
Money Breakthrough Business Coach Certification By Kendall Summerhawk

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Money Breakthrough Business Coach Certification By Kendall Summerhawk – Instant Download!

The idea of coaching women entrepreneurs is tantalizing, isn’t it?

You’ve secretly been imagining what it would feel like…

Coaching that creates money and business breakthroughs for women? Transformational work is your soul of genius, so bring it on.

Packages and pricing that amplify your confidence to charge a premium price and deliver every time? Say hello to your new high-earning coaching income.

Days that balance the perfect amount of structure and order with luxurious freedom? Oh yes, coaching 12 days a month is more than enough.

Money Breakthrough Business Coach Certification By Kendall Summerhawk

If it’s that voice inside your head… you know, the one that dumps rain on your positivity parade with thoughts like:

“Aren’t there already a lot of business coaches out there?”

“Don’t I need to already be successful in business before I can coach others on it?”

“Don’t I already need to know how to coach?”

Then I have one piece of coaching advice for you…

The Power To Coach Women Entrepreneurs Is Already Within You

  • You’re soul-driven. A Firestarter. A passionate achiever.
  • You lead your life with heart and intuition, and you feel a deep desire to empower women.
  • You understand that for women, business isn’t “just business”… it’s the magical alchemy of soul and strategy.

Those are the qualities you need to step into coaching women entrepreneurs… and you already have them. That’s why you’re here, isn’t it?

Money Breakthrough Business Coach Certification By Kendall Summerhawk

  • Coach confidently and deliver transformational results in short sessions (so your coaching sessions don’t end with you feeling drained and your client feeling overloaded)
  • Create a curriculum of coaching exercises that deliver instant breakthroughs for your clients (this is your secret sauce to transform ‘coaching’ into an exciting offer that’s a joy to deliver)
  • Package your coaching to create freedom and price it to make money (say hello to your new high-ticket coaching income & loads of lifestyle freedom)
  • Differentiate yourself from other coaches & sign on the very best clients (you know… the ones who actually pay you and get results)
  • Set up your coaching business so you look like a pro from the get-go (and say goodbye to generic, patched together agreements & scrambling to set boundaries with your clients)
  • Ignite an unshakeable money mindset that’s going to take you to your next level (it’s time to break the rules & shift the money-power base into the hands of soul-driven women like you)

And That’s OK. We’ll Give You Everything You Need.

We Have The Simplest And Easiest Way For You To GET CERTIFIED & PAID To Coach Women Entrepreneurs.
Money Breakthrough Business Coach Certification By Kendall Summerhawk
The ONLY coach certification training that gives you everything you need to become a soul-driven, high-earning business coach for women entrepreneurs — without waiting months or years to create income, time freedom and impact

“Since Joining Money Breakthrough Business Coach Certification 3 Months Ago, I Have Made $39,600”

“And it’s been easy and stress free which I think is the biggest, most exciting thing for me. Knowing that I’ve got the Courageous Coaching® Method that Kendall teaches is incredibly powerful. And knowing that I have all of these done-for-you resources that I know have worked for thousands of other women around the world… I have full confidence now in my program and my coaching ability. That meant I could sign 12 clients really, really quickly with, like, no marketing, just a couple of emails.” – Hayley Stathis

Certification Results In You Gaining Every Skill You Need to Coach Women Entrepreneurs…

  • Confidently coach women entrepreneurs on soul + strategy, like a rockstar
  • Coach your clients through a proven series of steps that create results every time
  • Create powerful results in just 30-minute sessions, saying goodbye to ever over-delivering again
  • Take our done-for-you coaching exercises and personalize them as your own
  • Add your unique brilliance and wisdom to your coaching
  • Embrace the high-ticket coaching model so your business is profitable from day one
  • Deliver your coaching one-to-one AND in group programs, workshops, on stages + all the exciting ways
  • Discover your marketing confidence & enroll the best clients with ease
  • Own your worth every step of the way

“Since Enrolling in Certification, I’ve Made A total Of 46,600 UK Pounds.”

“I got my first paying client within three weeks of signing up, which came in at 10,000 pounds. Then a few weeks later, my second paying client came in. And it blew me away. Between March and October, I’ve had five clients on my six month package, I’ve had three VIP day clients, and

I’ve had two pay in full clients as well. So that was an absolute winner for me. With the support, accountability and the done-for-you coaching content, enrolling in Certification was the best decision I ever made for my business.” – Anneth Bryan

Money Breakthrough Business Coach Certification By Kendall Summerhawk

We Flipped The Model In The Coaching Industry And Created The ONLY Certified Coach Training That Fully Prepares You To Coach Women Entrepreneurs.

