
Quantum Healing Circle By Marie Diamond

Original price was: $198.00.Current price is: $59.00.

File size: 5.35 GB
Media type: Online Course
Delivery time: 1-12 hours
Content proof: Watch here

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Quantum Healing Circle By Marie Diamond – Instant Download!

Quantum Healing Circle By Marie Diamond

The ultimate Law of Attraction program created to heal yourself and the world during these COVID19 times

My name is Marie Diamond, Spiritual Mentor and teacher of the hit movie and the best-seller “The Secret”.


Join this program with 16 sessions to support your physical and emotional health.

In every session we will release the negative energy that might have built in you. Learn energetic techniques to boost your health and help you feel stronger inside and outside.

In this Program among other things I share:

  • How to use Healing Quantum colors for improving your health.
  • The importance of vibrational detoxing.
  • Healing techniques with crystals.
  • How to work with Earth energies to heal your life.
  • Words and affirmations of healing.
  • Healing rituals and candles.
  • How to ground yourself better.
  • How to help heal people using pictures.
  • How to stop your negative self-talk.
  • How to change stress into peace in 9 seconds.
  • Receive a Darshan – Ascended Masters blessing – after each session.

Quantum Healing Circle Online Program includes:

  • Sixteen 90-minutes sessions that you can watch as many times as you wish on your online library.
  • Ten downloadable audio files with powerful meditations, so you can listen them in your mobile device at any moment you wish to.


Learned so much, made a lot of new decisions and goals
“I have not had the opportunity to be on the live meditations so I gave myself time today to listen to them all and I feel at Bliss state of emotions. Learned so much, made a lot of new decisions and goals for the coming months. I’m fine and neither scared nor frustrated. Thank you so much dear Marie Diamond”.

All healing sessions gave me a lot of support and acknowledgment
“Thank you very much, Marie, for all healing sessions which gave me a lot of support, acknowledgment, love and light in my heart, new skills, and a fantastic time with you and a group of people, I honor so much what you do for us. Best wishes, lots of love”.

The healing sessions gave me a lot of support
“Thank you very much, Marie, for all healing sessions which gave me a lot of support, acknowledgment, love and light in my heart, new skills, and a fantastic time with you and a group of people, I honor so much what you do for us. Best wishes, lots of love”

I feel strong energy around me
“I felt strong energy all around me. I’m feeling a warm heat on top of my head. I feel amazing ! Thank you”.

Lets work together on your healing and start experiencing a better reality today!

Quantum Healing Circle By Marie Diamond, what is it included (Content proof: Watch here!)