
Brainwave-Sync – Chakra Meditations Complete Collection

Original price was: $97.00.Current price is: $9.00.


Wake up your energy inside with Chakra Meditations Complete Collection from Brainwave-Sync

The whole Chakra Meditations Complete Collection uses Brainwave-Sync technology to bring your chakras balance and harmony. When used in conjunction with conventional chakra or kundalini meditation, these CDs can help to open and wake up chakra systems.

Chakra Meditation focuses on the centers of energy in the subtle body. The word “chakra,” which derives from Sanskrit, refers to the form of those revolving centers of energy that link the intellect, the body and the soul. It is thought that seven chakras ran from the base of the spine to the skull crown. Each is linked to a hue and matches many parts of our mind and body. Practice can focus or travel through all seven chakras. Every energy center is to be stimulated and unblocked.

Here is the overall description of 8 CDs contained in the whole Brainwave-Sync Chakra Meditations Complete Collection:

Chakra Meditations Complete Collection Disk 1: Chakra Root (Muladhara)

Situated at the base of the spine, the Root Chakra is the foundation of our entire existence. It is profoundly related to our survival instinct and symbolized by the element of the earth linking us with our physical body. Health, prosperity and security are thought to provide a balanced Root Chakra.

Chakra Meditations Complete Collection: Disk 2: Chakra Hara (Svadhisthana)

The second chakra is the Hara Chakra, which links us with others via emotion and feeling. It is in the lower back, belly and sexual organs. It is claimed that a balanced Hara Chakra has deep sensation, sexual fulfillment and elegance. This CD helps to balance your Hara Chakra using strong brainwave training technology.

Chakra Meditations Complete Collection Disk 3: Chakra Power (Manipura)

The Solar Plexus Chakra, also known as Power Chakra, gives us personal strength and sovereignty. It is claimed to put energy and efficiency in harmony. This CD helps balance the solar plexus chakra through strong brainwave training.

Chakra Meditations Complete Collection Disc 4: Chakra Heart (Anahata)

This CD has 60 minutes of brainwave training audio, which is encoded with several levels of training technology. You will experience deep sympathetic warmth as your trip inside this audio develops. Your heart chakra will begin to open over time. With the sounds of wind chimes, and a relaxed musical atmosphere, all improved by brainwave training. The 4th CD in our chakra meditation series enables you to awaken the warmth of this chakra softly and efficiently.

Chakra Meditations Complete Collection Disc 5: Chakra Throat (Vishuddha)

Center of creativity is the Throat Chakra. From here we observe the symbolic character of the world around us and all the depths of communication in diverse forms. Bring balance to your Throat Chakra with the powerful brainwave training technology of Brainwave-Sync.

Chakra Meditations Complete Collection Disk 6: Chakra of the third eye (Ajna) 

The Chakra of the third eye is linked to intuition and the physical realm of seeing. This chakra opens us to the psychic realm and gives us an archetypal insight and vision of the universe. A balancing Third Eye Chakra is supposed to help us to perceive clearly how the world around us interconnects.

Chakra Meditations Complete Collection Disc 7: Chakra Crown (Sahasrara)

The Crown Chakra connects us to the world of pure awareness, which is a portal to your spiritual self. It is claimed that a balanced Crown Chakra provides spiritual links, pleasure, joy and knowledge. The seventh and last CD in the Chakra Meditation series helps restore balance through strong brainwave training technology to your Crown Chakra.

Chakra Meditations Complete Collection Disk 8: Awakening of Kundalini

The Kundalini energy awakening is neither an easy effort nor one that should be taken carelessly. At Brainwave-Sync, we understand this well. The 8th CD in our Chakra Meditation series provides you the power to unleash your own Kundalini softly and efficiently. This audio on Kundalini is encoded with several layers of brainwave training technology, each especially tailored to focus on the chakras and corporeal spots essential to promote Kundalini awakening.

What is Brainwave-Sync?

Brainwave-Sync - Root Chakra - Muladhara Meditation Music with Brainwave Entrainment - Amazon.com Music

Brainwave training, or brainwave synchronization and neural training, refers to the theorized potential of the brain to synchronize its brainwave frequencies naturally with the rhythms of periodical external inputs, most often auditory, visual, or tactile. Neural firing patterns, measured in Hz, are thought to correspond to alert states such as focused concentration, profound sleep etc. It is assumed to induce a desired state of consciousness, which correlates to certain brain activity, such as studying, sleeping, exercise, meditation, creative work, etc., by listening to these bats of various frequencies.

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