
G7FX Professional & Foundation Courses By Nirav

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G7FX Professional & Foundation Courses By Nirav – Instant Download!

Learn To Trade Profitably By Getting…


Get Mentored by Neerav Vadera (NV) – An Institutional Forex & Futures Trader With Over 16 Years Experience. Ex Advisor to Central Banks & Hedge Funds.

You will NEVER succeed using Retail Trading strategies such as technical analysis. FACT.

During my time as a professional trader at Barclays Investment Bank we did the complete opposite to what I see being taught in Retail.

Right now, are you…

  • Learning from educators who have spent absolutely no time in an institutional trading environment such as a bank?
  • Placing your entire career in the hands of educators refusing to show you any independently audited evidence they trade for a living?
  • Tired of losing money on retail trading strategies that are nothing more than random lines?

Become a consistently profitable trader by getting an institutional trading education

1. Get access to world class order flow tools used by banks & hedge-funds

Without observing order flow (real buyers and sellers) you’re trading with only half the picture. You may as well be gambling.

2. Save yourself thousands in losses & years of going round in circles

Break the cycle of trading losses and frustration by learning the right trading techniques.

3. Receive the identical education I received whilst working at an investment bank / prop firm.

The G7FX education brings you immediate access to the same instituional education as the world’s top traders.

I truly believe anyone can succeed given the right start and opportunity.

It doesn’t matter what your background is, or if you want to do this full or part-time.

Our courses are suitable for traders of all skill levels. They cover all aspects of the markets, from the very basics to the most advanced trading strategies. Get the confidence that comes with following a proven system.

From: Neerav Vadera (NV)

Thank you for exploring what G7FX has to offer you.

When I left the city to become a private trader, I was shocked at the complete lack of quality trading education available in the Retail Sector.

Most traditional retail brokers and educators only have one goal: to make as much money from you as possible, while providing very little – if any – value in return.

This is why a lot of people who have taken retail trading courses in the past fail to make a profitable career for themselves. The strategies they learnt from the ‘experts’ are the complete opposite of those used by actual professional traders.

I set up G7FX to change that.

My ultimate vision was to bring you the same training programme offered by the best institutions in the world. Trading profitably is extremely hard, no doubt, and a lot of people give up before they make a success of it. However, the rewards for those who persevere and seek out the correct knowledge are huge – not to mention the growth, confidence, and security that comes from taking control of your income!

I truly believe that if you are serious about trading, you should be offered the exact same opportunity as the best traders in the world.

My background

I spent five years working on the trading floor at Barclays Investment Bank, one of the largest FX market traders in the world.

During my time there, we controlled about 10% of the entire global foreign exchange market ($3-5 trillion). I then went on to work with some of the world’s leading proprietary trading firms.

Since leaving the City, I have been a consistently profitable private trader, trading within many different markets. I now enjoy working from my home office. Trading has enabled me to provide for myself and my family while making the choices I want in my life. For this, I’m extremely proud and grateful! I want to share that same knowledge that I’ve learnt with you through G7FX.

My point is this…

I have received the best training possible from some of the largest institutional firms in the world, and have a proven track record of successful trading (see FAQs for a link to my 100% independent audit). This experience is reflected in the value my courses offer.

Given my expertise and track record in this field, as well as the incredibly positive feedback from those who have taken the G7FX courses, I think I have earned the right to say you will not find any training remotely close to what G7FX offers.

Check out some of G7FX’s reviews!


Finally! Someone who knows and can prove what they are doing!

Finally!! This is what I have been looking for, I am gaining such a great understanding of the market, instantly know market conditions and can then put a trading plan together for the day according to the type of market we are in. I have now realised what a scam the rest of the forex educator industry is! How can someone trade without knowing the volumes and where those orders are taking place?? I spent four years and thousands of pounds on so called Forex Course only to lose more money in the markets trying to use these made up strategies!! Thank you so much NV for sharing your incredible knowledge straight from an institutional trader WITH an amazing track record.

Lou M

World Class Trading Education

After being exposed to the information that NV teaches, I don’t know how anyone could trade without it. Retail trading education is garbage, and it only leads to disaster.

This is pro education for serious investors, from a true professional with a serious track record. You can’t trade with the big league if you don’t have access to this information; period. It is like fighting with your hands tied behind your back.

NV, thank you for your work, Sir. This is truly the only way anyone could have a fighting chance in this business.

Austin Patterson

The Red Pill

I have traded for over 10 years. Continuously failing or breaking even at best. I wasn’t going to give up though and then I came across NV.

Was hesitant at first, but I eventually took the plunge to see what the material was about. That was the best decision I’ve made to date in terms of trading.

The past two trading weeks, I HAVE NOT HAD A LOSING DAY. That’s right, 10/10 on making money in the markets.

His course is the red pill you need to take to get out of the matrix and start seeing the markets for what they actually are. TRUST ME, YOU WILL BE VERY HAPPY YOU DID.

The G7FX Foundation Course replicates the training you would receive on Day One of working in a world-class trading firm.

You will be shown from scratch how to read institutional order flow as we strip back the charts and look at the raw data that drives markets!


Module 1: Your Career Path:
Business Plan

1.1 Intro

1.2 Major Players

​1.3 Prop Firm

​1.4 Futures vs Standard Forex

​1.5 Conclusion

​1.6 Trading Timetable

Module 2: Raw Data:
Time and Sales

2.1 Intro

​2.2 T&S

​2.3 T&S Live Example

​2.4 Conclusion

Module 3: Why Does Price Move?

3.1 Intro

​3.2 DOM Live Example Part 1

3.3 DOM Live Example Part 2

Module 4: Foundation Course Summary

4.1 Foundation Course Summary and Next Steps

4.2 Foundation Course Exercises

​4.4 Video B) + C) Task 2 + 3 Supply Side Games and Absorption

​4.5 Video D) Task 4 Intro to AMT and Trading around Profile

​4.6 Video D) Task 4 Real DOM Trade Example

​4.7 Video E) Task 5 Real DOM Trade around FX Discord Levels

4.3 Video A) Task 1 Placing Trades

Module 5: Sierra Chart Foundation
Course Chartbook and Instructions

5.1 Introduction to Futures Platforms

​5.2 Sierra Chart and Chartbook Installation

5.3 Sierra Chart Futures Codes Clarification

Tools & Downloads


G7FX Professional & Foundation Courses By Nirav, what is it included (Content proofWatch here!)

  • Module 1 – Your Career Path – Business Plan
  • Module 2 – Raw Data – Time and Sales
  • Module 3 – Why Does Price Move
  • Module 4 – Foundation Course Summary & Exercises
  • Module 5 – Sierra Chart Foundation Course Chartbook and Instructions
  • NEW Module 6 – G7FX Fundamentals
  • ToolsDownloads
  • Introduction to the Pro Course
  • Stage 1 – Context (AMT)
  • Stage 2 – Hypothesis Building (VWAP & Profile)
  • Stage 3 – Orderflow (Footprint & CD)
  • ToolsDownloads