce results, not consumption!

30 Course Creator By Paul Xavier We are Creative Entrepreneurs. We run successful 5, 6 & 7 figure online courses, mentorship programs, and video ad agencies. We started creating, marketing & scaling online courses in 2020. Since then we’ve released 3 courses that have gotten to 6 & 7 figure run rates just 30 days after launching. We still run our video agencies today alongside building the most effective online courses for content creators that want RESULTS.

30 Course Creator By Paul Xavier

Sales data pulled from Paid Today account after launch on April 14th, 2020

Course Explanation:

Course Brief:

The course creation marketplace for filmmaking is highly saturated with dozens of well-established 6 & 7 figure courses. Paul decided to bring legendary filmmaker Anthony Gallo onto the team full time because we both saw a huge gap in the marketplace for a course the WAS NOT geared at helping experienced filmmakers to get better but was instead gear towards helping people with no experience develop professional content creation skills in the fastest timeframe possible.

With just 5 days of the 14 Day Filmmaker course created, Anthony & Paul did a pre-launch on April 14th, 2020 using Facebook & Instagram advertising strategies taught inside of 30 Day Course Creator and were able to ramp up to $30,000 per week in just 3 weeks. By the end of 2020, the course had 14,000 paying students and a thriving online community of content creators.

30 Course Creator By Paul Xavier

Sales data pulled from Paid Today account after launching on July 1st, 2020

Course Explanation:

Course Brief:

The course creation marketplace for teaching how to write ads, scripts & copywriting skills is also extremely saturated with dozens of well established 6 & 7 figure courses. When we did our market research we identified an opportunity to create the a course that was more desirable than any of the competitors because it allowed beginner to advanced scriptwriters to write highly profitable MODULAR scripts in just 1 day.

We launched the 1 Day Script course on July 1st, 2020 using the organic email list we created from 14 Day Filmmakers, Facebook, Instagram & Youtube advertising strategies that we teach inside 30 Day Course Creator and we’re able to make $3,000 a week in just 7 days. We then stabilized 1 Day Script at $3,000-5,000 a week in sales.

30 Course Creator By Paul Xavier

Sales data pulled from Paid Today account after launching on July 1st 2020

Course Explanation:

Course Brief:

The course creation marketplace for teaching sales skills, how to create a sales process & write high-converting sales scripts is once again extremely saturated with dozens of well-established 6 & 7 figure courses. When we did our market research we identified an opportunity to create the most effective ETHICAL SALES mastery course ever after seeing that so many people who had been through other trainings were unhappy because they felt they needed to lie, mislead or manipulate prospects into buying.

We launched the Earn The Deal course on November 23rd, 2020 using an organic email list we created from 14 Day Filmmaker & 1 Day Scripts, Facebook, Instagram & Youtube advertising strategies that we teach inside 30 Day Course Creator and we’re able to make $20,000 in profit in just 7 days.

Who This Course Is For

  • You want a proven step-by-step process for doing market research, differentiating your course value proposition, marketing organically & with paid ads, creating high-quality course content and scaling to 5, 6 or 7 figures in just 30 days.
  • You’re willing to put in some work! This program works when you do. If you plan to invest in the program and get to it whenever you get to it, Youtube is a better place to procrastinate.
  • You’re ready to get out of your COMFORT ZONE. We love speed & imperfect action as thats what it takes to succeed with course creation. If you value being able to accomplish BIG goals fast by implementing chronological step-by-step action items then this is the ultimate course for you. Done is better than perfect because it will allow you to gain momentum which you can use to reinvest into making your course perfect 😉

Who This Course Is NOT For

  • You are looking for a get-rich-quick scheme where you put in little to no work, make gobs-and-gobs of money indefinitely forever & ever… That is a fairy tale my friend, this course is not for you if thats what you’re after.
  • ​You do not care about speed. This program is developed for people that want to develop this incredibly valuable skillset in the fastest timeframe possible . There are better programs out there for those of you who have an infinite amount of time and no real need to move quickly.

30 Day Course Creator By Paul Xavier, What is it included (Content proofWatch here!)

  • 01-30 Day Course Creator
  • 02-1 Day Script
  • 03-14 Day Filmmaker