Here’s Why It Works:
Money Breakthrough Business Coach Certification By Kendall Summerhawk
Done-For-You & Brand As Your Own Coaching Curriculum:

  • Feel the relief of not having to create your own coaching curriculum. The core of our training is certifying you in our 7 done-for-you coaching pillars.
  • Each pillar is brand as your own. Nothing cookie cutter about it!
  • Avoid ‘winging it’ and not being sure what to coach on.

Courageous Coaching® Skills:

  • You want to be a masterful coach for women entrepreneurs. We’ll train you how.
  • Quickly become skilled at coaching clients to release money blocks at a deep, soul level.
  • Become the coach who feels secure, knowing she delivers results and value.

Making Money Immediately:

  • No need to wait – our certification is designed for you to start making money while you’re still in training.
  • Successfully make the transition into being a high earning coach for women entrepreneurs.

The Details…

Lead Your Clients Through A Proven Process That Creates Results Every Time

No ‘winging it’. No guessing what to coach on.

Just the delicious feeling of knowing what you’re going to coach on and feeling confident you’re delivering on your coaching promise.

The 7 pillars you’re getting trained and certified in address every single topic that comes up with women entrepreneurs.

Each pillar includes done-for-you, ready to brand as your own coaching handouts, exercises, templates, visualizations, scripts, assessments, mindsets and more — all so you don’t spend years trying to develop all this on your own.

You’re Getting Certified In Each Of These Coaching Pillars…


With Certification Pillar 1 You Become The Coach Who Can:

  • Deliver powerful money coaching exercises that transform your client’s ‘money self talk’ into new beliefs that boldly align with her next-level self
  • Combine our guided money coaching visualizations & template + your soul sensitivity to create that exciting, new empowering money story she craves
  • Confidently coach her to own her worth, while staying clean in your energy in the process


With Certification Pillar 2 You Become The Coach Who Can:

  • Feel confident, using the Branding With Archetypes® assessment to read the soul of your client’s business and pinpoint her Signature and Influencing Brand Archetypes
  • Use our brilliant Branding With Archetypes® process to capture her character and transform it into a clearly defined and deeply authentic brand personality
  • Create a richly detailed ‘Soul of Your Brand Guide’ using our template to elevate her brand messaging and presence… without you needing prior brand strategy experience or training


With Certification Pillar 3 You Become The Coach Who Can:

  • Confidently coach your client to discover her next-level, ‘diamond’ clients using our Niche Breakthrough Secrets® Formula, while upleveling your own beliefs around niching in the process
  • Use our done-for-you reframes and breakthrough coaching questions + your creative spark to coach her to switch from an ‘I’ll work with everyone’ mindset to a new, exciting standard of only working with her best clients
  • Take advantage of our easy to use template that teases out the right words every time to create an authentic marketing message that energetically aligns with her new best clients


With Certification Pillar 4 You Become The Coach Who Can:

  • Take this brilliant, experiential coaching tool to transform your client’s jumble of expertise into a clean, simple signature system she can start offering (this could easily become one of your favorite go-to coaching tools)
  • Coach her to turn her expertise into a rich body of work and intellectual property that naturally positions her as an expert
  • Create language, titles, and handouts for each step of her signature system using our step by step templates, turning the beautiful work she does into marketing material she can use everyday


With Certification Pillar 5 You Become The Coach Who Can:

  • Now call yourself a package creation magician, confidently coaching women entrepreneurs to re-organize her expertise into irresistible, high-end offers
  • Combine our high-end package process and handouts + your creative spark to create packages that break the cycle of over-delivering and unnecessary complexity
  • Introduce your clients to the high-ticket mindset & strategy (even while you’re learning and applying it for yourself)


With Certification Pillar 6 You Become The Coach Who Can:

  • Use our emotionally-rich + practical pricing coaching process to effortlessly coach women entrepreneurs on the single most important element of her business: how much to charge
  • Take advantage of our collection of ‘how to charge’ exercises to uncover hidden pricing blocks, allowing your client to release undercharging for good… even if you’re not perfect with your own pricing (yet!)
  • Deliver the “Empowered Pricing Paradigm” Visualization Script, resulting in her feeling confident, in alignment and congruent with her new high-end fees


With Certification Pillar 7 You Become The Coach Who Can:

  • Ignite your client’s ability to attract her best clients, using our ‘Well of Opportunity’ strategy and coaching exercises
  • Combine our proven framework and scripts + your exciting new coaching skills to create a breakthrough in her confidently discussing the money part of an offer
  • Use our done-for-you offer outlines and templates to create a custom action plan that keeps her consistently moving forward towards her boldest money goals… and you’re the brilliant coach who made it possible

Achieve Mastery In The Skill Of Coaching Women Entrepreneurs

Imagine knowing how to create eye-opening transformation with a proven coaching model.

How to say what needs to be said. How to ask the tough questions. How to trust your intuition.

No stumbling, overthinking or holding back. You’re coaching from your highest self, fierce love and all.

