
Deal Maker Certification from Michael Blank

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Deal Maker Certification from Michael Blank – Instant Download!

Replace Your Income With Recession-Proof Real Estate…

How You Can Own Apartment Buildings With No Previous Experience And Without Using Any Of Your Own Money

— “Accidental” apartment building investor shares his proven system to owning apartment buildings using other people’s money —

Dear Friend,

When I first suggest the idea of buying apartment buildings as a means of achieving financial freedom, most people give me a weird look.

By the expressions on their faces, I know they don’t believe it’s possible. And I can almost always predict what they’ll say next. It will be something like…

“You need hundreds of thousands of dollars to do that, right?” (You don’t, actually.)

“But I don’t have any experience in real estate investing…” (Thankfully, you don’t need any.)

In just a moment, I’ll explain why I believe apartment buildings are the single most powerful opportunity for achieving financial freedom in the next 1-3 years.

I’ll also explain how you can buy your first apartment building in 90 days or less — even if you have no money to invest and no experience in real estate investing.

But first, let me tell you how I got into this “crazy” business in the first place…

Deal Maker Certification from Michael Blank


I make my living with apartment buildings and I teach others how to do the same.

Through my syndication, Nighthawk Equity, we control over $200 Million in apartments.

And following my system, we’ve helped others to own over 10,000 units valued at nearly $500,000,000.

But I got into apartment building investing somewhat by accident.

I did what everyone else did. I went to college, got a degree in Computer Science, then settled into a “safe and secure” job. I thought I had it all figured out. I thought I was on the path to financial success.

Then, at age 35, I read the book Rich Dad, Poor Dad. My eyes were instantly opened. Suddenly, I realized that the path I was on wasn’t safe or secure at all!

That’s when I decided to start investing in real estate. But not apartment buildings. I automatically assumed you needed years of experience before getting into apartments.

So it all started when I decided to “flip” single family houses.

Originally I began “flipping” houses in 2005, and I flipped 34 of them over the course of a few years. I made good money, too.

But there was a problem, a BIG problem …

Flipping houses was a TON of Work!

I realized that if I wasn’t looking for, buying, and working on houses to flip, I wasn’t going to make money!

There was never any residual income after selling a house. Once you sell a house, that’s it, and you need another and another and another.

It felt like a full-time job, and I was burning out.
I then thought about building up a portfolio of single family houses instead of flipping them.

But then I discovered a second problem …

I wasn’t going to be able to replace my income with single family rentals.

One day I sat down at my kitchen counter and put pen to paper to try to figure out how many houses I would need to own to replace my income.

My goal was $10,000 per month.

I felt that if I bought right in an area about an hour from my house, I could get each rental to cash flow $200 per month (I mean REALLY cash flow, including repairs and vacancies!).

At that rate, I would need at least 50 houses in my portfolio.

50 rentals? How long would THAT take? (A long time!).

How much work would that be? (A lot of work!)

One of my wholesalers contacted me about a small apartment building he had under contract. It was listed by one of his residential realtors, and he thought I should take a look at it. Which I did … begrudgingly.

At the time, I didn’t know too much about apartment buildings but after looking into it further, I discovered that apartment buildings had these two major advantages over single family house investing:

So that’s when I became “the accidental apartment building investor.”


Most single family rental landlords manage their own property, which didn’t appeal to me at all. And of the few that had property managers, they told me it was expensive (10% of income typically) and the results were inconsistent because of the quality of the managers. On the other hand, professional property management was built into the apartment building investing model. This sounded a lot better!


If I needed 50 units in order to replace my income, I might be able to achieve that in just a handful of deals rather than doing 50 transactions. And once I bought a building, it would continue to pay me month after month. That’s exactly what I was looking for.

Another advantage I later learned and love about investing in apartment buildings?

It’s recession-proof.

Even with COVID, when other areas like office and retail were seriously hurting, multifamily was still thriving and cash flowing.

How is that?

In 2008, banks issued more than 3 million foreclosure notices. That’s one out of every 54 homes across America.

And where did these families go?

Many downsized their life and their monthly cost of living by moving into apartments.

People will always pay to keep a roof over their head. It’s one of the first expenses they take care of.

And for many people, multifamily is the most cost effective way to maintain their lifestyle.

Unlike any other investment in the world, apartment buildings have 4 profit centers.


This is the amount of money that is left after ALL expenses and mortgage payment.

This is the difference between what you bought the property for and what you sell it for (minus expenses).

Also known as amortization, this is the amount by which your tenants paid down your mortgage balance.

If you’re going to raise money for the deal (which you should!) then you are entitled to certain fees for “syndicating” the deal.

For example, you can pay yourself an acquisition fee when you close on the property (typically around 3% of the purchase price).

You can also charge an “Asset Management Fee” (typically 1% of the money raised each year you own the building) and an “Asset Disposition Fee” (typically 1% of the sales price when you sell the building).

Based on my own experience and observing other full-time (and independently wealthy) real estate investors, I came to the conclusion that…

Apartment building investing is the SINGLE BEST real estate strategy to get yourself out of the rat race within the next 1-3 years!

Apartment Buildings (even smaller ones) are the single best way to create passive income and long-term wealth so you can build a life where you’re in full control.

It isn’t rocket science.

You can actually do this as a complete beginner, like Drew Kniffin. Drew bought a small 4-plex with a friend, and then they bought a 5-plex together with their property manager.

That gave them the confidence to look for larger deals, and they pooled their resources, refinanced one of their previous properties, and closed on a 32-unit building in the Twin Cities.

Two weeks later Drew quit his job. And that leads me to another point…


When you do your first deal, even if it’s only a 12-unit deal, here’s what you’ll have you didn’t have before when you got started:

  • Track record and credibility.
  • ​Investors (who invest more with you and refer you to other investors).
  • ​Brokers feeding you (off-market) deals.
    ​Team on the ground, ready to go.

Most likely, when you close on that first deal, you have several deals in the pipeline or under contract. And I can guarantee you that that 2nd deal is bigger than the first.

If you start with a 12-unit deal, then your second deal is going to be 20-50 units. And the 3rd deal is going be even larger.

Forget everything else for the moment. Do whatever it takes to focus on that one deal.

Once you do that one deal, everything else will get much easier and you will get your second and third shortly thereafter.

What’s YOUR Rat Race Number?

The Rat Race Number is the amount of passive income you would need each month to cover your living expenses and quit your job.

For example, let’s say your Rat Race Number is $5,000 per month in passive income.

Assuming each unit produces $91 in monthly income, that means you would need to control 55 units to quit your job.

Here is how it’s likely to play out once you do your first 12-unit deal:

  • Once you close on that deal, you’ll probably already have your second deal under contract, and it’ll probably be between 20 and 30 units (based on my experience).
  • And you’ll probably do your 3rd deal several months after that, and that deal will be somewhere between 30 and 60 units.

By this point you control 62 units (remember with other people’s money!), and your passive income is $5,621 per month.

But equally important is that your NET WORTH increases by $17,087 per month if you consider your fees, appreciation and amortization (the other 3 profit centers).

And it all started with that one small deal.

See the potential?

REMEMBER: YOU just need to FOCUS on your FIRST deal!

Once you close on your first deal, the 2nd and 3rd follow in rapid, almost automatic succession.

Philippe Schulligen closed on an 80-unit deal in just five months.

Six months later, he closed on another 168 units.

That deal earned him over $60,000 in acquisition fees alone.

Today he’s financially free and actually is working to mentor other people who want to do the same.

Gary Guidi closed on a 27-unit and 10-unit apartment building back-to-back.

Just five months in, he was able to quit his full-time job thanks to the passive income from those properties.

Now, your first deal doesn’t always come quickly. It can take some time.

Like for Bruce Fraser who took nine months to close on a 134-unit apartment complex in the Dallas-Fort Worth area.

But six months after that, he closed on another 110-unit deal.

And another six months after that, closed on an 80-unit deal.

Together, these 3 properties bring in $15,000 per month in passive income for Bruce and his family.

“Yes, Michael, I hear you, but I don’t have the money, experience, or time!”

Because of this, you might say that apartment building investing works for SOME people but not YOU, and you dismiss it as a viable strategy.

Don’t think you can get started with apartment building investing because you don’t have the money to invest?

I will teach you how to raise it from others. It’s easier than you think if you follow my proven step-by-step system. You will then realize that your ability to scale your business is only limited by your ability to raise money (which I will also teach you).

Don’t think you have the experience and worried people won’t take you seriously?

I will teach you techniques so that people won’t know you’re a newbie. With a little bit of knowledge (and scripts!), people will treat you like an experienced investor.

Don’t know how to analyze deals and make offers?

Within 30 days, you’ll become a master at analyzing deals and you’ll confidently make offers.

Don’t think you have time? Or maybe you don’t want to wait forever to get results?

You can do this with a full-time job. And I’ll show you how to do your first deal in the NEXT 90 days…

Even if you have no prior real estate experience and using no money of your own.

Where one deal can be as valuable as renting out a dozen single family homes or more.

Where property management is already built in so you’re not answering the phone in the middle of the night because a toilet overflowed.

Where even during a recession or worldwide pandemic, money is still flowing in.

And the best part is, you don’t need hundreds or thousands of units to become financially free.

You just need to get your first deal and the others flow like dominoes.

Here’s how you’re going to get your first apartment deal and collect what I call “Mailbox money”…

Passive income month after month that puts your mind at ease so you’re not worrying about money anymore… you’re spending more time with the people you love doing the things that you’ve always wanted to do.


We’ve helped so many people do their first deal and quit their jobs that we systemized the process into the “Deal Maker Certification”, our proven system to becoming financially free with multifamily real estate in 1-3 years.

I say 1-3 years to be conservative, but many of our students have gotten on the path to financial freedom much quicker by following this system.

People like Brian Wagers who, in just 60 days, closed on his first 12-unit apartment building.

Or Isiah Walker who had 228 units in less than 12 months.

Stuart Dukeman teamed up with his son and took massive action…

Raising $400,000 in 4 weeks on their first deal and ending up with over 1,000 units in under a year!

The reason Deal Maker Certification works so well is that it’s a complete experience for buying apartment buildings with other people’s money so you can replace your income with consistent passive income.

It consists of three major components:

  • Knowledge: Teaches you all aspects of multifamily investing;
  • Action: Gives you the step-by-step action plan that results in experience and confidence to speak to brokers and investors; and
  • Support: Provides you with the right community to support you along the way.


You can go through at your own pace, anytime of the day or night, and on any device be it a laptop or your phone.

You’re going to get everything you need to know about investing in apartment buildings and raising capital so you can start working towards your first deal!

In Chapter 1, you’ll learn what is a Deal Maker and why you want to earn your “Deal Maker Certification” so that you can turn your knowledge into action and develop the skills to be a successful syndicator.

In Chapter 2, you’ll learn the proven 8-step system that takes you from a complete beginner to established Deal Maker.

In Chapter 3, you’ll learn how to pick the best markets to invest in even if they’re in a completely different state.

In Chapter 4, you’ll learn how to build your “team on the ground” so you can gain instant credibility during the deal-making process and have your team in place before you close your deal.

In Chapter 5, you’ll learn how to raise money from investors so you can close on apartment buildings without using any of your own money while still generating positive cash flow for you and your family on autopilot.

In Chapter 6, you’ll learn what steps you need to take to protect yourself legally such as creating an LLC, ways to structure the investment, agreements and more.

In Chapter 7, you’ll learn my favorite way to find “secret” deals and who you need to work with to get a steady stream of these deals shared with you directly.

