
Joe Dispenza D.C. – Evolve Your Brain

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Evolve Your Brain

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Get Joe Dispenza D.C. – Evolve Your Brain at bestoftrader.com

Why do we keep getting the same jobs, taking on the same relationships, and finding ourselves in the same emotional traps?
Dr. Joe Dispenza not only teaches why people tend to repeat the same negative behaviors, he shows how readers can release themselves from these patterns of disappointment.

With the dynamic combination of science and accessible how-to, Dispenza teaches how to use the most important tool in ones body and life—the brain. Featured in the underground smash hit of 2004, “What the Bleep Do We Know!?,” Dispenza touched upon the brain’s ability to become addicted to negative emotions. Now, in his empowering book Evolve Your Brain he explains how new thinking and new beliefs can literally rewire one’s brain to change behavior, emotional reactions, and habit forming patterns.

Most people are unaware of how addicted they are to their emotions, and how the brain perpetuates those addictions automatically. In short, we become slaves to our emotional addictions without even realizing it. By observing our patterns of thought, and learning how to ‘re-wire the brain’ with new thought patterns, we can break the cycles that keep us trapped and open ourselves to new possibilities for growth, happiness and emotional satisfaction.

Key Features

A radical approach to changing addictive patterns and bad habits.
Based on more than twenty years of research.
Bridges the gap between science, spirituality and self-help—a formula that has proven success.
Easy to understand and written for the average reader.

Self Help – Self Help online course

More information about Self Help:

Self-help or self-improvement is a self-guided improvement—economically, intellectually, or emotionally—often with a substantial psychological basis.
Many different self-help group programs exist, each with its own focus, techniques, associated beliefs, proponents and in some cases, leaders.
Concepts and terms originating in self-help culture and Twelve-Step culture, such as recovery, dysfunctional families, and codependency have become firmly integrated in mainstream language.

Self-help often utilizes publicly available information or support groups, on the Internet as well as in person, where people in similar situations join together.
From early examples in self-driven legal practice and home-spun advice, the connotations of the word have spread and often apply particularly to education, business,
psychology and psychotherapy, commonly distributed through the popular genre of self-help books.
According to the APA Dictionary of Psychology, potential benefits of self-help groups that professionals may not be able to provide include friendship,
emotional support, experiential knowledge, identity, meaningful roles, and a sense of belonging.