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Robert Moss – Dreaming the Soul Back Home

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An extraordinary opportunity to live a richer, deeper, more soul-guided life using shamanic principles and the practices of “Active Dreaming.”

Discover sources of guidance, healing and creativity beyond the reach of your everyday mind as you embrace your Dreamtime’s vast possibilities for transformation.

Those of us who are on a transformational path spend as many of our waking hours as we can actively engaged in growing, learning and expanding our potential. We meditate, study, go to therapy, participate in workshops, release old stories and set powerful life intentions. We eat well and take care of our bodies, minds and souls. We try to live consciously – and make our lives an adventure.

And yet, if you’re like most of us, a third of your life is spent nearly unconscious, as every night you sleep for hours and wake up not knowing where you were or what happened– beyond a memory of mere fragments of a dream. However, much more is possible within this time.

In fact, your “Dreamtime” is perhaps your most powerful time for true soul work.

For thousands of years, humans have been listening to the messages of their dreams and learning to become more conscious within the dream space. Hinduism and Buddhism have cultivated the ancient practices of lucid dreaming and yoga nidra (“yogic sleep”) to accelerate spiritual awakening. Shamans and spiritual adepts the world over have shown that our dreams can be experienced in deeper, more illuminating ways that open doors to other levels of reality.

In the last few decades, these practices have been validated by modern science. Extensive laboratory tests have verified our ability to gain full lucidity and self-awareness in our Dreamtime.

Openness to this potential is not yet widespread in our culture, but it is your birthright.

You can evolve your Dreamtime beyond the typical half-conscious experience, into a deeply sacred and transformational time of healing, discovery and adventure – while gaining important guidance from higher levels of reality, including your soul and other beings.

Most of us have been raised believing that dreams are simply products of our subconscious. Ancient indigenous peoples have understood that dreaming is actually a form of traveling. You can visit other realms. You can meet teachers. You can connect with the deceased and receive guidance from evolved beings. You can sometimes even see the future.

More than anything else, you can use your Dreamtime to nurture an active, ongoing relationship with your soul – making its wise counsel available to you every day.

All of these exciting, life-transforming possibilities are accessible to you if you learn to engage more advanced practices of dreaming from a master guide.

As you do this, you can gain wisdom and guidance from your nighttime – and in turn, evolve your consciousness – while experiencing a much greater, more inspired reality that elevates your daily life.

The Cost of “Typical Dreaming”

Engaging dreams as a transformational path doesn’t only open the doorway to fascinating new experiences, it can also address subtle, but important, deficiencies that most of us in the modern world are experiencing because we’re disconnected from our Dreamtime.

There are five main potentials – all aspects of your divine birthright – that are cut off if you remain in a state of passive, unconscious relationship to your dreams:

  • You lose vital energy. There’s a vast reservoir of life force you can access when you open up to the full potential that your Dreamtime offers. Your dreams can take you beyond limiting beliefs, concepts and visions of yourself – and reawaken awe and gratitude for existence. Without these sublime and expansive experiences, life loses its juice and joy. Lethargy, low-level depression and aimlessness can creep in.
  • You diminish your ability to communicate with your Higher Self or soul. The dreamspace is rich with opportunities for you to recognize, and partner with, your spiritual guidance and the many forms that it may take. When you’re open to this possibility, and nurture it as daily practice, you can create meaningful dialogue with your higher wisdom – as well as go through important initiations and healings that take your life to the next level. Without this connection, many people experience aloneness, indecision and purposelessness.
  • You disconnect from key pieces of your identity. Your Dreamtime is a realm where you can connect with the full spectrum of who you are, re-integrate lost parts, and bring their wisdom and beauty back to the waking world. Without this, you may be cut off from parts of yourself, which is especially common with younger parts of yourself – or, on a more advanced level – even parallel or past lifetimes.
  • You lose your connection with ancestral spirits. The Dreamtime can be a portal to connect with ancestors from your bloodlines, ancestors of the land where you live, and your spiritual kin amongst the ancestors of many people. Shamans around the world have especially taught and cultivated this skill. These relationships – which shamans very much see as relationships with real, discarnate beings – can support you with guidance, inspiration and healing.
  • You miss out on a relationship with animal spirits. As shamanic cultures have shown us, when dreaming you can nurture powerful relationships with animal spirits, which deepens your connection to the natural world and gives you access to the powers, skills and capacities they represent. These spirits can support you with insights on your path, healing of specific challenges and energetic shifts that carries over into your waking life. Native people often refer to these as totem animals, and they connect you with the full embodiment of your soul’s power.

Because we live in a society that does not honor or fully appreciate the potential of our dreams, most of us are not aware that all of this is possible, and simply live with these deficiencies.

Dreams have so much energy, healing and information to offer as you move beyond the typical passive way of dreaming and embrace your Dreamtime’s vast potential for transforming your life.

Connecting with Your Soul

One of the most important gifts of dreams is that they illuminate the path our soul wants us to take.

In many indigenous societies, the community will gather around to share dreams and listen to what each soul wants as it speaks through the dream. In hearing the messages, you can take action to bring forth what your soul is asking, and in turn, manifest your truest, most aligned self and create an inspired life.

As you learn to find and reclaim parts of yourself, and dialogue with your guidance through your Dreamtime, you can become a shaman of your own soul and healer of your own life. The essence of the shaman’s power to travel and heal is the ability to dream consciously and powerfully. You begin to access such power when you engage active dreaming and bring the messages back to your waking world.

Through doing this, you can begin to remember your “soul knowledge,” which may include the memory of why you came here in the first place, of what mission you have, and of what intentions you set for yourself.

This type of “soul remembering” is probably the most important information you can have in life. By knowing your sacred purpose, understanding what brought you here, and recognizing your spiritual allies in this lifetime – your greatness is unleashed.

Beyond all this, there is a potential in conscious dreaming to journey into other realms and gain insights into the nature of reality and the universe. You can pierce the veil and understand the universe in a multi-dimensional way that helps you awaken spiritually. You can even learn how to go beyond your individual spiritual practice to work with the deceased, and transform ancestral and collective karma.

You can go WAY down the rabbit hole once the portal is open!