In Chapter 8, you’ll learn how to analyze deals like a pro using the Syndicated Deal Analyzer, the most widely-used underwriting tool in the world.

In Chapter 9, you’ll learn proven negotiation techniques to get more offers accepted more often so you can quickly build a significant real estate portfolio.

In Chapter 10, you’ll learn exactly what to look out for when researching properties and deals so you can avoid costly mistakes.

In Chapter 11, you’ll learn how to go about financing your deals and what kind of financing to look out for so you can push it through to the finish line!

In Chapter 12, you’ll learn about the closing process and handling logistics with your investors so you can make the deal official.

In Chapter 13, you’ll learn the 4 steps to selecting the best property management company so you can focus on finding more deals instead of managing the property yourself!

In Chapter 14, you’ll learn the 4 exit strategies to turning a profit after you’ve had a property under your ownership.

In Chapter 15, you’ll learn how to find high-value partners who can help you close on your first deal so you can get your first deal done faster while still generating life-changing income for you and your family.

With Deal Maker Certification, I am literally handing you the same methods, strategies, templates and scripts I’ve personally used to purchase over $200million in multifamily real estate.

While helping others purchase over 10,000 units valued at nearly half a Billion dollars.


The way you’re going to apply what you’ve learned and start taking action is by going through the Certification Process.

This is a step-by-step process consisting of small, simple tasks you can do in your spare time each week.

Just follow the simple instructions – don’t overthink things, just do them.

Once you complete all of the tasks, you will receive your Deal Maker Certification!

I know from studying dozens of people who did their first deal that they all followed the Certification process to become “Deal Ready” which empowered them to close their first deal.

This is why completing the Deal Maker Certification is an important milestone on your journey to financial freedom.


Becoming “Deal Ready” makes your first deal inevitable – it’s just a matter of time.

In Deal Maker Certification, you’re also getting access to the Syndicated Deal Analyzer.

Today the SDA is the most widely used financial model for syndications on the planet.

The Syndicated Deal Analyzer is a fully customizable Excel spreadsheet that takes you from analyzing deals in hours down to minutes.

That way you can make more offers and do more deals in less time.

If the idea of working on a spreadsheet makes you feel a little uncomfortable, that’s okay.

Because after you go through the training videos inside, you’ll quickly become an expert at analyzing deals.

It will give you instant credibility when you talk with other investors and professionals so they take you more seriously.

“I have used the Syndicated Deal Analyzer and everything that Michael taught me to analyze over 20 deals. It has cut down on the time it takes to come up with an offer price so that I can make more offers. I just closed on my first large apartment building deal, a 32-unit, and am confident that I can do another one or two deals this year. And I’m happy to report that two weeks ago I quit my job! A dream come true. Thanks, Michael for all your help!”

Drew Kniffin,
Minneapolis-St. Paul

“I closed on my first apt building deal, a 130+ unit in the Dallas/Ft Worth metroplex – 9 months after joining Michael’s program. That program dramatically increased my confidence, and I was then able to analyze, negotiate, and put this property under contract. That first deal added about $8,000 to my monthly income. 6 months later I closed on 110 units and 6 months after that, another 80 units. These deals are now generating $15,000 per month for me and my family. Thanks, Michael, for all your help!”

Bruce F.

“I just closed on my first deal, 10 units in upstate NY. I purchased it for $190K and paid myself an $8,000 acquisition fee at closing. I raised the money from an investor and so I have none of my own money in the deal. The property is already worth a lot more than what I paid for it and I’ll refinance in a few months. Michael, I’d like to thank you for your apartment buying system and for the personal coaching. You helped me do my first deal, and I’m already working on several (larger) ones.”

Louis Solomon
New York

Deal Maker Certification from Michael Blank, what is it included (Content proofWatch here!)

  • Deal Maker Mastermind
  • Document Library
  • Deal Maker Certification
  • Deal Maker Training
  • The Syndicated Deal Analyzer