That’s exactly what happens when you get trained in the Courageous Coaching ® Method inside of Certification.

It’s all here for you: our proven coach model, breakthrough coaching questions and exercises, step-by-step coaching call templates and so much more.

Everything you need to be a soul-driven coach for women entrepreneurs.

We’re giving you every form, agreement, template and training you need to launch your coaching business and start enrolling clients even before you’re officially certified. Want to set up your coaching business so you look and feel like a pro from the get-go? Take a deep relaxing breath, because now you can.

When your potential clients see these gorgeous, full color cards, they’ll leap out of their chair wanting to hire you! PLUS you get exclusive rights to purchase additional cards wholesale, then resell or include them with your programs.

This is your done-for-you jackpot! Includes 12 outlines for VIP day intensives, 4 outlines for a 90-day package, and outlines for a 6 and 12-month package. PLUS pre-written website “sales letter” copy that you can personalize and paste on your website.

How much will you love having a gorgeous Certified Coach logo on your website, signaling your expertise and professionalism? As soon as you’ve completed the training and successfully submitted your final certification material, we’ll send your certified status & logo (plus a gorgeous, professional certificate for your office!)

Get The Support You Need To Make Money Immediately


Discover the simplest, most effective online marketing strategies out there, so getting your coaching magic into the world is clear. Watch our abundant sales trainings on how to confidently and soulfully enroll clients into your coaching programs.

Learn from Kendall’s masterful teaching on money mindset and money skills. These are a total game changer for you to own and charge your worth and transform your relationship with money.

I Know What You’re Thinking.
“That All Sounds Great, But Can I Really Coach Women Entrepreneurs?”

You CAN coach confidently and deliver transformational results in every session.

You CAN feel purposeful and aligned with your coaching business at a deep soul level.

You CAN make money that doesn’t just cover your expenses – it elevates you into your highest and fullest potential.

All of this is possible for you.

It’s all abundantly available to you when you have a Done-For-You & Brand As Your Own Coaching Curriculum, Courageous Coaching® Skills and the ability to Make Money Immediately.

That’s exactly what you’ll receive inside the Money Breakthrough Business Coach™ Certification Training.

Money Breakthrough Business Coach™ Certification Training

  • Get Certified In 7 Done-For-You Pillars Of Business Coaching Curriculum:

– Money Mindset Mastery
– Branding With Archetypes®
– Niche Breakthrough Secrets®
– Signature System®
– How To Create Packages That Sell Themselves
– How To Charge What You’re Worth And Get It!®
– How To Sign On New Clients

  • Each pillar includes done-for-you, ready to brand as your own coaching handouts, exercises, templates, visualizations, scripts, assessments, mindsets and more
  • Coach training In Kendall’s Courageous Coaching Method®

Certification Training Includes The Very Best Bonuses

  • The Complete Coaching Business Starter Kit
  • Starter 2-Pack of Branding with Archetype® Cards
  • Done-For-You Coaching Program Outlines & Marketing Materials
  • Certified Coach Status & Logo


You use Google as your coaching trainer, looking up “coaching questions” and still worry you won’t coach your clients to achieve real results
You mistakenly coach on whatever your client brings to the session, which leads to winging it, minimal progress and unhappy clients
You’re uncertain what to put in your coaching packages, so you default to selling a number of sessions and end up overscheduled with no time freedom
What to charge feels like a mystery so you keep undercharging or you keep giving away coaching for free
Just offering ‘coaching’ doesn’t seem to be attracting paying clients


You trust your certified Courageous Coaching® skills and can confidently guide your clients through transformational breakthroughs in 30-minute sessions
You’re using the done-for-you curriculum to lead your clients through proven steps that create results every time
Your Money Breakthrough Business Coach™ packages are based on tangible results, so you can confidently charge premium prices and only need a small number of clients to achieve your income goals
You experience new pricing breakthroughs that elevate you owning your worth
Having your own signature curriculum makes getting your coaching magic into the world easy and attracts motivated women entrepreneurs who love to pay
You’re using the training on coaching schedule magic to build a calendar that’s clear and spacious, with days that honor your time and energy
We are women. We are Firestarters. We are soul-driven.

We stand for women being financially independent and champion every woman to own her worth.

Our legacy is ours to make. Our wealth is ours to claim.

Own your future.

Reclaim your soul.

Welcome to your future self.

Money is power. Money is choice. Money is freedom. And as a business coach for women entrepreneurs, the power of making money is firmly in your hands.

Your time and energy is precious – so let’s protect it. What will you do with all the freedom only coaching 12 days a month gives you?

When changing lives is your work, feeling fulfilled becomes your new powerful normal. Welcome to your future self!

Money Breakthrough Business Coach Certification By Kendall Summerhawk, What is it included (Content proof: Watch here!)