
David Snyder – Secrets of Personality Transformation 1.0

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Secrets of Personality Transformation 1.0

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Get David Snyder – Secrets of Personality Transformation 1.0 at bestoftrader.com

Who Else Wants To Learn 7 Clinically Proven Secret Methods For Controlling Your Subconscious Mind, Removing Blocks To Your Success, Becoming A Relationship Magnet and Easily Program Your Mind To Be, Do Or Get Anything You Want…
…In As Little As 7 Minutes?

And once you have full possession of the cutting edge neuro-hypnotic secrets for tapping into the most powerful parts of your mind and body you’ll rapidly discover How To Take FULL CONTROL of Your Life and use these EXACT METHODS To:
Become A Relationship Magnet,
Program Yourself to Make More Money,
Lose Weight,
Stop Being Afraid and Become More Self Confident,
Raise Your Self Image and Sense of Self Esteem To Near Super Human Levels
Get Over Past Traumas Once and For All,
Custom Design Your Own Future Like Programming A GPS!,
Re-Shape Your Personality…

…And Get The Life You Want,
The Way You Want it!

It includes my seven stage Identity By Design Process for Rapidly Transforming Ones Personality to Be Exactly What the You Want It to Be

FIND and Eliminate Blocks To YOUR Success Minutes
Overcome Traumas Stress and Phobias FAST
Program Yourself for Rapid and Automatic Success and Good Luck!

The Material in This Course Can be taught as a complete self-hypnosis course or used clinically for deep comprehensive therapeutic and pervasive personality change work.

Raise Your Sense of Self Worth/Self Esteem
Completely Recreate and Custom Design Your Self Image
Magnify Your Sense of Deservingness and Eliminate Victim Mentality
Accelerate and Amplify Your Personal Power Through a Deeper Understand of how to access the latent powers of the human nervous system

By Systematically…

Removing Unconsciously Stored/Repressed Negativity in the Body
ELIMINATE RESISTANCE TO CHANGE by Targeting Specific Events That the Unconscious Mind is “Deliberately” Holding On To and Giving It an Alternative Process to Simply and Easily Reprocess The Experience Quickly.
Installing Default Driver States That Automatically Propel You to Be More Successful In Every Aspect of your Life Instead of the States Programmed Into You by Default
Removing and Reprogramming The Voices Inside Your Head So They Only Build You Up and Inspire You Instead of Tearing Your Down and Holding You Back…
Completely and Systematically Removing The Negativity From Your Past and Changing Your Own Personal History and Memories To What You Want Them To Be So That When You Remember The Past You Only Remember It In Ways That Make your Life Better and Supports the New Identity You Are Building
Then Taking this New Improved Version of You and Installing It as A Filter before You Were Born So That Everything You Experience Afterward is processed Through Those New Perspectives

And Finally…

Systematically and Strategically Installing the Traits, Qualities, Beliefs, Skill Sets and Other Attributes of People You Admire Building Them Into this New Persona That You have Created and then accelerating and amplifying it Into the Future in a Positive Self Fulfilling Prophecy

NLP course == NLP online course

So what is NLP?
NLP stands for Neuro-Linguistic Programming. Neuro refers to your neurology;
Linguistic refers to language; programming refers to how that neural language functions.
In other words, learning NLP is like learning the language of your own mind!

NLP is the study of excellent communication–both with yourself, and with others.
It was developed by modeling excellent communicators and therapists who got results with their clients.
NLP is a set of tools and techniques, but it is so much more than that.
It is an attitude and a methodology of knowing how to achieve your goals and get results