
Foundations of demand generation

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Foundations of demand generation

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Build a demand generation engine and win 10x more sales

This course will show you how you can build a predictable, scalable and repeatable lead generation machine for your company.
Online course:
Foundations of Demand Generation course

By Ramli John, Demand Generation Specialist and Founder of GrowthX.Agency

Course length: 6h 30m

Some of the companies that train their teams at CXL Institute:
Win 10x more sales with half the effort by building a demand generation engine for your company

If you’ve ever wondered how HubSpot, KissMetrics, or even Salesforce are such powerhouses when it comes to sales in their industry, it’s because their marketing team has built a demand generation engine.

Join marketing expert Ramli John as he walks through the essentials of creating a solid demand generation pipeline that will support your business for years to come.
Introduction video (5 min)
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In today’s information-rich world, buyers have more resources, information, and options than ever before. By the time you connect with them, they’re often well informed on you and your competition.

With a demand generation program, you can create interest in your company’s products or services and stand out from the competition. This 8-class course will equip you with practical strategies and techniques for building and delivering a best-in-class demand generation program. Specifically designed for B2B businesses, you will learn how to convert leads into long-term customers. Learn how to:

Evaluate and set business goals and KPIs that align with sales and marketing
Create content that entices your target audiences
Leverage landing pages, social media, and keywords to convert prospects into leads
Set the stage for the purchase process just right to transform leads into customers.
Monitor your customer’s experience after the sale and measure your program’s performance.