
Cannabis Extraction Certificate Program By Green Flower

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Created By: Green Flower
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Media Type: Online Course
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Cannabis Extraction Certificate Program By Green Flower – Instant Download!

Cannabis Extraction
Commercial Cannabis Extraction Demystified

The Cannabis Extraction Certificate Program provides students with practical knowledge of industrial laboratory techniques and extraction principles.
The program brings students a scientifically rigorous curriculum. From interpreting lab results to building sustainable financial models for each of your business’ extraction methods, you will acquire a comprehensive understanding of cannabis extraction that will be an asset to you throughout your career.

Cannabis Extraction Certificate Program By Green Flower, what is it included (Content proof: Watch here!)

Content length: 5h 48m
01. Choosing the B.E.S.T. Extraction Process for Your Business
15 Lessons

In this course, you will learn the key principles and practices of extraction and how it applies to cannabis and hemp manufacturing. Next, you will cover the efficacy, effectiveness, and economics for the extraction of cannabis products, as well as examples of major extraction processes. Finally, developing a financial model for extraction is also discussed. After completing this course, you will be able to:

  • Discuss key principles and practices of cannabis concentrations
  • Choose the best extraction method for your cannabis company
  • Identify examples of common extraction and isolation techniques
  • Explain the efficacy and cost effectiveness of cannabis extraction

Lessons included in this course:

Intro to Essential Cannabis Extraction Principles 3m
Three Main Types of Trichomes 4m
Maximizing Separation in Order to Scale 3m
Scaling from Analytical to Bulk 11m
Applying the Design of the Experiment 4m
Examples of Applying the Design of the Experiment 7m


02. Essential Cannabis Extraction Principles
6 Lessons

In this course, you will learn about the key principles and practices of differentiated solubility and how it applies to cannabis and hemp extraction. Next, you will discover extraction based on principles of the differentiated solubility of compounds, as well as which compounds you target and how it depends on the goals of your end product. Finally, developing a financial model for differentiated solubility extraction is also discussed. After completing this course, you will be able to:

  • Discuss extraction based on principles of the differentiated solubility of compounds
  • Examine how solution use affects the compounds extracted
  • Provide examples of how solubility applies to major extraction processes
  • Develop a financial model for differentiated solubility extraction

Lessons included in this course:

Intro to Principle & Practice of Alcohol Dominant Extraction 2m
Why is Ethanol One of the Most Common Solvents Used Over the Centuries? 1m
Principles of Successful Extraction With Ethanol 1m
Controlling Extraction Parameters 1m
Addressing the Problems of Ethanol 1m
The Process 2m
Plant Processing 4m
Developing A Financial Model For Ethanol Extraction/Summary 2m


03. Principle & Practice of Alcohol Dominant Extraction
8 Lessons

In this course, you will learn key principles and practices of ethanol extraction and how it applies to cannabis and hemp manufacturing. Next, you will break down the full ethanol process from plant harvesting to the impact of ethanol reclamation. Finally, developing a financial model for ethanol extraction is also discussed. After completing this course, you will be able to:

  • Discuss expanding the use of alcohols at different scales
  • Describe ethanol as the most common of solvents used in natural products
  • Identify principles of successful extraction with ethanol
  • Develop a financial model for ethanol extraction

Lessons included in this course:

Intro to Principle & Practice of Alcohol Dominant Extraction 2m
Why is Ethanol One of the Most Common Solvents Used Over the Centuries? 1m
Principles of Successful Extraction With Ethanol 1m
Controlling Extraction Parameters 1m
Addressing the Problems of Ethanol 1m
The Process 2m
Plant Processing 4m
Developing A Financial Model For Ethanol Extraction/Summary 2m


04. Introduction to Extraction with Sub and Supercritical Fluids
7 Lessons

In this course, you will learn the key principles and practices of Sub and Supercritical Fluids (SCF) and how it applies to cannabis and hemp manufacturing. Next, you will cover the characteristics of a supercritical fluid (SCF), as well as the importance of solubility and phase diagrams. Finally, developing a financial model for (SCF) extraction is also discussed. After completing this course, you will be able to:

  • Discuss extraction with sub and supercritical fluids (SCF)
  • Identify unique characteristics of a supercritical fluid
  • Discover the importance of solubility and phase diagrams
  • Develop a financial model for SCF extraction

Lessons included in this course:

Intro to Extraction with Sub and Supercritical Fluids 1m
Appreciating the Complexity of Cannabis Sativa 3m
Extracting Cannabis is Like Brewing a Fine Cup of Java 4m
Key Parameters for Process Control 2m
Is Supercritical CO2 Just a Marketing Term? 1m
Terpenes and Cannabinoids are Synthesized and Stored in Trichomes 3m
Molecular Structure of Cannabinoids 7m


05. Advanced Extraction with Sub and Supercritical Fluids
11 Lessons

In this course, you will learn about the advanced principles and practices of Sub and Supercritical Fluids (SCF) and how it applies to cannabis and hemp manufacturing. Next, you will cover the characteristics of a supercritical fluid (SCF), with examples of Carbon Dioxide and the importance of solubility and phase diagrams. Finally, developing a financial model for (SCF) extraction is also discussed. After completing this course, you will be able to:
Discuss fractionation of extracted material

