
Podcast Liftoff Playbook By Joe Casabona

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Podcast Liftoff Playbook By Joe Casabona – Instant Download!

Turn your Podcast into a Five-Figure Business

Podcast Liftoff Playbook is your personal on-demand plays of expert-tested systems to make $10,000 in the next 12 months.

Growing a Profitable Podcast Is a Marathon.
And most podcasters get lost on their way to the finish line.

Launching your podcast was supposed to be the hard part. Now you’re in the thick of your show and…

Scrambling for ideas every week

Frustrated you’re not getting any traction

Feeling like your small podcast repels sponsors

Your Internet searches on “how to grow my podcast” promised you quick fixes. Early adopters of podcasting share how they grew their podcasts…in 2009.

But, podcasting today is a whole new ballgame which is why you haven’t seen any major changes.

Now you don’t have much to show for all the time and energy you’ve invested.
Maybe 10 measly downloads. It’s demoralizing.

Your next step could bring you one step forward…

Or 2 steps in the wrong direction…

You can’t tell which way you’re heading.

It’s easy to give up–but you’re no quitter. And you’re in this for the long haul.

You’re looking for your big break so you can level up. Figuring out how to get that break is another story though.

But all the top podcasters have figured it out. And they have one thing in common that puts their 5-figure earnings on autopilot.

That one thing that keeps them consistent, makes their content engaging and helps them reach out to sponsors effortlessly– a playbook.

Podcast Liftoff Playbook gives you access to winning plays to help you grow your podcast to $10,000 (and keep it going).

Use the Playbook to craft the perfect framework to create new episodes, engage your audience, and have sponsors chasing you.

  • Feel confident your podcast is on the right track (you can sustain)
  • Watch your audience and authority grow
  • Start making money now

Get access to videos and workshops breaking down strategies top podcasters use. And watch coaching sessions with other growing podcasters who have the same questions as you.

But, podcasting today is a whole new ballgame which is why you haven’t seen any major changes.

Take a Look Inside the Liftoff Playbook
Podcast Liftoff Playbook By Joe Casabona
“Your course has filled me with confidence that I got this”

“I’m planning a new podcast at the moment. Now, I already have a lot of experience as a podcast guest panelist and co-host. Starting a new project from scratch, this is not something I’ve done on my own. Your course has filled me with confidence that I got this, and plugged all sorts of gaps in my knowledge and I 100% learned some new things that I didn’t know that are going to save me a ton of time.”

Paul Lacey, Web Developer / Designer

Hi, I’m Joe Casabona– your guide to your first $10,000 this year.
I’m a full-time podcaster and podcast coach.

My podcasts:

  • Have made over $250,000 in revenue
  • Bring in $30-50,000 every year from sponsorships alone
  • Get 60,000 downloads in the first 30 days (consistently)
  • Landed sponsors before launch

And my flagship show ranks in the top 1.5% of all podcasts.

6 years ago though, my business was about to fail and I was scrambling to find a way to support my new family fast.

I took my niche podcast and made a bold move selling my first sponsorship spot for $99. Pre launch.

Not bad considering I pitched my sponsor on a whim.

And I didn’t stop there. I spent the next 6 years experimenting with different strategies and tactics to turn my show into a profitable podcast.

Through lots of trial and error, I created a repeatable model that turns podcasts into 5-figure incomes.

Podcast Liftoff Playbook is where I curate and share the exact strategies and tactics I use today with my own podcasts.

Now I want to share my playbook with you. So can transform your struggling podcast into a five-figure income in the next 12