
B-School 2021 By Marie Forleo


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B-School 2021 By Marie Forleo – Instant Download!

B-School 2021 By Marie Forleo

Marie Forleo’s B-School Program Details
Ready To Grow Your Dream Business?

The B-School Program
B-School is a 6-week online learning program for values-driven entrepreneurs who want to build a meaningful, profitable business.
Starting and scaling a business requires clarity, vision, and the ability to execute consistently on the right strategies. Without a roadmap or guidance, the process can be overwhelming.

B-School can fast-track your growth and save you years of expensive trial and error. We’ve already helped tens of thousands of entrepreneurs across 650+ industries and 165 countries and territories (and counting).
We’d be honored to work with you too.

Is B-School Right For You?
B-School is for determined and ambitious entrepreneurs who are sick of spinning their wheels, agonizing over what to do next, or simply doubting their ability to start and scale a business.

Regardless of your industry, thriving as an entrepreneur in today’s economy means knowing how to build trust, create meaningful connections, and sell to people online. B-School is right for…

  • Product-Based Businesses
    B-School grads are out there selling flowers, cupcakes, books, apps, clothing, wood carvings, and everything in between. If you sell physical or digital products, B-School can help.
  • Service-Based Businesses
    Whether you teach people how to swing dance at their wedding or do financial consulting for Fortune 500 companies, let B-School take your service-based business to the next level.
  • Brick-and-Mortar Businesses
    Take your brick-and-mortar business online to reach a broader audience, create new revenue streams, and stay relevant in a changing economy.

B-School is intensive and challenging. There are no silver bullets, simple formulas, or guaranteed results.

Running a business requires enormous focus, courage, and tenacity. Most of all, it requires consistent action and a willingness to play the long game.

As the adage goes, give a woman a fish and feed her for a day. Teach her how to fish and feed her for a lifetime. That’s why our primary goal is to train you to think, behave, and make smart decisions like an entrepreneur — so you have skills that serve you for life.

B-School is for doers and changemakers who want to use their gifts to run a modern business that matters.

“B-School helped me find my way back to a childhood passion. I now get to do what I love. I didn’t know that was even possible!”


Everything is Online: No Travel Required
The entire program is based online so you can participate from home or work.

Here’s What You’ll Get In B-School
Whether you’re turning a part-time gig into a full-time business, taking an existing company to new heights, or just starting out, B-School can help. This 6-week online program provides the elements vital to modern business success.

Peace of mind that you’re getting the right things done, in the right order.
Uplevel your ability to communicate, sell, and serve so you can stay profitable and purposeful in any economy.
A distraction-free learning environment to maximize growth and results.

The Core Curriculum
There are six core learning Modules, plus a comprehensive library of bonus trainings, advanced trainings, and masterclasses to help you develop the skills to build a sustainable business.

Map Your Profit-Making, World-Changing Plan
Every remarkable business is built on a strong foundation.
Clarify your business vision, set growth goals, harness your unique strengths, and articulate your bigger mission. You’ll also learn how to:

  • Understand your numbers so you can focus on what generates the most profit and joy
  • Develop creative offers that are exactly what your customers want to buy
  • Make a bulletproof strategy to stand out from the competition
  • Elevate your brand to build trust and skyrocket sales — on any budget
  • Integrate your bigger “why” into your business for greater meaning and impact

You’ll have a clear action plan to achieve any business vision — so that when your life or goals change, so can your business.

Create A Website That
Converts & Sells
A pretty site isn’t enough — your site must convert.
Make sure your website is set up to build trust, convert leads, and make sales 24/7. In this Module, you’ll learn how to:

  • Choose the right platform for your industry and budget
  • Get step-by-step tactics to optimize your leads and conversions
  • Understand the anatomy of a high-converting website, including page layouts, image files, header placement, and more
  • Avoid costly disasters with programmers and designers
  • Remove the popular features that often sabotage sales

No matter what your skill level or budget, this Module will ensure your website is an effective sales machine.

Design A Winning Content Strategy
Content marketing is a must, but it doesn’t have to be a burden.
Streamline your content creation so you can produce more of the right content in less time, drive more sales, and send the perfect ratio of free vs. promotional content. You’ll also:

Generate at least 6 months worth of sales-boosting content ideas in one sitting
Master the elements of high-quality, high-converting content
Get tools, strategies, and best practices to stay consistent and reap the big rewards that come from executing the right content strategy

Execute a simple and effective content strategy that grows your business without burning you out.

Increase Traffic & Amplify
Your Reach
Email marketing is still one of the most profitable business strategies out there, but most entrepreneurs do it wrong — if they do it at all.
Radically increase sales, keep a steady stream of traffic and warm leads coming to your site, and use the power of parallel audiences to elevate your brand. You’ll also:

  • Understand why more traffic isn’t always what you need to boost sales
  • Discover the right (and wrong) way to connect with influencers to leapfrog your way to the top
  • Get 25 free list-building strategies to help you build a high-quality list of buyers

Know when and how to email your audience so you can market directly to those you’re meant to serve.

Create Products & Services
Customers Rave About
The key to a profitable, long-term business is knowing how to create raving fan customers.
Learn how to position your offering to maximize sales, why proactive sales prevention can be your biggest sales booster, and — if you plan to offer programs online — a comprehensive punch list for the do’s and don’ts of online program delivery. You’ll also:

  • Get a 7-step checklist for high-converting offers
  • Learn the 5 factors that determine how much you should charge
  • Discover the “Before, During, After” strategy to turn visitors into raving fans
  • Understand the 8 creative cul-de-sacs (aka time and money sucks) that almost everyone falls into and how you can avoid them

Know how to price, position, and deliver to create true raving fans that can’t wait to buy what you have to offer.

Master Timeless Marketing
To Maximize Sales & Profits
Marketing and sales are the lifeblood of every profitable business.
Uplevel your skills to market and sell with heart, integrity, and impact. Once you develop this capacity, it doesn’t matter how technology or platforms change. You’ll know how to thrive. You’ll also:

  • Discover why customer procrastination can ruin your business and what to do about it
  • Learn to write head-turning headlines and social media updates that increase engagement and sales
  • Understand the importance of risk-reversal and how it can increase sales and customer satisfaction
  • Identify the 5 disciplines of modern marketing and the habit that keeps it growing

Get the tools you need to set your business on a path of continued growth.

Advanced Trainings & Masterclasses
Included With B-School
You’ll also get a comprehensive library of bonus training programs to develop additional skills for growing a business that matters.

Start The Right Business
Struggling to figure out which business to start? Maybe you have too many ideas to choose from or aren’t sure your idea will work. If you’re drowning in confusion, this program will help you find clarity and get going so you can finally start the right business for you.

The Follow-Through Formula
Stop the madness of a dozen half-finished projects. With the help of The Follow-Through Formula you’ll learn the exact strategies to get more done than you ever thought possible. Get instant access to this productivity course as soon as you register.

Getting Started With WordPress, Squarespace & Shopify
Take back control of your website once and for all. These comprehensive nuts-and-bolts trainings will walk you through exactly how to set up your own professional, easy-to-update website. We’ve hand-selected the 3 most popular platforms so you can choose the perfect software for your business.

Set Up Your Metrics & Analytics
How can you know what’s working if you’re not tracking it? This training covers everything you need to know (and nothing you don’t) on how to set up basic Google Analytics, our web metrics tool of choice. Plus, learn which metrics matter in your business and how to use them.

Smart Marketing For Product-Based Businesses
While our marketing strategies apply to all businesses, selling physical goods has some unique challenges. Throughout B-School, you’ll get specific Fun Sheets (growth assignments) for product-based business owners.

All About Opt-Ins
Opt-in forms can feel like a tech mystery. How do you get the form to show up on your website? Once someone opts in, how do they actually receive that PDF download or video you promised? Learn the ins and outs of opt-ins and how they function in this easy-to-digest technical training.

Getting Started with Facebook Ads
In this training, learn how to use inexpensive Facebook ads to grow a highly targeted list of subscribers for your business — FAST. This masterclass will set you up to double and triple your list growth in no time.

