
Breakthrough Email Swipe Files By Jason Henderson

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Breakthrough Email Swipe Files By Jason Henderson – Instant Download!


“Steal My Most Profitable Email Campaigns Written Over The Last 24 Years In Over 11 Niches With Some Emails Generating Over $100,000 Even On A Saturday With Zero Urgency…”


Breakthrough Email Swipe Files By Jason Henderson

Big Jason Henderson
Las Vegas, NV
Dear Email Marketer,

If you’re interested in getting instant access to some of the most profitable and proven email campaigns ever written, then this is going to be the most exciting message you’ll ever read!

Here’s why:

Marketers (like Craig Perrine in the image above) have been asking me for years if they can swipe my most profitable email campaigns because of one primary reason…

Proven Results!

Breakthrough Email Swipe Files By Jason Henderson

Unlike many “so-called” email experts, most of my campaigns have revenue per email… and revenue per call to action.

In fact, I don’t specialize in what works in email marketing.

I specialize in…

What Works Best In Your Emails!

And that’s not all…

95% of the email campaigns you can instantly swipe were written for my clients in health, sports, finance, internet marketing, bizopp, self defense, survival… and not for my personal list.

In fact, many of these campaigns became controls after beating promotions running successfully for years and written by top copywriters.

Here is a small taste of the email campaigns waiiting for you:

  • 7 Emails for my first trial project with a client. Did over $103,491 on 3,833 frontend email sales ($27) with 79,273 Clicks, and over $200,000 including the backend. (Note – I knew nothing about this niche)
  • 17 Black Friday emails that helped generate 32,781 registered prospects, 11,480 live attendees, 10,584 replay attendees… and $465,000 in revenue with a $27 FE product when the same promotion for the last 3 years only averaged about $200,000. (Note – I knew nothing about this niche)
  • Months of daily emails and promotions (75+ Emails) doing anywhere from $1,000 to $10,000 to $100,000+ more than previous promotions. (Note – I knew nothing about this niche)

Breakthrough Email Swipe Files By Jason Henderson

  • 50+ emails that helped generate over $5,000 in monthly recurring revenue and over $15,000 in additional sales…
  • 10 affiliate emails that helped generate over $73,000 in sales for my client. (The product owner was so impressed with the emails and strategy, they asked to hire me and use my strategy).
  • 20+ live, in-person event emails that helped generate over $100,000 in sales for my client.
  • 10 emails selling an updated version of an old product. Generated over $75,000 (without buring the list to the ground).
  • 45 customer stick sequence emails, cross sells, and affiliate promo emails..
  • 46 prospect optin emails selling the main product offering and affiliate offers.
  • 10 emails that generated $328,071 total for an ecommerce store.

Breakthrough Email Swipe Files By Jason Henderson

  • 27 ecommerce Black Friday emails for a campaign that included a record-breaking number of sales in a single day for a long-time online business. (Includes a re-engagement campaign)..
  • And many more!

I think it’s valuable to study proven emails backed up with results but don’t take my word for it. Listen to these marketers:

“We Listen To Everything Big Jason Has To Say About Email Marketing…”

“If you want to discover how to write persuasive emails, listen to Big Jason. I’ve reviewed several of Jason’s emails that have generated over $100,000 each. In fact, I used one in a recent training to demonstrate the power of framing. Jason writes persuasive and emotional emails. There are not too many people who can write emails that pull 100k a piece. But Big Jason constantly cranks them out since he knows how to tap into a market’s deepest desires and fears. When it comes to getting people to take their credit card out and click the buy button, that is all that really matters. At Max Persuasion, we listen to everything Big Jason has to say about email marketing.”

— Kenrick Cleveland, Max Persuasion

Shortcut Email Copywriting Secrets

This course starting is based on my 24 years of proven email marketing, over 500,000,000 emails split tested and nearly $700,000,000 generated from email revenue….

Here’s just a sample of what you’re going to discover in Shortcut Email Copywriting Secrets:

  • Detailed breakdowns of 10+ proven email campaigns. I’m talking about the research, strategy, copy, exactly why I did what, how you can do it too, and more. Plus, you can ask me questions. That’s right. Every breakdown is interactive. You don’t just have to try and copy me and hope for the best. (The first breakdown goes live on Thursday, October 15th).
  • How to get open rates (71.86%) like this welcome email sent to over 27,481 contacts with 19,749 unique opens…

Breakthrough Email Swipe Files By Jason Henderson

  • What it takes to get 76% of 29,875 contacts to click your link like the daily promo email below…

Breakthrough Email Swipe Files By Jason Henderson

  • How to know what your prospects secretly want and ethically sell it to them in emails even if they’re thinking, “I don’t need this!”…
  • How to write an optin email sequence to get prospects to know, like, trust, and buy from you… (Included is a challenge to write your new sequence or improve the response to your existing sequence).
  • How to write a purchase email series to to get customers to consume their purchase, not refund, and buy more products… (Included is a challenge to write your new sequence or improve the response to your existing sequence).
  • Get more emails delivered to the inbox instead of the spam filter or Gmail promotions tab… Bonus: I’m also including a free tool to make this easier than ever before. (You’ll also have access to a challenge where we work on improving your deliverability).
  • Use the email templates and formulas I’ve created for you from my most profitable emails. Take these money-sucking email templates and write profitable emails easier than ever before. (I’m also giving you my most profitable subject line and call to action formulas to use in your emails).
  • Easy to follow email marketing checklists. Use my proven checklists to write powerful subject lines, leads, call to actions, how to choose the right image for your emails, what to write, and more.
  • My collection of the most-profitable email subject lines, openers/leads, call to actions, and images I have ever written and used.
  • The collection of emails written by my late, best friend Scott “Mongo” Haines to swipe.
  • Write emails for clients. I’m doing a special module just for freelancers on how to get clients, what to charge, and how to make your clients (and yourself) the most money possible… (I’ve been writing emails for clients since 1996. That’s over 24 years straight).
  • And much more!

