
Affiliate Promotion Engine + Perpetual Audience Growth 2019

Original price was: $297.00.Current price is: $57.00.

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Affiliate Promotion Engine + Perpetual Audience Growth 2019

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Get Affiliate Promotion Engine + Perpetual Audience Growth 2019 at bestoftrader.com

Learn Our Step-By-Step System To Consistently Drive Tons Of Buyer-Intent Traffic To Any Website
Follow Our Simple Frameworks So You Don’t Have To Hire Expensive
Ad Agencies That Don’t Give You The Results You Want
(It’s Easier Than You Think)…
Here’s What’s In The Training & What You’ll Get:
  • The Grand Overview – We’ll lay out the entire process and big picture, right in the very first video so that you won’t be flying blind throughout the rest of the process. You’ll be better than 90% of marketers at driving traffic from just watching the first video.
  •  Technical Setup – Almost everybody we’ve worked with has set up tracking wrong. We’ll hold your hand and walk you through how to dial in all of your tracking so that you’ll never wonder what’s working and what’s not.
  •  Segmentation Content – We’ll show you how to discover the “lowest hanging fruit” keywords that you can target with ads or SEO that will get the most qualified leads finding your site and offers. You won’t have any questions about what content you should create to get customers coming your way!
  •  Frictionless Content Creation – Learn the easiest ways to create content. You’ll learn how to create content if you want, or if you don’t want to (or don’t have the time), you’ll have a couple of other methods. This will make it super simple to get these done quick so you can start driving traffic.
  •  Setting Up Google Ads & The “Feeder Campaigns” – This is when your traffic fun starts. We’ll show you a super unique way to find targeted keywords so you are right there when your hottest prospects are searching. You’ll target keywords that your competitors don’t know about (but your customers do).
  •  Expanding Google Ads & Getting Seen Everywhere – You’ll learn how to set up ads that will follow your prospects around on a TON of websites. This will get your brand and offers seen by your most engaged visitors (so they come back to buy).
  •  Getting Seen All Over Facebook – Now it’s time to be seen EVERYWHERE on the world’s largest social media platform. You’ll be top-of-mind by your most engaged audience with content that they can’t help but click over. People will start to say “I see you everywhere I go! This must cost you a fortune!” You’ll just chuckle to yourself and think “it’s not that expensive or difficult” 🙂
  •  Optimization of Your Ads & Expanding – Now that you have a nice traffic machine set up that is bringing you qualified leads and sales, let’s do it even better! You’ll learn how to optimize your ads and scale in a smart way so you can bring more leads & sales into your ecosystem everyday.
  •  Search Engine Optimization (A Valuable Bi-Product!) – Free traffic is like the holy grail for any online business. We’ll show you how to fully optimize your pages for SEO so you’ll start to see flows of free traffic (that is highly targeted). THIS is when your profits start to compound.
  •  Expanding Beyond The Strategy – At this point, you’re rockin’ and rollin’. It’s time to bolt on some other traffic tactics (only if you want to). Now that you have your foundation laid, you can add more traffic sources into the mix so you’ll keep building a business that can scale bigger each day.
  •  PLUS: More training is being updated and added all the time, so this will always be a work in progress (but it’s ready for you now!)
And, Of Course, You’ll Get These Bonuses:
Bonus #1: Access To A Private Community of Super Smart Business Owners

This will help you because you ARE a smart business owner and you’ll be able to connect with others who are implementing the traffic system (and you can network about other topics, too 🙂
Bonus #2: Direct Access To Matt & Joe
You’ll get access to the two of us in case you want feedback on how to apply the traffic system to your business or if you have questions about any of your ads. We’re helping customers with this every day!
Bonus #3: Give Us Your Feedback & We’ll Make The Training
Not only are you getting frameworks and a system that’s been proven to produce positive results everyday, but we’re always evolving and updating everything. Based on your feedback, we’ll create new training if it seems like it’ll benefit everyone.
Bonus #4: Get Our Go To Business Processes, Templates,
& Frameworks To Scale Your Business
You’ll be able to swipe our internal proprietary processes and frameworks to scale your own business. This includes which tools we use for our marketing & automations, hiring procedures to find the best VAs, how to systemize internal processes for marketing, content, and more.
Frequently Asked Questions
 What if I already run paid traffic, what can I get from this?
A ton! If you’re anything like 80% of people who run their own paid ads, you’re missing out on almost all of the people who click over to your site. Most people leave your sites and never come back to buy. This training and the frameworks will help you plug holes in your marketing so you are profiting more than you ever have from ads.
 Do I need to hire experts or an agency to run my traffic?
Definitely not! You might think you need to hire experts, but that is their savvy marketing making you think so 😉 We’re all about being transparent and open with how you can run quality traffic everyday. It’s not rocket science (or anywhere close), but agencies and experts want you to think so. You have the ability to take traffic matters into your own hands!
 What do I need in order to use your traffic system ASAP?
It’s definitely best if you already have an offer that is selling either on or offline. That way, you have some baseline numbers you can work with and know how to scale. Ideally, you’ll want to have profit margins that’ll allow you to spend money on marketing (they don’t need to be massive, but not just a few bucks). Other than that, just follow our system!
 What if I’ve never run paid ads before?
That’s okay 🙂 A lot of customers of ours have never touched a Facebook or Google ad platform and didn’t know how to run ads. You don’t need to be an expert to create a perpetual traffic system with ads. Most have been taught wrong. You don’t need any prior ad, tech, or extensive marketing know-how. Just follow our system and you’ll get your traffic going.
 I don’t have time to learn more stuff, can I give this to my team to learn and implement it all?
Heck yes! We know that you are a busy biz owner and are overwhelmed with more info. We’ve made the training so easy to follow along with that even non-techies or marketing folk can follow along and succeed. Just understand the “why” the traffic system works (shown in Module 1) and you’ll be able to know enough to direct your team and trust in the process.
 Does this work in any niche / type of business?
Yup! Similar to what we said about profit margins above, you’ll want to have enough room to invest in your marketing. The traffic system doesn’t change with the niche, but the way you apply the content and ads might slightly. But that’s why we have a community and our access… we can help you with this piece 🙂
Remember You’re Getting…
  • The Grand Overview – We’ll lay out the entire process and big picture, right in the very first video so that you won’t be flying blind throughout the rest of the process. You’ll be better than 90% of marketers at driving traffic from just watching the first video.
  •  Technical Setup – Almost everybody we’ve worked with has set up tracking wrong. We’ll hold your hand and walk you through how to dial in all of your tracking so that you’ll never wonder what’s working and what’s not.
  •  Segmentation Content – We’ll show you how to discover the “lowest hanging fruit” keywords that you can target with ads or SEO that will get the most qualified leads finding your site and offers. You won’t have any questions about what content you should create to get customers coming your way!
  •  Frictionless Content Creation – Learn the easiest ways to create content. You’ll learn how to create content if you want, or if you don’t want to (or don’t have the time), you’ll have a couple of other methods. This will make it super simple to get these done quick so you can start driving traffic.
  •  Setting Up Google Ads & The “Feeder Campaigns” – This is when your traffic fun starts. We’ll show you a super unique way to find targeted keywords so you are right there when your hottest prospects are searching. You’ll target keywords that your competitors don’t know about (but your customers do).
  •  Expanding Google Ads & Getting Seen Everywhere – You’ll learn how to set up ads that will follow your prospects around on a TON of websites. This will get your brand and offers seen by your most engaged visitors (so they come back to buy).
  •  Getting Seen All Over Facebook – Now it’s time to be seen EVERYWHERE on the world’s largest social media platform. You’ll be top-of-mind by your most engaged audience with content that they can’t help but click over. People will start to say “I see you everywhere I go! This must cost you a fortune!” You’ll just chuckle to yourself and think “it’s not that expensive or difficult” 🙂
  •  Optimization of Your Ads & Expanding – Now that you have a nice traffic machine set up that is bringing you qualified leads and sales, let’s do it even better! You’ll learn how to optimize your ads and scale in a smart way so you can bring more leads & sales into your ecosystem everyday.
  •  Search Engine Optimization (A Valuable Bi-Product!) – Free traffic is like the holy grail for any online business. We’ll show you how to fully optimize your pages for SEO so you’ll start to see flows of free traffic (that is highly targeted). THIS is when your profits start to compound.
  •  Expanding Beyond The Strategy – At this point, you’re rockin’ and rollin’. It’s time to bolt on some other traffic tactics (only if you want to). Now that you have your foundation laid, you can add more traffic sources into the mix so you’ll keep building a business that can scale bigger each day.
  •  PLUS: More training is being updated and added all the time, so this will always be a work in progress (but it’s ready for you now!)

Internet Marketing Course

Digital marketing is the component of marketing that utilizes internet and online based digital technologies such as desktop computers,
mobile phones and other digital media and platforms to promote products and services. Its development during the 1990s and 2000s,
changed the way brands and businesses use technology for marketing. As digital platforms became increasingly incorporated into marketing plans and everyday life,
and as people increasingly use digital devices instead of visiting physical shops, digital marketing campaigns have become prevalent,
employing combinations of search engine optimization (SEO), search engine marketing (SEM), content marketing, influencer marketing, content automation,
campaign marketing, data-driven marketing, e-commerce marketing, social media marketing, social media optimization, e-mail direct marketing, display advertising,
e–books, and optical disks and games have become commonplace. Digital marketing extends to non-Internet channels that provide digital media, such as television,
mobile phones (SMS and MMS), callback, and on-hold mobile ring tones. The extension to non-Internet channels differentiates digital marketing from online marketing.