
Jonathan Parker – Build a Winning Self Image

Original price was: $47.00.Current price is: $17.00.

Product Include:[2 cds- 32 Flac, 4 jpg]
File size:2.175 GB

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Jonathan Parker – Build a Winning Self Image

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Get Jonathan Parker – Build a Winning Self Image at bestoftrader.com


Self-image is everything. The difference between success and failure depends on this one thing. It’s never a question of how much potential you have but learning how to use your self-image to help you instead of harm you. The fact is simple: you will only go as far in life as your self-image allows, because it is the engine that propels you forward.

Your self-image drives your:

Overall feeling of success.

When you upgrade your self-image in your subconscious mind, you’ll start building a life of happiness, radiant health, and good fortune!

Using this unique training combination of guided relaxation visualizations, mind talk affirmations, and subliminals; you’ll learn the transformational power of mastering your inner mind powers for accelerated success.

You will discover how to eliminate negative self-beliefs forever and keep your positive self-image, no matter what happens. This program includes a step-by-step method to reprogram your subconscious mind to help you feel more positive, attractive, successful and happier.
Program Contents: