
EPIC Business Buying Blueprint By Roland Frasier

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EPIC Business Buying Blueprint By Roland Frasier – Instant Download!

After 35 years of buying, scaling, and selling businesses, 5X owner of Inc. fastest growing companies releases…


The step-by-step road map for entrepreneurs looking to use M & A for growth, profit, and scale.

Let’s Face It… Buying A Business Is Intimidating.

What would you say to the owner?

How would you even find them in the first place?

What would your offer be if they were interested?

And maybe the scariest… what if they said yes!?

It’s okay. Don’t feel bad. You are right!

Recently, the Harvard business review, did a study that puts the failure rate of mergers and acquisitions somewhere between 70% and 90%

AND…According to the Small Business Administration, 75% of all venture capital acquisitions fail. Yup, you read that right – 3 out of 4 VC deals die.

That means, in this business, even the smartest investors with limitless capital and the best data money can buy are only successful 1 in 4 times.

If that’s true, what hope do we have?! (More on that in a moment…)

But it’s no surprise.

I mean between the lack of structured training, effective education, and real world negotiation skills, how could anyone feel like they have the confidence to successfully acquire a business?

Yet, if you understand that RIGHT NOW will go down as the greatest time in the modern era to acquire a business…

With the economy in turmoil, joblessness claims at record highs, and the uncertainty mounting every day…

How do we NOT go after the fastest, most secure, and most profitable way of growing our wealth and income.

As a business buyer in this economy, you are in a position to help thousands of business owners who may want to shut down, retire or start another business.

Even before the pandemic, business acquisitions have been and will be the fastest path to generational wealth.

So the problem is clear for investors & entrepreneurs right now…

How do we take advantage of this opportunity and CONFIDENTLY buy businesses at will…

without the liability

without the personal financial risk

and without the ABSURD rate of failure.

We Built the Blueprint…

Good news is there IS something you can do to take the guess work out of the process…

Acquiring a business is a safe, reliable, and predictable path to grow your income, wealth, and freedom.

After 30 years of acquiring businesses across 24 different industries, I’ve distilled down the foundational elements that lead to my success while nearly eliminating my downside.

I’ve developed the methodology in this program after working with entrepreneurs for years in

high ticket mastermind settings, group trainings, and exclusive one-on-one consulting.

That formula has now become the “The Business Buying Blueprint”…

If you’re wondering if this is all worth your time and attention…let me give a little background

To keep it brief, here are the broad strokes…

I’m Roland Frasier…

I’m a ‘recovering attorney’ and serial entrepreneur…

After giving up the ‘time for money addiction’ years ago, I am currently a co-founder/principal of 5 different Inc. Magazine’s fastest growing companies in the e-commerce, e-learning, real estate and SaaS spaces.

I’ve been acquiring business and their assets for about 35 years in about 2 dozen different industries.

In that time, I’ve bought businesses ranging from $10M to $4B…almost all with little or no money out of my pocket. (I’ll walk you through some of those deals.)

In the process, I’ve founded, scaled or sold over two dozen different businesses ranging from consumer products to live events to manufacturing companies with sales ranging from $3 million to the $4 billion.

But, to be honest, really the only thing that matters about me is…


And, unfortunately, for most people…the answer is going to be NO.

Let me explain…

Reason #1 – I cannot help you get rich quick.

I understand why many people equate mergers & acquisitions with ‘getting rich quick’.

It is true, many times when you close a deal your profits, net worth, or income can go up 2X, 5X, 10X instantaneously.

That appealed to me too after giving up the ‘time for money’ trap.

I thought buying & selling businesses would be easy money and I’d have thousands coming in every day like clockwork.

Well, it turns out that if you want to live like the 1%, you have to put in the work that the 99% won’t.

Now don’t get me wrong, I do have lots of consistent revenue coming in every day …almost all on auto pilot …but it took lots of work, learning, and perseverance to get there.

So, if you’re not prepared to commit to learning this skill set and stick with it even when it gets hard (like 10x harder than you originally thought), then I’m not the guy to help you.

Reason #2 – If you’re looking to take advantage of people, I won’t help you

It’s important to understand the distinction here…I can help you, I just won’t.

Being in the industry for over 3 decades, I know all the ‘tricks of the trade’ that less scrupulous ‘business bandits’ will try to pull.

There are many ways to structure shady deals or take advantage of struggling business owners and those shenanigans are a non-starter here.

I don’t teach those practices, I don’t help anyone that does.

All my deals are done inside what I call the ‘Zone Of Fairness’ which means all parties come out better on the other side and everything is above board.

All while genuinely helping other people AND making an incredible income for you and your family. All thanks to what you are doing to learn in the ‘The Business Buying Blueprint”.


EPIC Business Buying Blueprint By Roland Frasier
You’re still here… Good! 🙂

Knowing that, let’s talk about the 5 specific outcomes you can expect from ‘The Business Buying Blueprint’.

When you’ve completed this course you will…


the fundamentals of why Mergers & Acquisitions are the fastest proven way to grow your wealth … and why RIGHT NOW is the best time to be buying businesses in over 50 years.


the best distressed businesses to buy…and have them come to you on autopilot so you never have to chase a deal down ever again.


what to say, how to say it, and negotiate every deal inside the ‘Zone of Fairness’


all of your deals with NO MONEY OUT OF POCKET


your finances AT WILL because this strategy is ‘Recession-Proof’ & not reliant on market trends or traditional time constraints

So, if you want the insider secrets to over 30 years of doing deals and an easy to follow formula on how to grow your wealth without anymore confusion, frustration, or overwhelm…and do it all while genuinely helping other distressed business owners who truly need your help and build a legacy level income for you and your family along the way… then ‘the Business Buying Blueprint’ is your next step.

A Look Inside the Blueprint…

So here’s how we’re going to do it:

The Business Blueprint is led by me, Roland Frasier, and, together we’ll go through 5 Modules, each building one upon the other, to ensure you have all the information, tools, and resources you need to be successful acquiring businesses.

In Module 1, we focus on MINDSET

In order to invest like the top 1% of business owners you 1st need to THINK like the top 1% of business owners. So we are going to walk through WHY buying a business (or its assets) is the simplest and fastest way to accomplish your growth goals and why NOW is the best time in over 50 years to do so.

In this module, you’ll…

  • Understand why “starting” a business is riskier, harder, & more expensive than buying one
  • Become aware of the $10 TRILLION dollar opportunity in the market that existed BEFORE the global recession…and the flood of opportunities that come with the “Next normal”
  • Master a glossary of terms and formulas the pros use so you never feel lost or left out of a conversation again
  • Learn the 5 reasons why businesses sell at a discount so you are clear about what a deal looks like and who you can help
  • And most importantly, learn how “lateral thinking” will open up tons of possibilities in places where others (especially the seller) will not have thought to look

In Module 2, we focus on FINDING

If we are going to be buying business we need to know where to find them.

Where are they? Why do they want to sell? And, more importantly, how do we get THEM to come to US?

In module 2, you’ll…

  • Learn how to (legally) spy on the smartest and most successful investors on the planet so you can piggyback on the categories of companies they are buying RIGHT NOW
  • Get the step-by-step process on how to discover which companies will be the most profitable for you to acquire…
  • Download a list of the top 21 places to NEVER source a deal
  • Swipe the industry’s best scripts and templates so you know exactly what to say (and what NOT to say) to a prospective business owner in every conversation

In Module 3, we focus on FUNDING

More specifically funding deals…without any money out of our pocket!

In this module, you’ll…

  • Download the Business Buying Bible where you’ll have access to over 159 proven funding strategies that require no money out of pocket
  • Implement ‘Instant Earn In’s’ strategies where you get instant equity in a company by providing highly leveraged services like consulting, connections, or marketing…that you can then outsource!
  • How to negotiate a “Win / Win” deal for everyone involved and stay within the ‘Zone of Fairness’ each and every time
  • Pocket equity for free using the “Pipe Wrench” proposal with companies you are already in business with and providing value
  • Cash in on companies that you never even own by following the ‘Reverse Wholesale’ revenue model
  • Do the ‘Deferred Close + 4 Day Cash Machine” deal where you arrange to buy the business at a future date then run this proven promo series so the company’s revenues pay for your purchase!

In Module 4, we focus on BUYING

This is where the rubber meets the road.

Together in this module we are going to shift from theory to application and break down all the nuts & bolts of buying a business so you feel safe, certain, and confident when closing your deals.

In Module 4, you’ll…

  • Be handed my full arsenal of tools, templates, checklists, and agreements I use on all my deals and have spent thousands in attorney’s fees to have created
  • Master the Letter of Intent as we walk through the entire tool together and I give you some super secret insider tips & tricks on making your offers even more profitable along the
  • Command total control of your purchase agreement as we go through that together step-by-step to make sure you’re safe and above board on every deal
  • Dissect your Due Diligence checklists so never miss anything in your research and have total confidence in your purchase
  • Lay out your pre & post closing strategies to ensure a seamless transition and makes sure you get to cash flow with none of your personal assets committed – as soon as the deal is signed!

In Module 5, we focus on GROWTH

Now, imagine… you have deals coming to you like clockwork, you have unlimited funding options to capitalize on, you’re super secure in your valuations and closing process, and your post closing integrations are working like a well oiled machine…what’s next?

Scale it up!

That’s what we’ll cover in Module 5: GROW

In this Module on Growth, you’ll…

  • Apply the 5-80-5 multiplier principle to the success of your business and scale without hesitations, confusion, or uncertainty
  • Achieve “Unicorn Growth” using 5 customer acquisitions strategies that are guaranteed to drive massive results
  • As well as hear from my business partners, Ryan Deiss & Richard Linder, on how to structure your organization for maximum success, satisfaction, and scale

​But, listen, I understand knowing how to do something is different than actually doing it.

And bridging that gap can be a scary series of steps. Don’t worry, I’ve got you.

This program is not just about how to find, fund, and close deals.

I also give you the tools, templates, scripts, paperwork, and checklists to actually do it!

Everything you need is right here.

This way it’s super simple and you have total certainty in the process.

EPIC Deal Bible – over 121 templates, checklists, and documents designed to get your deals done from start to finish…

Don’t Just Take My Word For It…

Check out what these other students have accomplished after learning everything you’re going to get inside “The Business Buying Blueprint”…

My other company only grew to where it is today, making 7 figures a year because I was capable of acquiring another company’s assets for zero dollars down and I could never have done this without the help of Roland Fraiser.

Adam Lyons

In less than 24 hours we did a deal, got it done, PLUS it was no money out of my pocket.

Todd Herman

And Here’s What Students in Our Similar Programs Are Saying…

​This is an incredible value (when the value exceeds the cost we only then need to get resourceful to gain that value$$ Let’s GO!!! Loving it!

Jennifer Parker

Business Strategist

The [EPIC] Accelerator was the most on point, content rich intensives I have invested in. Format was outstanding. It would have been impossible to have the same level of impact with an in person multi-day intensive. The content in the toolbox is my new go-to deal and scale toolbox

Tom Shipley

CEO, Investor

“​Just wanted to update you that I am closing on my first small acquisition early next week on an earn-in deal with 50% split for 5 months and then it’s all mine. I’ve got a couple other small deals like this in the works and a bigger one ($400K SaaS) just started discussions. “

Bryant Salus


EPIC Business Buying Blueprint By Roland Frasier

EPIC Business Buying Blueprint By Roland Frasier

EPIC Business Buying Blueprint By Roland Frasier

I’m Going to Sweeten this Deal for you…

When you act now, as part of this brand new release, I’m also going to give you some free gifts that I have only ever shared with my high paying private or group consulting clients who pay thousands of dollars to work with me.

BONUS – Facebook Funnels

With Rudy Mawer 

Facebook Funnels with CEO of ROI Machines, expert media buyer, and marketing guru for worldwide Celebrities, Rudy Mawer, where you will learn to master the #1 traffic source on the planet to find deals, source capital, and build your network

BONUS – Copy & Offer Creation

With Perry Belcher 

Join legendary direct response marketer, Perry Belcher in a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to learn the “dirty-little secrets” that the best copy teams in the world teach and entrepreneurs pay hundreds of thousands of dollars to learn. This training will help you master the art of the offer which will help to immediately transform any business you buy.

BONUS – Influence & Persuasion

With Michael Bernoff 

Whether you’re negotiating a multi-million dollar corporate merger, the price of a new car, or just a new bed time for the kids…knowing how to positively persuade another person to your point of view is hands down is the most important skill set you can master and Michael will help you do just that.

So, if you want to …

  • Truly understand why strategic acquisitions is the fastest proven way to grow your wealth … and why RIGHT NOW is the best time to be buying businesses in over 50 years.
  • FIND the best distressed businesses to buy…and have them come to you on autopilot so you never have to chase a deal down ever again
  • KNOW what to say, how to say it, and negotiate every deal inside the ‘Zone of Fairness’
  • FUND all of your deals with NO MONEY OUT OF POCKET so cash is never a problem for you again
  • GROW & SCALE your finances AT WILL because buying businesses is ‘Recession-Proof’ & not reliant on market trends or traditional time constraints

… then ‘The Business Buying Blueprint’ is for you.

This will all be happening while…

  • You are genuinely HELPING OTHER business owners in trouble…
  • You’re seen as an EXPERT AUTHORITY in your industry and among your peers…
  • You’re known as the go-to CREATIVE BUSINESS STRATEGIST that always has the answers…
  • You fall in LOVE with your business again…
  • And you’re helping SAVE THIS ECONOMY
  • All while making LEGACY BUILDING INCOME for you and your family!

​Envision how it feels to be completely confident in evaluating & analyzing a deal and having fun coming up with creative ways to help
Imagine what it’s like when businesses start contacting you and you know EXACTLY what to say when they call.​
What if you were totally comfortable making offers and EXCITED when you heard “Yes” because you know you are highly organized & prepared.
You have everything to close the deal quickly and efficiently without any worry, hesitation, or fear that you’re making a mistake.
Heck, just consider the money you’ll save in legal fees having these agreements and contracts at your fingertips. That cost alone is worth the investment in the program!
Picture the peace of mind that comes along from knowing you have all the due diligence and closing checklists you need to protect yourself from potential losses and bad deals.

That’s the kind of business I like to run and you can too.

EPIC Business Buying Blueprint By Roland Frasier, what is it included (Content proof: Watch here!):

  • 01-Copy, Offers & Reverse Engineering with Perry Belcher
  • 02-Influence & Persuasion Mastery with Michael Bernoff
  • 03-Facebook Funnels with Rudy Mawer
  • 04-The Business Buying Blueprint