  • Explain increasing the process productivity
  • Describe online monitoring of the extraction process
  • Develop a financial model for advanced CO2 extraction

Lessons included in this course:

Intro to Advanced Extraction with Sub- and Supercritical Fluids 2m
Understanding CO2 Phase Diagram and Solubility 2m
CO2 Density 5m
Strategy and Optimization for CO2 Extraction 5m
Unity Operations 4m
Extraction Tips and Tricks 2m
Fractionation of Extracted Materials 8m
Increasing Process Productivity 3m
Post Processing of Oil 8m
Example of THC Remediation 6m
Developing a Financial Model for Extraction 3m


06. Solventless Solutions
8 Lessons

In this course, you will learn about the key principles and practices of solventless extraction and how it applies to cannabis and hemp manufacturing. Next, you will cover key definitions for extractions with solution as a solvent for extraction, as well as, types of solventless extraction technologies. Finally, developing a financial model for solventless extraction methodologies is also discussed. After completing this course, you will be able to:

  • Discuss solventless extraction in reality
  • Review key definitions for extractions with solution as a solvent for extraction
  • Define types of solventless extraction
  • Develop a financial model for solventless extraction

Lessons included in this course:

Intro to Solventless Solutions 1m
What is Hash and Rosin 2m
Facility Requirements and Buildout 10m
Hash Making 101 16m
Air Drying vs. Freeze Drying 6m
Economics vs. Inefficiencies 5m
Dry Sieving/Sifting 2m
Rosin 13m


07. Data Driven Analytics for Optimizing Post Process
6 Lessons

In this course, you will learn the key principles and practices of post processing extraction and how it applies to cannabis and hemp manufacturing. Next, you will cover growing and harvesting to increase crop yield and quality, as well as production monitoring and quality control to verify the extraction process is complete. Finally, developing a financial model for extraction post processing is also discussed. After completing this course, you will be able to:

  • Define and differentiate post processing from processing
  • Discuss production monitoring and quality control
  • Explore growing and the post harvest process to complete extraction
  • Develop a financial model for extraction post processing

Lessons included in this course:

Intro to Data-Driven Analytics for Optimizing Post Process 1m
What’s the Motivation for Using Data at All? 7m
Where in the Process and How to Take Samples? 12m
Units of Measurement 4m
Types of Analytics and General Cost 6m
Examples on How Data Can Be Used 4m


08. Environmental & Contamination Impact
6 Lessons

In this course, you will learn the environmental and contamination impact of extraction and how it applies to cannabis and hemp manufacturing. Next, you will cover the chemical compounds of cannabis, as well as the concentration process and testing considerations to screen for contaminants. After completing this course, you will be able to:

  • Identify cannabis and its unique chemical compounds
  • Explore testing and residual solvent concerns
  • Discuss pesticide / heavy metal / microbiological considerations
  • Recognize how extraction creates change in cannabis industry

Lessons included in this course:

Intro to Environmental and Contamination Impact 2m
Chemicals of Cannabis 3m
Most Common in Compositions 4m
Many Primary Methods of Extraction 8m
Pesticide Challenges 10m
Spent Material Considerations 14m


09. The Future of Extraction
6 Lessons

In this course, you will learn about the future of extraction and how it applies to cannabis and hemp manufacturing. Based on a formulation centric strategy this course will guide you through key factors to consider when choosing a method for the enrichment of the ingredient you need for the products your business model is based on today, as well as a view into the future of technology in the entire process. After completing this course, you will be able to:

  • Identify the B.E.S.T. modes to use for natural cannabis products
  • Examine scientific factors in concentration technology
  • Explore the reality of your extraction business model
  • Discuss the future of cannabis extraction techniques

Lessons included in this course:

Intro to The Future of Extraction 3m
What is the Best Concentration 4m
Modes of Concentration: Extraction and Separation 7m
Three Scientific Factors in Concentration. 7m
Reality of the Extraction Business 11m
Concentration on the Future of Extraction 18m

What will be covered
The program will help you develop skills essentials to success in commercial cannabis extraction, including: 

  • Cannabis chemistry: the science of cannabis molecules
  • Essential extraction principles
  • The three major extraction processes
  • The science and steps behind different methods of extraction
  • How to choose the best extraction method(s) for your business
  • The role solutions play in your final product
  • Interpreting lab results
  • The role solubility plays in major extraction processes
  • Developing a financial model for each of your business’ extraction methods
  • Cannabis mechanics: application of cannabinoids and terpenes
  • Cannabinoid dosing and absorption facts
  • Quality control: replicating optimal results
  • Cannabinoid formulations: how to make award-winning products
  • Environmental & contamination Impact: techniques to reduce your footprint
  • And more


Complete the program 100% online
Extracts are the fastest-growing segment of the cannabis industry.
Due to the rapid expansion of the sector, extraction professionals are in high demand. Labs are looking to fill positions at every level.Whether you are a seasoned chemist looking to transition into cannabis or a recent grad seeking your first job in a lab, this program can give you the knowledge, training, and skills to make it happen.

Dr. Andrew KerklaanTyler Stratford, Retail Operations Manager, Canna Advisors