
Rudy Hunter – Never Fitting In

Original price was: $55.00.Current price is: $19.00.

Product Include:[ Webrip – 2 MP3 ] [ Webrip – 1 MP3 ]
File size:7.48 MB

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Rudy Hunter – Never Fitting In

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Are you on the “outside” of things, people, groups, events, circumstances or times?
Have you been shunned, set aside, ignored, overlooked, bypassed, overtaken, left?
Have you HAD to learn all kinds of coping strategies to manage these affronts to you psyche?
Always looking at groups & people with suspicion, envy, anger & jealousy?
Yup.  Me too.
Takes one to know one!
Welcome to my world.

Let’s get together as a group [ironically!] and tackle the very intertwined & limiting patterns that
keep us from connecting or disconnecting freely–with our self-worth intact.

This is deep stuff and it’s not uncommon to want to snooze during this level of EnergyWork.
The good news is you can at least join us and participate as much as you can before you
doze off…and receive as much of the work as you can while you’re awake!
Much love,
Here are the deep EnergyWork rounds we tackled together on the call:

2-Skin Level Permeability
3-Negative Emotions Rinse-Out!
4-“I’m not enough”-Release
5-Bellywork Trio [The Group In Me]

Pretty deep, unfurling, disentangling deliciousness!
Purchase and download your personal copy right now.  Every time you listen to
these deep energetic rounds, you’ll get more & more benefit from them.
Never Fitting In is just $55.00 and will serve you well forever.
Much love,