Become a PR Rockstar
Getting blogs, magazines, and TV shows to highlight your business can create an avalanche of sales. Learn 5 things you must have before pitching a media outlet, get the ultimate “cheat sheet” to finding media dying to interview you and learn how to deliver interviews that will have the media drooling over your every word.

Systems, Teams & Massive Productivity
Are you drowning in business chaos with no clear system to execute your big vision? Ever wonder how I run my day-to-day business? In this training, get our internal playbook for productivity, project management, and how to hire A players.

How To Grow From Six To Seven Figures
Do you dream of running a $1 million+ business? Making an exponential leap in revenue requires new beliefs and habits. In this closed-door training, I share some of the key psychological and behavioral changes I had to make to lead my company to new heights.

Getting Started with SEO
Learn how to make sure your website can be found on Google with these simple and effective SEO strategies. Set up your sitemap, research relevant keywords, and understand how to use meta and title tags. This step-by-step tutorial will set the foundation to make your website SEO smart from the start.

How To Get Fantastic Testimonials
Customers want to see real success stories before they buy. Do you have amazing testimonials to reassure them? Learn a proven, step-by-step system to get incredible testimonials — no matter what you sell.

How To Build Systems To Delegate Your Workload
Standard operating procedures (SOPs) are the step-by-step instructions for everything that needs to happen in your business. In this training, you’ll learn exactly how to streamline your systems — with checklists! — so you can get work off your plate and focus on the big picture.

5 Money Mistakes That Keep Entrepreneurs From Creating Wealth
Don’t let your fears about money hold you back. Even if you don’t believe in an “abundance mindset,” your beliefs about money will impact your behaviors and, ultimately, your bank account. Learn five timeless principles that will help you create healthier financial habits — both in your business and your life.

Tactical Tips For Public Speaking, Videos, Media Interviews & More
Whether you want to turn public speaking into a career, start a YouTube channel, or just speak more confidently during interviews, this training will help you communicate your message powerfully, while bringing out the best in YOU.

From Burnout to Burning Passion: How to Re-Energize and Refocus When You Crash and Burn
Building your dream business takes hard work, but it doesn’t have to burn you out. Learn how to slash your to do list, reframe your obligations, and create a personal vision of success so you stay energized by your business long-term.

Marie Forleo’s B-School Reviews

When you do the work and stay committed, the results you can create are extraordinary. Just imagine the growth you’ll experience with the right training, guidance, and support.

“Even with my MBA, I found so much value in taking B-School. There’s just no other program that can take you from ground zero to a thriving entrepreneur.”

Founder, Indigenous Celebration
Florida, USA

“I Increased my patient numbers from 1700 to 4000, and reached the half-million mark in revenue.”

Gynecologist & Obstetrician and Doctor for Natural Medicine
Kiel, Germany

About Marie Forleo, Founder of B-School

B-School 2021 By Marie Forleo

I know what it takes to build something from nothing. I started my first business shortly after college under a pile of debt, with no MBA and no safety net. I worked part-time jobs for years to support myself as I grew from a one-woman shop into an Inc. 500, socially conscious company. Some called my dream of building an online education-based company “cute” or wondered if I had a rich husband bankrolling me. After 20 profitable years and millions of lives impacted, we’ve proved the naysayers wrong. There’s never been a better time to stand up for what you believe in and build a business that matters.

B-School is led by Marie Forleo, the creator of the award-winning show MarieTV, host of The Marie Forleo Podcast, and founder who inspires millions. Named by Oprah as a thought leader for the next generation and one of Inc.’s 500 fastest growing companies, Marie’s the author of the instant #1 New York Times bestseller Everything is Figureoutable, which is in 32 languages and counting. Her mission is to help you realize your greatest potential and use your gifts to change the world.

“I went through B-School about 6 months after opening Stash, and sales went through the roof after I started implementing Marie-inspired changes. We had a six-figure year our first full year in business!!!”

Owner of Stash,
A Modern Boutique Yarn Shop, Oregon, USA

This Is Your Time
The World Needs That Special Gift That Only You Have.

B-School 2021 By Marie Forleo, what is it included (Content proof: Watch here!):

  • 01-MAIN
  • 02-MODULES