

Original price was: $1,800.00.Current price is: $243.00.





Have you ever felt confused trying to grow
your own herb garden?

Or wondered which herbal preparation will be
the most potent?

I understand how hard it is to navigate the deluge of herbal information out there, and find a resource you can trust.

With over twenty-five years under my belt growing herbs, making medicine, and teaching about plants, I’ve come up with a program that is chock-full of expert guidance for cultivating medicinal herbs and addressing common ailments at home with your very own tinctures, syrups, poultices and salves.

Bonus: You’ll be learning all about herbs while you save money—growing the garden of your dreams and whipping up a homegrown medicine chest full of the highest quality remedies to be found!

~Juliet Blankespoor

Online Herbal Immersion Program

Have you ever felt confused trying to grow
your own herb garden?

Or wondered which herbal preparation will be
the most potent?

I understand how hard it is to navigate the deluge of herbal information out there, and find a resource you can trust.

With over twenty-five years under my belt growing herbs, making medicine, and teaching about plants, I’ve come up with a program that is chock-full of expert guidance for cultivating medicinal herbs and addressing common ailments at home with your very own tinctures, syrups, poultices and salves.

Bonus: You’ll be learning all about herbs while you save money—growing the garden of your dreams and whipping up a homegrown medicine chest full of the highest quality remedies to be found!

~Juliet Blankespoor

Watch Our Video About the Herbal Immersion Program!

Herbal Immersion Program Outline

Module 1: Foundations in Herbalism

Cultivating Relationships with Healing Plants; Introduction to Botany; Plant Families; Vegetative and Floral Terms; Herbal Actions; Ethical Wildcrafting; Spring Plant Walk; Medicinal Preparations; Harvesting Herbs; Edible Flowers

Module 2: The Nitty-Gritty of Soil, Part 1

 Principles of Organic Gardening; Planning Your Dream Garden; Growing Healthy Soil; Building Soil Fertility; Botanical Garden Allies; Creating New Garden Beds;
Container Gardening

Module 3: Common Useful Garden Weeds

Daylily; Lamb’s Quarters;
Chickweed; Dandelion; Violet;
Purple Dead Nettle;
Cleavers; Creasy Greens;
Garlic Mustard; Yellow Dock;
Japanese Honeysuckle

Module 4: Plant Propagation

Special Strategies for Germinating Herbs: Stratification, Scarification, and Light-Dependent Germination;
Preparing Seed Trays; Sowing Seeds; Soil Blocks; Bottom Heat; Root Division; Stem Cuttings; Layering; Seed Saving of Medicinal Herbs

Module 5: Tonic Herbs and Adaptogens

Introduction to Adaptogens, Alteratives and Tonic Herbs;
Gotu Kola; Tulsi;
Nettles; Milky Oats;
Astragalus; Ginseng;

Module 6: The Nitty-Gritty of Soil, Part 2

Introduction to Permaculture; Building a Compost Pile;
Composting Leaf Mold; Organic
Pest and Disease Management;
Season Extension; Woodland Cultivation of Medicinal Herbs; Homemade Potting Soil

Module 7: Herbs for the Immune System

Introduction to Immune Stimulants, Immunomodulators and Antimicrobials; Spilanthes; Echinacea; Goldenseal; Bee Balm and
Wild Bergamot; Calendula;
Boneset; Elderberry

Module 8: Introduction to the Digestive System

Bitters, Astringents and Carminatives; Foundations of Nutrition: Whole Foods, Organic Foods and GMOs; Macronutrients, Fiber, and Intestinal Flora; Vitamins and Minerals; Bioflavonoids; Food Allergies and Intolerances

Module 9: Herbs for the Digestive System

Anise Hyssop; Meadowsweet;
Fennel; Mint; Chamomile;
Lemon Balm; Basil

Module 10: Herbs for the Respiratory System

Introduction to Expectorants, Demulcents and Anticatarrhals; Elecampane;
Mullein; Marshmallow;
Yarrow; Goldenrod

Module 11: Herbs for the Nervous System

Introduction to Nervines, Hypnotics, Anxiolytics, Antidepressants and Analgesics; Valerian; Skullcap; Passionflower;  California Poppy;  Mimosa; Rose; Vervain

Module 12: Herbs for the Female Reproductive System

Uterine Tonics, Emmenagogues, Hormone Balancers and Uterine Antispasmodics; Ecology of Estrogen in the Body; Red Raspberry; Black Cohosh; Vitex; Motherwort

Module 13: Medicine Making – Core Preparations

Infusions and Decoctions; Tinctures; Herbal Honeys and Syrups;
Herbal Vinegars; Flower Essences;
Plant Spirit Medicine

Module 14: Food as Medicine

Meads; Culinary Oils; Infused Vinegars; Fire Ciders: Spicy Vinegars; Goo Balls; Compound Butters; Herbal Finishing Salts; Herbal Sauces; Wild Herbal Pestos, Hummus and Pâté; Medicinal Mushroom Concoction; Herbal Popsicles, Iced Teas and Granitas; Bone Broth; Bitters; Shrubs; Fancy Pants Ice Cubes; Simple Syrups; Cocktails and Mocktails

Module 15: Topical Preparations and Natural Body Care

Infused Oils and Salves;
Compresses and Poultices,
Herbal First Aid; Introduction to Hydrotherapy; Introduction to Aromatherapy; Floral Skin Serum; Body Butters;
Salt Scrubs; Bath Salts;
Aromatherapy Sprays;
Aromatic Massage Oils

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