
Suzi Whitford – Email Bundle eBook

Original price was: $47.00.Current price is: $23.00.

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Suzi Whitford – Email Bundle eBook


Sale page_https://startamomblog.teachable.com/p/email-bundle-ebook

Archive: https://archive.fo/M8jPV

I am a mom to two beautiful little girls, a little baby boy and the wife to a wonderful man. After becoming a stay at home mom and leaving my engineering job, I turned to blogging as a creative outlet. It has been the best decision ever! I’ve been able to grow my blog to over $20,000 per month and I want to teach you how to do it too!

  • All 79 emails I wrote to my list during my first year that exploded my blog from $0 to over $17,000 per month.
  • Descriptions of each email and why it worked or failed.
  • How I grew relationships and turned readers into happy customers.
  • A Free Month of Convertkit ($29 value)

Course Curriculum

The Email Bundle eBook
StartThe Email Bundle eBook