
Leading Through Crisis By Michael Hyatt

Original price was: $297.00.Current price is: $15.00.

File size: 1.05 GB
Media Type: Online Course
Delivery Time: 1-12 hours.
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Leading Through Crisis By Michael Hyatt – Instant Download!

Leading Through Crisis
An online course to help you successfully steer your organization in turbulent times.

    • Protect Your Business
    • Have Confidence in Crisis
  • Succeed with Resilience

Can your organization thrive in crisis?

You’ve watched the news. You’ve seen the scary stuff happening in the world. The future is uncertain, and you’re now facing one of the greatest tests of your leadership.

How can you prepare for something you didn’t see coming? How can you best respond to the challenge instead of reacting to it?

It’s natural to feel anxious during a crisis, and as a business owner or leader, your people are waiting for you to step up and give them courage.

You can emerge from the challenges of today with a stronger, more resilient organization. We can help.

Leading Through Crisis is the leader’s guide to succeeding in turbulent times.

As the former CEO of a $250M corporation and the founder and chairman of a multimillion-dollar, leadership-development company, Michael Hyatt knows what it’s like to respond to a crisis as a leader.

During the recession of 2008, Michael Hyatt faced a challenge with Thomas Nelson Publishers. Many were fearful about the state of our economy and looked to him for guidance. But Michael and his leadership team implemented a gameplan that resulted in saving the company and allowing it to thrive in the toughest economy.

In Leading Through Crisis, Michael wants to equip you with the strategy to emerge successful in crises like COVID-19. This online course will teach you how to . . .

  • Ensure a steady, reliable mindset no matter how bad it gets
  • Use simple practices to ground yourself in 4 areas and set the stage for confident decision making
  • Assess your unique vulnerabilities in the 4 most important areas of your business
  • Create a tiered, risk reduction response using my 4 step process
  • Identify the opportunities most advantageous to your business from least risky to most risky
  • Create an effective communication plan for your team and customers that inspires confidence in you and them

Tools and Templates to Guide Your Organization

In the course, you’ll receive downloadable tools and templates to help your organization fight the COVID-19 crisis and other challenges you may face in the future. Includes tools such as:

  • Personal Resources Inventory, to take stock of the resources you have to combat crisis.
  • Grounding Habits Record, to help you win the battle in your mind as you implement your action plan.
  • Business Vulnerability Assessment, to help you assess your top 5-7 vulnerabilities in the business that need to be addressed now.
  • Risk Mitigation Planner, to organize your response to each of the risks you face.
  • Crisis Opportunity Maximizer, to distill your thinking into a product plan for thriving amid the crisis.
  • Crisis Communication Planner, to strategize the when, how, and who behind communicating your action plan.
  • Layoff Decision Maker, to help you decide if layoffs are necessary and take the right next steps if they are.
  • Cash Flow Scenario Planner, to forecast your cash flow and see what’s on the horizon for your business.

Once you complete this course, you’ll have the tools and strategies you need to confidently lead in turbulent times.

“Holy cow. I just finished Leading Through Crisis and it was exceptional. I feel less anxious, well-informed, and more prepared to move forward. I feel confident that as I finish the exercises in the workbook I will be able to communicate my plan more effectively with my leadership team, the rest of my team, and my customers. That feels incredible!”

—Amy Porterfield, Host of the Online Marketing Made Easy Podcast

Lead Your Organization Through Crisis

Six sessions.
With six packed lessons, you can prepare and protect your organization from crisis.
Eight tools for immediate implementation.
Build your crisis action plan with the help of eight tools and templates.
A repeatable, proven process for any crisis.
You will have a gameplan for handling COVID-19, economic uncertainty, and any obstacles to come in the future.

Six Sessions to Navigate the Chaos
Plus additional resources to further help you in your leadership.

Session 1: Shift Your Thinking

  • Move from a place of scarcity and fear to abundance and confidence
  • Quantify the resources at your disposal to draw on during this time
  • Recall past victories to fuel your resilience today
  • Take control of your thoughts so your mind becomes your ally not your enemy
  • Tool: Personal Resources Inventory

Session 2: Stay Grounded

  • Clearly understand what you have control over and what you don’t
  • Four areas to focus on to regain your sense of equilibrium
  • How to set yourself up for high-quality decision making when the stakes are high
  • Simple practices you can use every day—no matter how crazy it gets—to combat overwhelm, exhaustion, and fear
  • Tool: The Grounding Habits Record

Session 3: Assess Your Vulnerabilities

  • The four areas in your business you must consider when assessing vulnerabilities to build the foundation for your Crisis Action Plan
  • The specific questions you need to ask in each domain to ensure you’ve thought of everything
  • Identify your top five to seven vulnerabilities that must be addressed now to survive
  • Tool: The Business Vulnerability Assessment

Session 4: Reduce Your Risks

  • Four strategies to employ to reduce your biggest risks
  • Identify what you need to Suspend, Reduce, Eliminate, and Diversity now
  • How to create a three-tiered approach that guarantees you respond appropriately to your top five to seven vulnerabilities
  • Tool: Risk Mitigation Planner

Session 5: Identify Your Opportunities

  • How to leverage innovation and creativity like never before
  • The four-part framework for identifying which opportunities make the most sense to pursue given your particular context
  • Discover hidden opportunity in four areas—Market Penetration, Product Development, Market Expansion, and Business Diversification
  • Tool: Crisis Opportunity Maximizer

Session 6: Implement Your Plan

  • A three-step process to help you quickly develop a communication plan for your team and your most important external relationships to inspire confidence and trust
  • Exactly what your employees and customers need to hear from you now
  • How often you need to communicate to keep everyone aligned
  • The biggest communications mistakes you can make in a crisis and how to avoid them.
  • Quickly finalize your Crisis Action Plan for rapid implementation
  • Tools: Crisis Communication Planner and Crisis Action Plan

Additional Training: Cash Flow Scenario Planner

  • Run cash flow scenarios to understand your tolerance for revenue dips
  • Determine which expenses you can afford to continue and which ones you can’t
  • Identify how long you can go before you need to do layoffs or make other significant decisions
  • Determine whether or not you need to pursue additional cash resources like emergency loans, lines of credit, personal asset liquidation, etc.
  • Tool: Cash Flow Scenario Planner

Additional Training: Layoff Decision Maker

  • Three questions you need to solve if you’re considering layoffs.
  • How to assess if layoffs are necessary for your organization.
  • Specific questions to inform who you should lay off (if that’s what you choose).
  • A process for handling the layoff conversation, and how to do it with care and concern.

Additional Training: Church and Non-Profit Leader Implementation Guide

  • Specific guidance on how to apply the course principles in a non-profit setting.
  • A four-part framework to help pastors and non-profit leaders think through what matters most now
  • How to assess, respond, engage and communicate with your congregation or constituents for maximum impact in crisis
  • Common mistakes non-profit leaders make in crisis and how to avoid them

Leading Through Crisis is for . . .

  • Business owners
  • Managers, directors, and team leaders
  • C-level executives
  • Nonprofits
  • Ministry leaders
  • Entrepreneurs
  • Operational leaders
  • And anyone who wants to lead their organization and team well during turbulent times.

You and Your Organization Can Succeed in Crisis
The unknown does not have to threaten the future of your organization. With the right tools and strategy, you can emerge from a crisis stronger. With Leading Through Crisis, you can thrive in the midst of your greatest challenges. Order the course today.

Leading Through Crisis By Michael Hyatt, what is it included (Content proof: Watch here!):

  • 02-Extra Sessions
  • 01-Core Sessions