As a matter of fact, I’m even going to throw in some additional bonuses… just so I overdeliver.

  • Bonus #1 Advanced Email Marketing Testing. Fact: 99.9% of email “experts” wouldn’t know a valid email split test if it bit them in the ass. Nor do they know an actual data scientists who can explain it to them. You’ll receive the 60-minute recording I did with an actual data scientist, Ben Filips. We went over the 3 biggest email split test killers. Plus, you’ll discover how to test even with a small list.

Breakthrough Email Swipe Files By Jason Henderson

  • Bonus #2 – Clayton Makepeace Mastermind Presentation. Clayton (R.I.P.) after meeting me asked if I would give a presentation to his mastermind on email marketing. You’ll receive instant access to 2 hours of breakthrough email marketing strategies where Clayton started the call with…

“He (Big Jason) split tested over 500 million emails. The results of those split tests are gold… they’re like diamonds in your pocket.”.

  • Bonus #3 The “Gut-Wrenching” Dominant Emotion Email Swipe + Live Breakdown. You’ll receive the swipe from this email that pulled in over $100,000 on a Saturday. Plus, I’ll be doing a complete breakdown of everything that went into this “controversial” email (including marketing research and the BIG idea). But wait, there’s more… On the presentation with Clayton, I didn’t even have a chance to go over the entire email. You’ll receive every single word to model for your own emails (or your client emails).

If you’re wondering whether this bonus is valuable or not, take a look at what Clayton, who was known as the world’s highest-paid copywriter, told his mastermind students about this email:

“I just want to point something out to all of the people who were on the call or watching this video.

If you look at the copy that’s on your screen right now, read that.

Jason has infused this with dominant emotion copy. He’s identified the dominant emotion that his customers have about this topic.

And I noticed this right off the bat when he showed us one of the first e-mails. This thing is just pure raw, gut-wrenching emotion.

This is an excellent, great example of dominant emotion copyrighting.

You notice there are no exclamation points. There’s no hyperbole.

He’s telling a story but he’s using key phrases that hit hot buttons that we all have and will get you riled up if you’re a prospect. It really invokes that and that’s the key to maximum response because people don’t buy for logical reasons do they. They buy for emotional ones.

This this is really excellent.”

See you oon the inside,
Big Jason

Breakthrough Email Swipe Files By Jason Henderson


“Wrote our daily emails, sales emails, product launch emails… did our split testing… ..With Big Jason’s help we scored our biggest product launch in company history.”

I personally guarantee if you follow through with Jason’s tactics, you’ll receive a 100 times return on whatever you pay…”

— Justin Tupper, CEO and Co-Founder of Revolution Golf.

#1 Golf Instruction Site… List of Over 2,000,000 Subscribers… Daily emails sent over 30,000,000 times a month… (for six months) Top three launches in company history… Highest grossing year ever… (This was in 2013. However, I still use each and every strategy today for myself and clients)

“Having personally worked with Big Jason for six months — I must say that he has an unbelievable talent for building rapport with affiliates, prospects AND customers with his email copywriting. One of the emails he wrote to affiliates was the best email I have seen written by anyone in a very long time. And I personally witnessed him single-handedly finish in the top 5 for a John Carlton promotion and top ten for another big promotion with a reach of only about 3000 subscribers. And the list hadn’t been mailed in over a year or taken care of properly”

— Tony Flores, Top Copywriter
Author of Clayton Makepeace’s Desktop Copy Coach

“When Big Jason joined Mindvalley, he sexed up our email funnels with strategies, tools and insights I’ve never seen from anyone else. Which is saying a lot, considering we’ve studied pretty much every email marketing book and program under the sun. Jason is what would happen if you mated a genius scientist like Albert Einstein with a legendary marketer like Gary Halbert….”

— Omar Michael, Former head copywriter 4+ years for MindValleywith over $20,000,000 in sales from his emails and salesletters

“If you want to discover how to write persuasive emails, listen to Big Jason. I’ve reviewed several of Jason’s emails that have generated over $100,000 each. In fact, I used one in a recent training to demonstrate the power of framing. Jason writes persuasive and emotional emails. There are not too many people who can write emails that pull 100k a piece. But Big Jason constantly cranks them out since he knows how to tap into a market’s deepest desires and fears. When it comes to getting people to take their credit card out and click the buy button, that is all that really matters. At Max Persuasion, we listen to everything Big Jason has to say about email marketing.”

— Kenrick Cleveland, Max Persuasion

Listen. I’ve hired Big Jason to write emails for several of my companies. In fact, one of them has paid Jason a monthly retainer for over a year to get his continued advice on all things email marketing whether it be email copy, strategy, split testing, deliverability, and more. I trust his opinion above all others because it’s based on more experience than most and actual results.

— Sam Markowitz, Gary Halbert’s Last Protege
New York, NY

Breakthrough Email Swipe Files By Jason Henderson, what is it included (Content proof: Watch here!):

  • Self Defense Info Product Email Swipe File
  • Watch this video first!
  • Self Defense Black Friday Email Swipe File
  • BEM Insiders Email Swipe File
  • Diabetes Email Swipe File
  • Golf Email Swipe File
  • IBS Black Friday Ecommerce Email Swipe File
  • Memory Email Swipe File
  • Options Trading Email Swipe File
  • Weight Loss Email Swipe File
  • Resources