
BWS Female Build Program – Built With Science

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BWS Female Build Program – Built With Science – Instant Download!

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BWS Female Build Program – Built With Science

The Female BUILD program is designed for women who appear THIN who need to ADD lean muscle to develop a natural shape.

Scientifically speaking, to best achieve this, using a “lean bulk” protocol will be the optimal way for you to gradually and consistently add lean muscle in the right places without putting on too much fat – which is exactly what this program is focusing on.

The crucial part with your lean bulk is that you:

1) add muscle mass in the RIGHT PLACES like your abs and glutes, and;
2) CONSISTENTLY get stronger in the gym.

The key to adding that extra size and to sculpting that attractively toned, lean body is by combining the two steps above with a nutritional approach that is optimized for muscle growth.

And that’s EXACTLY what this program is about: prioritizing 6 evidence-based key lifts to gradually progress on that— along with the right nutrition plan— will enable you to hit those strength goals, and will bring about that extra lean mass you’re after.

Goals of the Female Build Program

Goals of the Female Build Program

WHAT YOU WILL RECEIVEThe Intermedia Shred Program



Over 59 minutes of video in total. Every single exercise, workout routine, and protocol within your program comes with an in-depth video showing you exactly what to do and why.





VIDEO TUTORIALSThe Intermedia Shred Program4 mobile-friendly PDFs, one for each of your main routines. Within these PDFs are visual and written tutorials for every exercise you’ll be doing, so you know exactly what to do while you’re at the gym.






BWS Female Build Program – Built With Science – What is it included: ( Content proof: Watch here! )


This section explains why the program is designed the way it is and provides you with both the tools and what to focus on in order to see the best results with it.

Section 1: Nutrition

Here you’ll learn exactly how to optimize your nutrition based on your goal and training experience, and is where you’ll also be introduced to the Nutrition Software – enabling you to know exactly the amount of calories/protein/carbs/fat you need to eat at daily to reach your goal as effectively as possible.

Section 2: Training

The training section covers everything ranging from your main workout routine and the reasoning/science behind it, exercise alternatives, progression schemes, enhancing the mind-muscle connection, and more.

Section 3: Additional Routines – Why They’re Needed

This section is where we’ll cover your additional routines to supplement your main workouts; warm-up, abs training, cardio, and prehab.

Section 4: Exercise Tutorials

Within this section are in-depth video tutorials for every exercise within your program. You’ll learn not only the “why” behind the exercise, but how to perform it correctly to avoid injury and target the right muscles, AND how to tweak it to maximize its effectiveness based on the literature.

Section 5: Measuring Progress

This section is where we’ll cover how to measure your progress and ensure that you’re on the right track – we’ll also discuss how long you can expect before you reach your goal.

Section 6: Next Steps – Revealing Your New Physique

This is where we’ll discuss the protocol you’ll used in the event that you want to now focus on fat loss and revealing the new physique you’ve created by adding size. Think of this as the “SHRED” program added into the BUILD program.

Section 7: Strength Goals for This Program

Here we’ll discuss the strength goals you’ll be striving for on the 6 key lifts used within your program. Once you reach them is when you’ll know you’ve graduated from the program.

Bonus Chapters

These bonus chapters give you the extra edge you need to ensure you’re optimizing your approach in every area possible.

  1. Women’s HOME Program (BUILD)
  • 1. Introduction
  • 2. Training
  • 3. Nutrition
  • 4. Dumbbell Exercise Tutorials
  • 5. Resistance Band Exercise Tutorials
  • 6. Bodyweight Exercise Tutorials
  • 7. Abs Workout Exercise Tutorials
  • 8. Disclaimer

   2. Women’s Program (BUILD)

  • 1. Introduction
  • 4. SECTION 3 ADDITIONAL ROUTINES – Why They’re Needed
  • 7. SECTION 6 NEXT STEPS – Revealing Your New Physique
  • 9. Bonus Chapters
  • 10. Conclusion
  • 11. Disclaimer