
Ghost Traffic – Trevor Emdon

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Ghost Traffic – Trevor Emdon

**More information:

Get Ghost Traffic – Trevor Emdon at bestoftrader.com


  1. Overview Of Ghost Traffic 
    This video is just to get you acquainted with the Ghost Traffic method. You’ll discover where the “ghost” traffic is – and how you’re going to get your share of it.
  2. Where The Traffic Comes From 
    TIP: Login to your YouTube channel and check your analytics. You can also look to see if you have any videos that may be underperforming and use the “Ghost Traffic” method to attract more traffic – without spending a penny on promotions. (You’ll see how in the next couple of videos).
  3. Traffic To Non-Keywordy Videos 
    There are millions of everyday phrases used in conversation that may never show up as keyword searches but will attract attention as a “suggested” video if the thumbnail looks tempting enough to click on! Here’s how to take advantage of that – and get the “ghost” traffic!
  4. Creating The Thumbnail 
    TIPS: 1. Do NOT copy! Lawsuits await if you do that … Instead emulate the look and feel of the top-ranked videos.
    2. Play with creativity. My “egg” video does very well with a cartoon, (clipart), thumbnail. It looks humourous even though the topic is not.
  5. Catchy Thumbnail Headlines 
    Thumbnails are not just about the image. Unlike Facebook ads, there’s no limit on the amount of space occupied by words on a YouTube thumbnail. The image catches the eye, the words get the click. (Usually. There are no hard and fast rules! Consider it a “rule of thumbnail!”)
  6. Kickstarting The Views 
    Here’s a sneaky ninja tip for making great use of your new thumbnail on social media to kickstart your views.
    TIP: Not shown in the video, but (with the usual caveats about not spamming), you can use the same idea in Facebook groups, Twitter feed and even – if you’re in a business-related niche – as LinkedIn posts or in LI groups. Experiment … but use your common sense. Don’t get banned just as you’re starting to get traffic! Enjoy your Ghost Traffic.