
Jason Teteak – Adult Education Training

Original price was: $495.00.Current price is: $75.00.

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Product Description

Jason Teteak – Adult Education Training

Jason Teteak – Adult Education Training

Archive : Jason Teteak – Adult Education Training

These Are the Most Comprehensive Easy-To-Understand Adult Education TechniquesWe’ve Ever Created…

(And Now I Want To Show You How To Reach Every Learner…Every Time)

What if you didn’t have to “pay” for Learning?

Instead…what if Learning “paid” you?

And what if acquiring new learning was as simple as pulling a lever?

It sounds outlandish, but that’s exactly what “Learning Masters” (a.k.a Adult Education Specialistsdo. And once you have completed this mastery class, you too will know how to leverage adult education techniques such as Learning Styles and Teaching Tools to not only grow your employees learning…

…but to grow your employees learning at a PROFIT.

Did you catch that?

You’ll no longer have to practice “hope-and-pray” or “wait-and-see” learning.

Learning will happen, because you’ll know how to make it happen.

But how do you actually do it?

How do you take knowledge + understanding and turn it into wisdom and behavior change for your employees without breaking the bank?

That’s exactly what you’re about to learn…

Adult Education Mastery Course Details

In this 8-hour course you’ll learn everything you need to know about how to motivate adult learners, keep them interested, deal with challenging or disgruntled participants, and maximize learning.

Module 1:

Hook Your Class

Lesson 1: Introduction & Welcome to Adult Education Mastery
Lesson 2: Hook Your Class – Part 1
Lesson 3: Hook Your Class – Part 2

Module 2:

Become Their Favorite

Lesson 1: Become Their Favorite – Part 1
Lesson 2: Become Their Favorite – Part 2
Lesson 3: Create Your Presence

Module 3:

Engage And Teach All Learners

Lesson 1: Understand Your Learners
Lesson 2: Reach Every Learner – Part 1
Lesson 3: Reach Every Learner – Part 2

Module 4:

Create Amazing Training Materials

Lesson 1: Create Amazing Training Materials – Part 1
Lesson 2: Create Amazing Training Materials – Part 2

Module 5:

Handle Challenging Trainees

Lesson 1: Handle Resenters, Talk Hogs, Hecklers and Gripers
Lesson 2: Handle Experts, Know-It-Alls and Quiet Types

Bonus Materials


Appendix A: Training Checklists
Appendix B: Oral & Written Reviews
Appendix C: Learning Style Assessment

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